Chapter 25 - The Battle of Lordran (Part 5)

Taking a deep breath, Achille ignored his wound and dropped his sword. A darkness appeared around his hand, the darkness changed according to his will, turning into a long war spear.

The war spear didn't seem to have any solidity, it rippled like the waves of a calm sea and a very evil feeling emanated from the weapon. A malicious and very frightening feeling, almost as if it had told the world its function.

To devour in order to become stronger.

"Dark Spear." Achille muttered to himself in a cold tone. He could feel it, the spear was trying to devour him, its current master and descendant of its creator. But that alone showed how special this weapon was.

This was no mere weapon, it was the weapon that Amom Agrece used to kill an Outer God, the first to die by human hands! 

Its name alone brought chills to the deepest demons of hell and despair to those who wielded it.

A truly cursed weapon in every sense of the word.

It was passed down from generation to generation, only the patriarch or matriarch of House Agrece could use it. However, the minimum requirement to be able to wield a weapon of this caliber was to be a Special Grade Beyonder.

This condition alone seemed to remove ninety-nine percent of all Beyonder in the world from selection. 

But this minimum requirement was put in place by Amom Agrece himself for a reason. Any being below Special Grade would be devoured in an instant. Even Special Grade Beyonder couldn't use the weapon for long. 

When Dark Spear manifested in the real world, even the barrier couldn't isolate the aura it emanated. A thick layer of darkness seemed to cover the entire Eternal Night Palace. It looked like a huge snake's mouth swallowing up the entire palace.

Even ordinary people could notice the black aura from miles away.

Mereoleona looked at the darkness covering the palace and couldn't help but show a rare caution hiding the fear behind her gaze.

Why were the Agrece so respected?

The Agrece's impartiality was one of the reasons. House Agrece did not discriminate against any supernatural races. As the family motto itself indicated.

- Interficere eum qui mori meretur-

Kill those who deserve to die.

But apart from the sense of justice unbreakable for a thousand years, the other thing everyone respected was that weapon.

A weapon that was once bathed in the blood and body of an Outer God.

There is no more intelligent method of gaining respect than by showing one's strength.

It has always been the most barbaric and efficient method of gaining respect around the world.

People didn't follow weak people, they followed powerful and ambitious kings. 

In this world, strength was even more important - you could be incompetent, but not weak.

The House of Agrece was the main follower of this methodology. Weakness is the original sin.

And such a weapon was in the hands of one of the most powerful families on the planet.

There was no way Mereoleona could remain calm knowing that a cursed weapon had manifested itself in the political center of all of Lordran.

Inside the Palace of Eternal Night.

The once beautifully opulent ballroom was now just a wasteland with sleeping people and beings of powers that could not be conceived by the human imagination were fighting. 

If the atmosphere outside the palace was frightening, inside the palace seemed like a real hell.

The Dark Spear's aura kept mutating everything around it, including the walls, ceiling and floor; the whole hall seemed to be shrouded in a cloak of shadows. From these shadows, eyes as red as snakes seemed full of greed.

If it hadn't been for Achille who was controlling the spear, the whole of Lordran would have been like an appetizer for the Dark Spear that kept emanating a feeling of greed and bloodlust.

Feeling the spear's rejection in his hands, Achille showed a cold look and didn't hesitate to force control of the spear, which didn't seem at all happy about the situation. He accelerated the process of devouring the body of the patriarch of the Agrece house even more.

Unmoved by the Dark Spear's slight movements, Achille looked coldly at the Apostle of Purity, and there was a very real fear on his face. He could feel the terror of the spear in Achille's hands

However, Achille didn't give the Apostle of Purity a chance to think, he simply swung the spear and black rays made of pure darkness materialized in front of him.

The air crackled with the sound of electricity. Dozens of them, all aimed at Rowan.

The body of the former Marshall of the Golden Order didn't even have time to react, the rays of black electricity were so fast that even with his superior reflexes, he didn't even catch a fleeting trace of something in the air. 

In a single instant, dozens of beams pierced the Apostle's body, and he didn't even have time to defend himself. 

The huge, three-meter-high body of the Apostle of Purity fell to its knees on the ground. Blood gradually oozed out of all eighteen wounds, the electric spears digging deep into his cursed flesh. Naturally, an attack like that wouldn't kill someone as powerful as the Apostle. 

However, what was stuck to Rowan's body were not simple spears of electricity, but small parts of the Dark Spear, which, when it tasted his blood, began to devour him from the inside out.

Rowan felt his body being devoured, as if he were being torn apart by hundreds of hyenas at once. He tried to use the blessing he had gained from his master, but it was useless.

The Dark Spear was like a starving street dog, that no matter what you did, nothing could take the bone out of its mouth.

Rowan ignored the feeling of being devoured and stood up again, he needed to kill Achille in order to return to the Astral World and remove this cursed spear that was devouring him from the inside.

Achille naturally knew what the Apostle of Purity was thinking at that moment. Forcing control over the Cursed Spear once again.

The malicious darkness rippled around him and Achille raised the spear upwards.

"Fall." He spat out a single word, but what followed could be considered a breathtaking scene. 

Black lightning bathed a certain area of the ballroom, largely avoiding the areas containing the guests, but some were still unlucky enough to be hit by the Dark Spear and died while still fighting their own heavies. They died in an instant, devoured by the spear that seemed increasingly demonic.

Rowan, seeing the attacks, used his battle axe and slammed into the Dark Spear while trying to get closer and closer to Achille, but the battle axe itself didn't seem to be as strong as the Dark Spear, as it began to crack after just a few blows with the spear.

This made Rowan understand the difference in weapons, his axe, which had been with him for hundreds of years, looked no different from the garbage in front of the terrifying spear Achille wielded. 

Knowing that he couldn't defend himself with his axe for long, Rowan fired his forward, he wanted to end it all in an instant.

Ignoring the axe that was about to be broken at any moment, Rowan's huge body appeared almost instantly in front of Achille. In his right hand, a sword of pure light was just a few sentiments away from the heart of the Patriarch of House Agrece.

But unlike the fear he expected to see in Achille's expression, he saw a cold smile on his lips. A feeling of death appeared in Rowan's heart, he didn't understand why Achille could smile like that even though he knew his heart would be pierced by his sword.

Were the Agrece so arrogant that they considered their own death as nothing?

But the answer to the Apostle of Purity's doubts came in an instant. 

A huge scythe appeared behind his body, and the one wielding it was a woman. 

A woman with dreamy black hair that resembled the feathers of a crow and eyes so dark that there was no light in them.

However, he didn't have time to think about why the Witch, who should have been in another country, was in England at the moment.

That's because his body was split in two by the scythe as the Dark Spaer stabbed her head!


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