
[Goblin Troop: Rank D]

The goblins were dressed in tattered rags, clutching wooden clubs with trembling arms, and only a single one holding a crude dagger.

They had fearful expressions on their faces as they glanced back over their shoulder.

In a few seconds, Alex found out what it was that was chasing them.

A scorpion-like tail shot out from the shrub impaling the slowest goblin in the group.

The creature effortlessly lifted the corpse and hurled it towards its companions ahead, causing them to tumble to the forest floor in disarray.

The cockatrice stepped out and closed the distance with the goblin.

The green creatures stood and gripped their weapons with trembling hands, showing their backs was suicide, they had no other option but to fight. 

Alex watching the show, took out a piece of meat from his inventory and began to eat. It just felt like the right thing to do at the moment. 

The goblins, driven by a primal instinct to survive, let out a collective battle cry and lunged at the cockatrice, brandishing their crude weapons.

But the scary bird was fast, effortlessly evading their clumsy attacks. 

With its razor-sharp beak, the cockatrice ruthlessly impaled one of the goblins in the chest, and with a swift motion of its tail, it sent another hurtling into its comrade. 

With a flap of its wings, the cockatrice gracefully leaped onto one of the goblins, its talons slashing mercilessly at its writhing victim.

The unfortunate goblin's agonized screams pierced the air, and even Alex couldn't help but wince at the gruesome sight.

"Okay, now that's just unnecessary violence."

Alex shook his head, the cockatrice could have ended it in a move.

While the cockatrice was busy with its blood-seeking assault.

One of the goblins crept from behind, it's beady eyes locked on the cockatrice.

With a swift and merciless strike, the goblin swung its club towards the bird's head, its malice evident in the grit of its teeth.

The club found its mark, landing a clean blow on the back of the cockatrice's skull. 

The cockatrice staggered forward, a yelp escaping its beak, disoriented by the unexpected attack.

The goblin feeling emboldened by it's success, charged at the cockatrice hoping to hit it once again, but it didn't take account of it's deadly tail.

With a swift motion, the cockatrice took the goblin's head off cleanly from its body.

The goblin's severed head went hurtling through the air, and it's decapitated body crumpled to the ground.

The cockatrice then began to shake its head vigorously, its eyes filled with pain.

The goblin's club had inflicted significant damage.

Alex then noticed one of the goblins climb from under the corpse of another.

One more goblin was still alive, and the bird didn't seem to have noticed it.

The goblin wasted no time, it picked up a wooden club and swung it with all its might, striking the back of the cockatrice's head.

The cockatrice, now in a drunken stupor, swayed and swung its tail wildly, but it found no target.

The goblin, fueled by determination and perhaps a touch of madness, stepped forward once more, delivering a decisive blow that landed squarely on the bird's face.

With a thud, the cockatrice's massive body collapsed to the side, twitching in its final moments.

The goblin discarded the bloodied club and produced a crude dagger, a glint of savagery in its eyes.

It stood over the cockatrice's neck, and plunged the dagger into its skull.

But it didn't stop there, it began to struck the cockatrice head continuously.

The air filled with the gruesome sound of flesh tearing, and blood spewing forth. 

The goblin's assault continued until, finally, it severed the cockatrice's head completely.

It held the severed head to the sky and yelled in victory, it's body drenched in blood.

Alex shook his head at the barbaric scene. He hadn't noticed it before, but this goblin had a different name.

(Goblin Scout: Rank D)

"No wonder it had a dagger," Alex muttered. 

He contemplated whether or not he should cut the goblin celebration short, but decided against it.

It's was a victory poorly earned at the sacrifice of it's allies.

The goblins and cockatrice seemed to be enemies, and Alex guessed, it was more likely the birds fault as they were aggressively territorial. 

The goblin scout began to move, and Alex decided to follow it.

The goblins will be an enemy in the future, and it was best to know their base of operation.

Alex followed from a distance as he didn't want to get close and alert it, but that made the goblin harder to track as it was small and nimble 

After a few minutes of running the goblin finally reached its destination.

Alex stopped further away and watched as the little goblin approached what appeared to be the entrance of a cave, concealed beneath a canopy of trees.

In the clearing before the cave's mouth, gathered a lot of goblins.

Some held clubs, others pitchforks and a few daggers. 

It looked like they were going to war, and Alex figured it against the cockatrices.

The gathered goblin made way for the scout to pass.

The small goblin heaving from exertion, walked towards a massive figure seated upon a wooden throne-like chair.

This huge goblin was as tall as a human, with muscles that rippled beneath it's greenish skin, and teeth that poked menacingly like that of a tiger. 

[Goblin Boss ( Rank D) ]

The boss goblin sat lazily on the chair leisurely gnawing on a chunk of meat, relishing every bite. 

The scout goblin bowed deeply and gingerly laid the severed cockatrice head before the imposing leader.

With a nod of acknowledgment, the goblin boss parted its gnarled lips, revealing a set of sharp, jagged teeth as it commanded:


Alex's mouth dropped wide open.

Among all the surprises he had gotten since beginning the tutorial this tops it all.

'The goblins could talk.'