Energy Healing – Channeling Life Force Energy

Exercise 2: Self-Healing with Energy

Energy healing begins with self-healing. By channeling energy into your own body, you can clear blockages, promote physical healing, and restore emotional balance.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Find a Calm Environment: Sit or lie down in a comfortable position in a quiet room. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths to center yourself.

Visualize Healing Light: Imagine a bright, healing light flowing down from above and entering the top of your head. See this light filling your entire body with warmth and vitality.

Direct the Energy with Your Hands: Place your hands on the area of your body that needs healing. If you're not sure where to focus, simply place your hands on your heart or solar plexus. Imagine energy flowing from your hands into this area, clearing away any blockages or tension.

Feel the Energy Flow: As you focus, feel the energy flowing through your hands and into your body. Visualize the light becoming brighter and stronger as it moves through you, restoring balance and health.

End the Session: When you feel the session is complete, take a few deep breaths and thank the energy for the healing it has provided. Open your eyes and allow yourself to rest for a moment before resuming your day.

Repeat as Needed: Self-healing can be done daily or whenever you feel the need to clear your energy or boost your vitality.

"You are a powerful healer,"