Developing Intuition – Trusting the Whisper of the Inner Voice

Exercise 2: The Intuitive Decision-Maker

This exercise will help you learn to rely on your intuition in decision-making. By quieting the mind and listening to the subtle impressions that arise when faced with choices, you can begin to make decisions more in line with your higher self.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Identify a Decision: Think of a decision you need to make today. It can be small (like choosing what to eat for lunch) or something more significant.

Get into a Relaxed State: Take a few deep breaths and close your eyes. Allow yourself to enter a calm, quiet space where your mind can be still.

Ask Yourself the Question: Mentally ask yourself, "What is the right choice?" or "Which option is best for me?"

Feel for the Answer: Pay attention to the first feeling, image, or thought that arises. Trust your first impression—it's often the purest form of intuition.

Trust the Process: Write down the answer, even if it doesn't make immediate sense. Then, act on that guidance and observe the results.

Daily Practice: Try this exercise daily for even small decisions. As you practice, your ability to trust your intuition will grow stronger, and your responses will become more immediate and clearer.