You smiled and smiled, sweeter than sweet honey

By: Amoureax Amant

You smiled and smiled, sweeter than sweet honey,

with a dimple, nicer than nice valley,

where pansies climbed and climbed over mountain,

where lilies bathed and bathed in fog curtain.

You sipped and sipped, tasted hot daisy tea,

in breeze carried fragrance from fragrant sea,

through fragrant-spread valley filled with pansies,

toward green amber lake filled with lilies.

You peeked and peeked, daylight unmasked gauze fog,

and heard and heard, bird's chirps came with blade frog,

when lily bathed and bathed in amber lake,

when blade frog crooned and crooned with floating drake.

You sailed and sailed, followed flowers fragrance,

into deep lake to see two swans danced dance.