Chapter 29 - Consequences (Part 2)

Astral World.

The Astral World had a predominantly grey color wherever you looked, millions or dozens of paths made of stones could be seen on the greyish sandy floor.

Whether these paths led anywhere was difficult to know, but the best option was to hope for a quick and painless death. A luxury that few had the pleasure of receiving.

The sun in the background looked like a doodle made by an innocent child with confused and crooked strokes. Yet it seemed undeniably real, exuding enough heat to make the sun of the human world a slightly larger flame.

The air seemed to be made of black sand, it smelled of rust and decay, it was as if the world was rotten to its core.

- Crimson Sea.

A very special place in the Astral world, even outer gods dared not delve into these red waters. Those who dared became slaves for all eternity, death just a luxury they wouldn't have.

Under the blood-red waters, a woman bathed with slow, graceful movements, letting the water flow slowly down her naked body. Her hands glided over her own body as her long blonde hair floated under the water behind her.

"Alastor..." A whisper escaped from her red lips, a delirious and somewhat crazed look reflected on the woman's face. The image of the young man seemed to resurface in her mind and it didn't seem to disappear, on the contrary, it became clearer and clearer as time went by.

The red sea began to change with her feelings, sarcomas of blood and flesh emerged from the waters, creating truly grotesque mountains. The crimson moon in the night sky shone like never before.

Suddenly, a white light shone above the Crimson Sea, a giant being of pure luminosity with four arms and dozens of eyes appeared on the horizon.

"You dare hurt my consort, Badrim." The Crimson Moon's face was completely cold, its red eyes watching the giant of light. Her nakedness was covered by a red mist, which moved as if it were life around her body.

"You attacked me first and you dare accuse me, Nyssathra." A tone full of compassion escaped the lips of the giant of light, his mere voice capable of calming even the heart most troubled by darkness. Everything around him seemed to turn into the purest light.

"You disregarded my orders and dared to touch my consort." Nyssathra, The Crimson Moon, uttered gracefully, but behind her grace, her voice was terribly cold to the point of making everything around her squirm grotesquely.

Everything around her began to reproduce, the concept of "Fertility" and "Feminine" resounded in the world, even water seemed to be able to give birth to offspring at that moment.

And that's what happened, horrible monsters dominated by madness were born from the red waters. Even the air couldn't seem to escape reproducing itself, creating and breeding more monsters.

Even Badrim didn't seem immune to the Crimson Moon Authority, as his luminous skin began to expand and swell grotesquely, and a mere instant later, a naked girl with long white hair and golden eyes looked at Badrim with a gaze full of love and desire for her father.

"Daddy, I love you~" she said, her innocent, gentle tone full of dependence and love.

"Aren't you going to greet your daughter? What a terrible man not to assume his own paternity." Nyssathra asked, her beautiful, graceful voice not hiding the sadistic smile watching the child Badrim had just given birth to.

Badrim looked at his daughter with a look of compassion and with his simple gaze, the adorable child exploded into millions of pieces with a disgusting and grotesque sound, spreading blood and flesh everywhere.

Yes, it was his daughter, whom he had just given birth to on his own because of Nyssathra's pollution, but in the eyes of the Outer God, the child was just a perfect vessel to steal his authorities and weaken him, forcing him into a deep sleep.

And if he fell into a deep sleep, he could imagine that his body would be a plaything in the hands of the Crimson Moon, and he might never wake up in his life.

"What a cold man, killing his own daughter." Nyssathra commented, her red eyes full of amusement. The red mist that covered her nakedness moved like calm waves on a lake, her long, beautiful golden hair like pale rays of the sun trailing behind her like a great carpet.

"Your orders are of little interest to me, Crimson Moon, don't forget, I'm not your vassal." Badrim replied with a cold tone for the first time, even he could not remain indifferent to Nyssathra's actions.

"However, I am curious about your consort-" Just as Badrim was about to continue, the world began to change. Everything began to vibrate with a strange vibration, it seemed as if the world was beginning to take on a life of its own.

Badrim did not stand back in the face of such a brazen attack on his being. The will of the Outer God tore reality apart as if it were a toy. Bright particles resembling stars in a night sky shone around his body.

All of Badrim's dozens of gigantic golden eyes were fixed on the small figure walking under red water, rising up behind it, mountains of flesh and blood made up of the most diverse monsters.

Badrim couldn't understand why Nyssathra could get so angry at the mere mention of her consort. It was totally irrational even for beings who literally embodied the irrational of the cosmos!

Even so, he wouldn't be intimidated by this troublesome woman, he was also one of the Five Sons of Chaos, a being born at the dawn of the universe, the embodiment of all the light, purity and good feelings in the universe.

The two completely different forces clashed in an instant, the fabric of reality collapsing directly in the first confrontation. Literal black holes formed as space and time were distorted in grotesque and horrific ways by the two beings.

Nyssathra raised her hand and gracefully gestured in the air. In the next moment, aberrations were born from Badrim's body, devouring the flesh and blood of the Outer God, or rather his essence.

Badrim looked at his children and killed them all without any hesitation, but what happened in the next second made him look extremely dissatisfied.

Children and more children began to be born from his body, all devouring his essence and stealing his authorities. Something he absolutely could not allow.

"How dare you, Nyssathra!!!" Badrim spoke with an irritated tone, his angry voice resounding throughout the Astral World.

Angry to the extreme, The First Light, which began to shine, a light reminiscent of twilight at the end of the day. A light that rotted everything that came into contact with the orange light.

Badrim's children melted like ice exposed to the scorching sun, turning to ash, but the twilight didn't seem satisfied with killing only his offspring and headed towards the Crimson Moon.

Twisted flesh and blood collided head-on with the twilight, one representing the decay of the world and the other primordial life. They collided with each other, sending shockwaves throughout the Astral World.

Unknown entities, inhabitants of the Astral World and External Gods watched the fight from afar and didn't dare approach. If they were caught in the crossfire, it would end very badly. Especially with the reputation of the First Light and the Crimson Moon, two beings who enslaved others on a whim.


Explosions and screams of horror erupted from the battle site, roars and cries of terror could make even the bravest of men flinch. The world seemed to shudder.

Suddenly, in a mere moment, everything stopped, no more explosions or screams of horror. There was nothing else, everything seemed to have disappeared, even silence ceased to exist at that moment.

Time seemed to stand still at that moment.

Nyssathra looked at the gigantic pale eye and stopped her attacks, something that Badrim did likewise. Both outer deities looked at the Outer God who had just arrived with rather rude looks.

The Outer God was the size of a giant mountain, its round shape resembled a planet, it was pale and colorless. It looked like an eye without pupils with only a silver iris. There were tentacles around the round figure while sarcomas of flesh contaminated its skin.

"Have you come to disturb our fight? Tyrhaloth." Nyssathra looked at the Pale King, her voice charming and fearless in front of one of the most frightening and powerful Outer Gods of the cosmos. "You have disturbed Father. He seeks sleep and you deprive him of it with this battle." The gigantic eye looked at the two Outer Gods and spoke with a cold, inexpressive tone.

Badrim frowned as he heard this, the voices in his mind and the madness eating away at his soul intensifying at the mention of the Father.

Knowing that he could wake the aberration, he decided to retreat.

Taking one last look at Nyssathra, Badrim stepped forward and disappeared from the battlefield, his huge body appearing on the horizon and then vanishing.

Nyssathra looked at Badrim's disappearing figure and snorted coldly, she too decided to retreat, she had already done what she wanted to do in the first place, there was no point in causing more fuss over something like this.

Tyrhaloth, the Pale King, seeing that the battle had ceased completely, turned the world back to normal and disappeared as if he had never appeared in the first place.


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