Precognition – Glimpsing Future Events

Exercise 4: Precognitive Visualization Practice

This exercise involves using visualization to project your awareness into the future and receive insights about upcoming events.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Relax and Focus: Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Take several deep breaths to relax your body and quiet your mind.

Visualize a Future Scene: Imagine a place or event in the near future, such as a meeting, a conversation, or a decision you will have to make. Visualize this moment in detail—see the surroundings, the people involved, and the situation.

Let the Future Unfold: As you focus on this future scene, let your mind stay open to any unexpected details or outcomes.

Do you see someone arriving unexpectedly?

Does the mood of the scene feel different than you anticipated?

Trust the Details: Pay attention to anything that feels significant—images, feelings, or changes in the scene. These subtle details may be precognitive impressions.

Journal Your Experience: After the visualization, write down any impressions or details that stood out to you. Later, compare your visualization with the actual event to see if there were any matches.