Bryan vs Max

The first round of the tournament was about to start, and I stood in the waiting area, scanning the stands. The audience was buzzing with excitement, and the announcer's voice echoed through the air as the matchups were called out.

"And now, for our next battle! On the left side, we have Max, a newcomer to the tournament!" The crowd murmured, intrigued by the mention of a new competitor.

As I walked in the arena, I can see the audience paying no mind to me. But Ella reaction was priceless.

"And on the right side, we have Bryan, a seasoned trainer with a reputation for his aggression!"

So, Broccoli's name is Bryan, huh? I guess I'll have to make sure that reputation gets a little tarnished today.

Bryan swaggered into the arena, his smirk only widening as he saw me standing across from him. He tossed his Pokeball into the air with a cocky flourish. "You're going down, newbie. Lycanroc, let's show him what real power looks like!"

"What the? A Lycanroc? Just my luck, a perfect counter for my Houndour."

Bryan's smirk widened as his Lycanroc materialized on the battlefield, its eyes gleaming with feral intensity. The crowd murmured in awe at the sight of the sleek Rock-type, its sharp claws scraping the ground, ready to strike.

"What's the matter, Max? You look nervous," Bryan taunted, his confidence oozing. "A Fire-type like Houndour doesn't stand a chance against my Lycanroc. This'll be over before you know it."

I gritted my teeth, feeling the pressure. He wasn't wrong, Rock-types had a major advantage over Fire-types, and Lycanroc's speed and power made it even more dangerous.

"Don't let him get into your head, you're a great trainer, Max." I muttered to myself.

"Alright, Houndour," I said, my voice steady despite the nerves. "We can't beat him head on, but I still have my mind."

Bryan chuckled. "This'll be fun. Lycanroc, use Rock Throw!"

"Houndour, get out of there!"

Houndour leaped out of the way, narrowly avoiding the barrage of stones. I knew we couldn't take a direct hit from that, Houndour wouldn't last long against Rock-type moves. We had to play smart. I need my mind to think of something.

Bryan's Lycanroc was strong, no doubt, but I wasn't out of options yet. If we played this right, we could turn the tide.

"Alright, Houndour," I called, keeping my eyes sharp on the battlefield. "We need to keep our distance for now. Use Ember and keep moving!"

Houndour barked in response, launching a flurry of small flames toward Lycanroc. Bryan smirked again, not worried.

"Really? That's your move? Lycanroc, dodge and close in with Bite!"

Lycanroc dodged the embers with ease, weaving through the flames as if they were nothing. Its swift movements brought it closer to Houndour in no time, its jaws gleaming as it prepared to sink its teeth in with a vicious Bite.

"Houndour, jump back!"

Houndour barely managed to leap out of Lycanroc's reach, but I could see the gap between their speed was widening. Lycanroc was faster and stronger this wasn't a fight we could win by going toe to toe. Bryan knew that too.

"Come on, Max! You're just running away!" Bryan taunted, his confidence growing. "You can't keep dodging forever. Lycanroc, chase it down! Corner it!"

I had to think fast. The battlefield wasn't in my favor, but I had something Bryan didn't, unpredictability. Lycanroc was aggressive, and Bryan was getting cockier with each dodge. I needed to exploit that recklessness.

"Alright, Houndour, get ready," I said, thinking fast. "Use Smog! Cover the field!"

Houndour barked in response and unleashed a cloud of thick, smoke that quickly enveloped the arena. The Smog obscured everything, including Lycanroc's vision.

Bryan's cocky grin faltered slightly as he lost sight of his Pokémon. "Lycanroc, stay sharp! Use Rock Throw again!"

Rocks began flying through the smoke, crashing into the ground, but without a clear target, Lycanroc's attacks were wild and unfocused.

"Houndour, now! Use Ember, but aim for the edges of the smoke!"

Houndour sprang into action, launching small bursts of fire toward the outer perimeter of the Smog. The flames lit up the arena, illuminating the mist and giving me a glimpse of Lycanroc's form, still trying to adjust to the sudden blindness.

Bryan's eyes widened. "What are you doing? You can't hit it like that!"

"Maybe not, but I can force it to move," I muttered under my breath.

"Houndour, keep firing! Make it move!" I shouted, watching as Lycanroc struggled to dodge the flaming projectiles. It lunged forward, trying to escape the onslaught but tripped over a loose stone, tumbling to the ground.

"Now, Houndour! Go in, use Foul Play!"

Houndour charged forward, flames flickering around its body, and expertly leaped onto Lycanroc's back. With a swift movement, it used Foul Play, twisting Lycanroc's own weight against it and throwing the Rock-type off balance.

The crowd erupted into cheers, the noise echoing in my ears as I watched the scene unfold. Bryan's confidence had turned to panic as Lycanroc struggled to regain its footing.

"Lycanroc! Get up!" Bryan shouted, desperation seeping into his voice. "Use Rock Slide!"

But the command came too late. Houndour sank its teeth into Lycanroc's shoulder, the fire searing through its fur and making it howl in pain. I could see the damage piling up, and I felt the thrill of hope. Maybe we could do this.

"Keep it pinned, Houndour! Use Fire Fang!"

Houndour's teeth ignited with fiery intensity as it clamped down harder on Lycanroc, the flames engulfing its opponent. With a determined growl, Houndour shook its head side to side, further searing Lycanroc's shoulder and forcing it to the ground.

"Come on, Lycanroc!" Bryan yelled, his voice tinged with frustration. "Get up! You can't lose to a newbie!"

But Lycanroc struggled, its body writhing in pain under Houndour's grip.

"Houndour, let's finish this! Use Incinerate!"

Houndour released a powerful blast of fire, the flames surging toward Lycanroc like a raging inferno. The crowd gasped as the heat radiated through the arena, and Bryan's expression shifted from frustration to shock.

"Lycanroc! No!" He shouted, desperation creeping into his voice as the flames engulfed the Rock-type.

The fiery blast exploded against Lycanroc, sending a shockwave that echoed through the arena. The dust and smoke cleared, revealing Lycanroc on the ground, unable to rise.

The referee stepped forward, raising his flag high. "Lycanroc is unable to battle! The winner is Max!"

The crowd erupted into cheers, their enthusiasm washing over me like a wave. I felt a rush of exhilaration mixed with disbelief.

"That was an incredible thinking by the newcomer, I can't believe we have a trainer who think like this!" The announcer's voice rang out through the arena, heightening the atmosphere even further. "Max has taken down a seasoned trainer in his very first match! What a display of strategy and skill!"

I could hardly believe it myself as I walked across the battlefield, my heart pounding in my chest. Houndour returned to my side, looking proud and energized after our victory.

As I made my way out of the arena, Ella was waiting for me, her face glowing with excitement. "Max! I can't believe you've joined the tournament!"

I couldn't help but grin at her enthusiasm. "I didn't want to miss out on the chance to test Houndour and my skills."

"You were amazing! The way you used Smog to obscure the battlefield was so clever. I didn't think you could pull that off against a trainer like Bryan!"

"Just say that you don't believe in my way of thinking."

"No! Me and my Eevee are clearly cheering for you! I think..."

"You think? So you're not cheering for me..."

"Uhm... Let's forget about it, just focus on the next round."

Just after she said that, Bryan stride beside us, clearly unhappy with the way the match end. I smirk at him with confidence. "What do you say to that? Broccoli."

Bryan glared at me, his fists clenched at his sides. "You got lucky, newbie."

"Really? I don't think I got lucky, I just have a brain in this head and you don't."

"You think you're some hotshot now? That was just one battle! You won't get so lucky next time!"

"It's not about luck, Broccoli. It's about strategy. Maybe if you focused on your tactics instead of trying to intimidate your opponents, you wouldn't be so easy to beat."

Ella stood beside me, glancing between the two of us, a concern look on her face. "Let's not make this any worse, okay? You both had great battles. How about we focus on the next rounds instead?"

Bryan scoffed, crossing his arms. "Next round? I'll be watching you closely. Don't think this is over." He shot me one last glare before storming away.

"Wow, he really knows how to take a loss gracefully," I muttered, shaking my head.

"You never change, Max." Ella says, shaking her head in disappointment.

"I just gave him a little trashtalk, that's all." I smirked.

Ella nodded, but I could tell she still worried about the consequences. "Just be careful. You don't want to provoke him too much. He might come back with a grudge."

I shrugged it off. "I can handle him. If anything, I'm more motivated now. Winning the first round feels amazing, and I'm not about to let some sore loser get in my way."

The announcer's voice echoed again, calling for the next matchups. I glance at the tournament bracket on the wall, my face is etched on the second round.

Ella leaned over, pointing. "I'm sure you'll face Tiara next. She's a Grass-Type user and she's a good trainer."

"A Grass-Type? Against a Fire-Type? Good matchup, really..." I shake my head, I'm clearly not worried about this.

As the crowd's energy buzzed around us, I could feel the anticipation building for my next match. I watched the arena closely as other battles unfolded, taking mental notes on the tactics trainers were employing.

Suddenly, a loud cheer erupted from the stands, pulling my attention to one of the ongoing battles. A trainer with bright pink hair was commanding her Pokemon, a majestic Leafeon, taking control of the match with precision. The Leafeon danced around its opponent, executing its moves with grace and power, leaving the audience in awe.

"That's Tiara, Max."

"I think I'm inlove," I muttered with a smirk, my competitive spirit igniting as I watched the expert display.

As the battles progressed, I kept my eyes on her and her Leafeon, trying to analyze their moves. I noticed how she expertly used Leafeon's agility to dodge attacks while striking back with swift Leaf Blades. Her tactics were brilliant, and she clearly had a strong bond with her Pokémon.

Ella watched beside me, her gaze flicking from the match to me. "You're really into this, aren't you?"

"Yeah, my competitive spirit is igniting heavily. I'm itching to fight her."

"You always say that, even when we were little kids and doesn't have any Pokemon. I don't get it, what's wrong with your spirit?"

"What's wrong with wanting to prove myself? This is a chance to show what I can do."

"You know what? Forget it, there's clearly something wrong in your head."

As the match drew to a close, Tiara's Leafeon landed the final blow, knocking its opponent out of the ring. The crowd erupted into applause, and Tiara raised her arms in victory, her face lighting up with joy.

"That's it folks! Tiara is advancing to the quarterfinals! He will face our newcomer, please wait until the next round."

The announcer's voice reverberated through the arena, and the audience buzzed with excitement, the atmosphere is electric.

I made my way back to the waiting area, I carefully placed Houndour's Pokeball on the machine, watching the healing lights flicker as it scanned and restored my Pokemon's strength. Houndour emerged moments later, looking revitalized and ready for action. I knelt down to its level, ruffling its fur affectionately.

After a short wait, I heard the announcer's voice booming through the arena once more. "Attention, trainers! It's time for the quarterfinals match!"

As I approached the center of the arena, I spotted Tiara across from me. She was standing confidently, her long pink hair swaying slightly in the breeze. A determined smile graced her lips, and her Leafeon stood poised and ready.

"So, you're the newbie everyone's been talking about," She said, her voice is warm and challenging. "I hope you're ready for a real challenge."

"Ready as I'll ever be. Houndour and I have been looking forward to this match."

Tiara's Leafeon tilted its head, eyes glimmering with an intelligent curiosity. I could sense the bond they shared, it was the kind of connection that only comes with time and experience.

The referee stepped between us, raising his flag. "Trainers, you know the rules! This will be a one-on-one battle. Begin when you're ready!"