Chapter 003 - The Transmigration?

"As I enter this next life, please let my sister be safe, please keep her life pure and keep her from harm…"


"Aggh!" Shay screamed, his hands in the air, jumping around wildly. "Don't do that to people! Wait, where am I? Where is this? Who are you?"

Shay looked up and down at the woman in front of him. Dressed in a priestess' garb, she had… scales on her face? The lady smiled at him.

"No seriously, who are you?"

She tapped her staff on the floor three times. "I am the Princess Anaura, Priestess of Dragons and holder of the Sacred System Stone." She looked at him expectantly.

"In that case, I don't think we've met. Why are we here?"

Rolling her eyes, she fluctuated her wrist slightly. Afterwards, she grabbed a small orb from her pouch before replying to him.

"I decided to abduct you based on your soul fluctuations. Luckily, one of the nearby dungeons our sector is linked to allowed us to find you. Believe it or not, us dragons don't always eat people, so you're safe right now."


"Now, eat this orb and become one of us!!"

The curtains surrounding the room dropped. They were at the bottom of a giant, kilometers-long ampitheter.

"One of us! One of us! One of us! ONE OF US! ONE OF US! ONE OF US!!!" The crowd of dragons continued chanting.

'The heck is this?' Shay thought, spinning in circles. All of a sudden he felt a small *thing* being forced in his mouth.

*It* dissolved against his tongue, but the finger that had been holding *it* was still there.

'Lady, do you mind?!'

"And now!" She said, hushing the crowd with her booming voice, "He shall leave us, to return one day with more of our kind! For the JOURNEY!"

"For the JOURNEY!" The crowd replied.

'What kind of dream even is this? Is this even a dream? Well, one way to find out.'

He walked slowly up to the dragon priestess. Embracing her in a close hug, he slowly began to caress her backside.

*SLAAAAP* Backhand! *SLAAAAP* Fronthand! Backhand! Fronthand! Uppercut!


Smacked into oblivion, Shay realized fairly quickly. This was not a dream. However, he was unable to think about it, because he was knocked out, and when you're knocked out, you can't think. Unfortunately, you also can't think about getting de-knocked. Fortunately for Kai, he wasn't knocked up, even though he was technically knocked out with an uppercut.

The priestess Anaura knocked on one of the nearby guard's foreheads. "You! Dragon! Carry him to the portal room! Tonight," she said, facing the crowd, "We shall embark on the path to more of our kin!!! Rue the curse!"

"Rue the curse!!"

"Seek dawn again in the twilight of the hour!"

"Seek dawn again in the twilight of the hour!"

"Screw the witches!"

"Screw the witches!"

"May dragons soar free!"

"May dragons soar free!"

"For we are!"

"For we are!"




"Wake him up with the salve."

"Hock." The small blue dragon with a pug face began to hack up whatever was in it's belly. "Tu!"

Shay began to wake up as he felt some kind of wet slime on his face.

He opened his mouth to ask the dragon in front of him what it was, but quickly shut it as it began to enter past his lips.


A voice spoke next to him. "Give me the sacrificial blade." Intoned the priestess.

'Please fon't kill me! It was an honest mistake! I thought it was a dreeaam! Oh hey, that's a cute rabbit. Wait-'

The priestess next to him ruthlessly slaughtered the poor cutey. Full of malice, her wicked killing intent began to embrace the sky itself.

Shay almost peed his pants, but then he remembered. 'THDPTP. True Heroes Don't Pee Their Pants.' This phrase helped him in his darkest hour of almost-dids.

"Send him to the dungeons." The priestess growled in a low voice. Her smile nearly reached her eyes.

The smile was even creeping the guards out. As such, they complied with her wishes as fast as they could. One that was faster than the others quickly picked Shay up and threw hin over his shoulder like a olympic javelin. After sprinting to the nearby edge of the dragon's sky island, he threw him straight out like a giant spear.

Clapping his hands together, he dusted them off. 'Welp, there he goooooes.'