15. Serena what are you doing?

Some people would say that reading a book during their free time compared to doing one of many other more entertaining things was stupid and boring.

And most of the time, a certain honey blonde haired girl would be inclined to agree, as books and reading was never her forte. Her interests laid in other things, such as competing in Pokemon Showcases and Rhyhorn Racing.

Not to mention shopping and doing everything else a normal teenage girl would do. And yet, here she was with her full attention on the words she read about her region's myths and legends while lying down on a couch with her head propped up against a pillow in her living room.

It was something so out of the ordinary for her that even her own mother, Grace, was surprised and stopped in her spot as soon as she noticed it when she walked into the living room.

"Serena? What are you doing?"

Said girl looked up to the side towards her mother before she replied back.

"Reading. Why, what's up?" she asked in a casual tone of voice.

Grace had her eyebrows go up with her eyes widening. "Okay, who are you and what have you done to my daughter?" she asked in a serious tone of voice.

"Ha ha, very funny," replied Serena sarcastically while rolling her eyes before moving her gaze back to the book.

"I'm serious," continued Grace as she went closer to her daughter and sat on the same couch as her at the end. She had space, since the couch was rather long and her daughter had her legs bent while lying down on her back on the couch.

"I haven't seen a book in your hands since you left school." Her words made her daughter blush slightly, raising the book higher to hide her face as a result.

"Oh, c'mon don't act so shy. It's not like he's here for you to act like this."

"MOM!" shouted Serena in shock and embarrassment, her blush reddening even more as she lowered the book and left it open on top of her lap as she sat up and glared at her mother.

Grace however just burst out laughing, making Serena cross her arms over her chest and puff out her cheeks in anger. She tried to look angry but when her mom looked at her again, Grace's laughter continued even harder over Serena's expression that looked to be adorable rather than scary.

"Oouuuu, it's not funny!" said Serena with narrowed eyes.

"B-But it is! Its s-so funny!" retorted Grace, laughing to the point of her having difficulty in breathing.

"Fine!" Serena made to get up to leave but her wrist was grabbed and made to sit back down.


Grace raised her free hand to signal her to wait as she finished up laughing and took in a breath.

"Okay, okay, I'm good." Taking in a deep breath through her nose before exhaling it out through her mouth, she locked eyes with her daughter.

"But, you have to admit it was pretty funny." Serena didn't say anything, staying quiet and Grace let out a sigh while letting go of her and throwing up her hands in defeat.

"Alright, alright, it wasn't funny. I'm sorry," she said sincerely.

Serena calmed down and let out a sigh herself. "Okay, it's fine."

"Okay." Grace looked at the book in her daughter's hands. "So, what are you reading?"

Serena looked at her mom before looking at the book. "It's called 'Legends of Kalos' and it's about all the myths and legends of our region that we know of," she explained.

"Oh, really?" questioned Grace and Serena nodded.

"Interesting. I've never heard of a book like that. Where did you get it from?"

Serena had a soft smile form on her face as her cheeks turned pink before answering.

"Um, remember when I went to Kanto for the get together?" Grace had one corner of her lips curl upwards into a small smile before nodding.

"Well, besides making new friends, I met Professor Oak again since it's his home town and close to him and his mom."

"Okay. And?"

"Well, Professor Oak gave me this book, saying that he and Professor Sycamore worked on it and he wanted me to have one of the first books printed."

"Well, isn't that kind of him?" asked Grace rhetorically but Serena still nodded.

"But, why'd you get embarrassed over that?" Her question made her daughter look at her with wide eyes.

"Oh come now, I saw your little blush and how you looked at the book. I don't care if the world famous Professor Oak gave you that book, you still wouldn't look at it that way. So what's the truth? You can tell me," said Grace, finishing up with her reasoning softly so she wouldn't aggravate her daughter more, even though she was tempted to do so.

Serena was quiet for a moment before answering her mother. "Okay. Well, what I said is the truth. But, it wasn't the professor's idea to give it to me. Neither of them. It was…well…I mean…"

When she stopped talking, Grace figured it out. "Oh, I see. It was his idea, huh?"

Her daughter nodded with her face reddening as she explained.

"Yes. He found out what they were doing and convinced them to give me a copy before they made it public friendly, saying that I was worthy to know the truth of some of these things regarding Kalos because of what we experienced together as we traveled around Kalos and since it was about my home region," explained Serena with a heavy blush on her face.






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