Pear tree leaned on pear tree in full flowers

By: Amoureax Amant

Pear tree leaned on pear tree in full flowers,

appeared as if both were white hair lovers,

as if both arm in arm watched setting sun,

as if both listened wind with rustle tune.

Pear petals swirled as lightly as feathers,

swirled like snowflake drifted over rivers,

like dadelions settled on far mountain,

like willow blossom danced through spring fountain.

You were pear tree filled with pale snow blossom,

whose petal swirled with lovesickness in dome,

for whom green hair condensed as white as snow,

when wind combed willow hair and mowed meadow.

I was pear tree blossomed with thought of you,

bathed in sunshine with you and tossed you dew.