Chapter 5 Discarded Like Rubbish

Qin Cheng was taken aback. He had spent a long time and considerable effort using family connections to uncover some secrets. Yet now, Wang Xuan, through his observations, had already inferred much more, suspecting there was another path to accessing supernatural powers.

"So, the old techniques were simply abandoned?!" Qin Cheng was deeply dissatisfied. When he first heard those secrets, he had felt exhilarated, believing he had finally grasped the truth—that the study of the old techniques aimed to reach supernatural forces.

In that moment, he had solidified his resolve to diligently study the old techniques and overcome all challenges on that path. But now, hearing that there might be another way to approach supernatural powers felt like a bucket of cold water on his recently ignited passion.

It took him a while to regain his composure, feeling somewhat disheartened. What exactly had New Star discovered? Besides the mysterious phenomena, had they found a true path to the extraordinary?

Clearly, if true, this would provoke unimaginable shocks—conceptual as well as real-world changes.

Qin Cheng said seriously, "Right now, opportunities to go to New Star are becoming increasingly precious. If we can access supernatural forces and be at the forefront, anything you can imagine is possible!"

The two chatted while having breakfast. "The special food brought in from deep space is indeed a rarity; I used to think it tasted awful, but now I find myself reluctant to let go of it."

Both were rather sentimental about it. Although these ingredients were exceedingly rare and expensive, the combined flavors left much to be desired.

Qin Cheng asked Wang Xuan if he had spoken with the old professor who taught them the old techniques to see if there was a way to resolve the issue of going to New Star.

Wang Xuan shook his head. Although the professor liked him, he didn't have much authority; he was merely invited to teach the old techniques and had no involvement beyond that.

"What criteria do they use for selection?" Qin Cheng was dissatisfied, feeling it was unfair to Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan pondered, "I suspect it relates to a keen mind, the ability to unleash potential far beyond ordinary limits—essentially, those who have brushed against the mysterious realm."

He had seen the list of those initially selected, leading to this conclusion. For instance, in their class, there were twin sisters who often experienced inexplicable sensations between them. If one was startled, the other would feel a simultaneous pang of anxiety.

Once, when the sister cut her finger while peeling an apple, the other felt pain even though she was in a different city.

This phenomenon was inexplicable. When the students were selected for the experimental class, the twins were among the first chosen.

"What about He Qing?" Qin Cheng asked, puzzled. In his impression, He Qing was introverted and quiet. He had reportedly shown no interest in the old techniques and had only signed up after hearing about a high-paying job guarantee post-graduation.

Thus, Qin Cheng couldn't fathom why He Qing, who clearly had reservations, would ultimately be selected.

"There was an incident involving He Qing when he was fourteen. He witnessed his younger brother almost getting hit by a speeding car. He dashed forward without hesitation to push his brother out of the way, getting run over himself. However, he emerged unscathed, with only black tire marks left on his body." 

Everyone was shocked at the time and could only conclude that he had unleashed some mysterious potential in that moment of life and death.

The investors of the old technique research project had investigated this event from He Qing's childhood, indicating just how thoroughly they understood their subjects.

Each of those initially selected had their peculiarities. For instance, one girl had extraordinary perception, famously feeling panic before a flight, thinking she was ill. In a panic, she rushed to see a doctor, only to learn later that the plane she missed had crashed.

"Is this even possible? We have such a person in our class!" Qin Cheng was dumbfounded; he had never heard of this before.

Wang Xuan felt similarly surprised when he first learned of it. However, that girl was indeed the most extraordinary; the rest were more or less acceptable.

That day, the final list of students selected to go to New Star was confirmed, and indeed, no new names were added. 

Some students in the experimental class had remained hopeful, waiting for a last opportunity, but upon hearing the results, they felt immense disappointment. 

Though some had anticipated this outcome, it was still a painful blow.

Wang Xuan remained calm; he had long expected this result. Qin Cheng sighed, feeling regret for his friend, who had truly mastered the old techniques but was discarded simply because a glimpse of supernatural powers from deep space had emerged—a new path had appeared!

New Star had chosen the extraordinary and officially abandoned the old techniques!

Qin Cheng and Wang Xuan discussed many things, reflecting on the friends who had left the class early, both feeling a sense of loss. 

Wang Xuan was okay; he remained on Old Earth and could still gather with those few friends.

Qin Cheng asked him, "Aren't you going to see your girlfriend? She's leaving for New Star soon; if you don't go now, you really won't get another chance, and it might be hard to see her again."

Wang Xuan shook his head. "We've been apart for more than a year. I won't go see her, to avoid causing her family to worry and complicate things. Let's just keep our peace."

Qin Cheng sighed, recalling a former girlfriend from New Star, whose family had put considerable pressure on Wang Xuan, even coming to Old Earth to warn him multiple times.

"Do you think your not being selected this time is because her family intervened to keep you from going to New Star?" Qin Cheng suddenly proposed this possibility.

After all, Wang Xuan's ex-girlfriend came from a notable family.

Even now, as the old techniques were abandoned, looking back, it was clear that some families had sent their children from New Star to learn the old techniques, evidently preparing them to access supernatural powers.

"Not at all!" Though Wang Xuan had limited interaction with her family, he understood their character and did not believe they would act that way. Besides, it had been over a year, and they had lost contact. 

Additionally, the old techniques research project was backed by certain powerful factions; no one dared to meddle casually.

As night fell and stars twinkled, they shared everything without reservation.

"In a few days, I'll be heading to New Moon. Wang Xuan, I feel conflicted. I truly hope you get the chance to go to New Star and access supernatural powers, stepping onto that new path. But I also feel it's wrong for them to discard the old techniques like trash. We've been cast aside!"

With that, Qin Cheng steadied his emotions and continued, "So, I hope you achieve great things on the path of the old techniques. If those myths and legends are true, how wonderful it would be for you to one day use the old techniques to counter supernatural forces, demonstrating to those in New Star how misguided it was to abandon them!"

He had previously held skepticism towards the old techniques, but now he hoped there would be traces of historical myths to follow and reveal again.

Yet after regaining composure, he let out a heavy sigh, realizing that all of that was unrealistic; those so-called legends were unfounded.

Wang Xuan gazed up at the starry sky. Had immortals and myths ever existed in ancient times?

He shook his head; even if there were undeniable evidence of immortals having been on Earth, it would only provide reassurance to future generations, without any real significance to him.

Because he did not believe in immortals or Buddhas; his study of the old techniques was never based on those myths. He simply enjoyed exploration and wanted to see how far he could go on this path of the old techniques.

Whether immortals existed was of little concern to him; he was resolute in validating this path through his own efforts.