Chapter 22 A Brush with Death

Wang Xuan set aside the yellowed body technique manual and picked up a golden bamboo slip from the pre-Qin era. It was only eight centimeters long but surprisingly heavy, feeling more like jade than bamboo. This piece had been given to him by Qingmu when he joined the exploration organization. According to Zhao Qinghan, over the past decades, only four golden bamboo slips had been unearthed, two of which had been fiercely contested and subsequently scattered. Wang Xuan estimated that a complete slip should consist of dozens of pieces, making it incredibly difficult to assemble.

He examined the intricate carvings on the slip, depicting a creature with a human head and snake body, vividly rendered yet shrouded in mystery. With so few samples available, he found it hard to comprehend their meaning. Setting the slip aside, he realized that in the realm of ancient techniques, accumulating knowledge would take time, and there was no need to fixate on rare artifacts right away.

The next morning, Wang Xuan practiced the foundational methods of the Taoist arts, cherishing the tranquility before returning to work in two days. After a vigorous session, when he returned home soaked in sweat, he was drawn again to the golden manual. Upon closer inspection, he was convinced that it was an authentic ancient text, not a forgery, though its claims were dubious.

Eventually, he couldn't resist the temptation any longer. After cleaning up, he switched to a special phone card and contacted Qingmu, seeking advice. Upon hearing Wang Xuan's description, Qingmu laughed heartily. "Ancient people had a penchant for exaggeration. Claims of hundreds or thousands of years are mostly nonsense, just to highlight the uniqueness of the technique. Wait, I remember! This 'Golden Body' technique gained fame during the Northern Song dynasty, but I can't recall the details."

Wang Xuan was impressed that Qingmu knew the origins of the text. Practitioners of ancient techniques were indeed extraordinary. "You can practice this body technique, but don't be overly credulous. Achieving even the first seven or eight levels supposedly takes hundreds of years—who are they fooling? If it were true, where's the original author now? He was from the Northern Song dynasty; if he had mastered all thirteen levels, wouldn't he be alive today? Yet, it seems someone has discovered his tomb."

Wang Xuan's emotions became conflicted. He had once entertained unrealistic hopes that if the Golden Body technique held some truth, there might be new horizons in the realm of ancient techniques. However, Qingmu's words dispelled his delusions about the reliability of ancient claims. "I remember the original author of the Golden Body technique, and Zhou Mingxuan—you'll pay for this!"

Later that day, Wang Xuan left to bid farewell to Professor Lin, who was also departing on the same starship as his classmates. He couldn't get close to the ship tomorrow, so he wanted to see the professor one last time. Professor Lin, with graying hair and a slightly plump figure, looked healthy and full of life, laughing heartily.

"Don't complain. Ancient people have their quirks, and yes, the Golden Body technique is complex. Legend has it that once mastered, it makes one impervious to blades and bullets. The creator, Zhou Kunkong, was a legendary figure, his flesh tougher than the best armor. He lived to over 150 and died peacefully in Mount Shu. During the Ming dynasty, tomb raiders plundered his grave, allowing his secret Golden Body technique to resurface. He was indeed impressive; even folk history records his exploits."

Wang Xuan fell silent. How could someone live to such an age and produce a technique that required thousands of years of practice? He lamented the existence of many ancient charlatans. However, the fact that Zhou Kunkong had been robbed by tomb raiders felt a bit tragic.

Wang Xuan admired Professor Lin's vast knowledge; he seemed to know even more about the original author than Qingmu did. "Don't underestimate the Golden Body technique; its ability to extend Zhou Kunkong's life shows its significance. Moreover, it's said that when the tomb raiders opened his grave, his body was still incredibly resilient, harder than iron and stone, despite being dead for several centuries."

Wang Xuan's heart stirred with anticipation. In this era, a single firearm could eliminate masters of ancient techniques, but mastering the Golden Body technique would harden his very existence. "Zhou Kunkong, Zhou Mingxuan—they both share the surname Zhou; could the former be an ancestor of the latter?" But Wang Xuan quickly shook his head; it was too coincidental. Besides, if it were an heirloom, Zhou Mingxuan wouldn't give it away.

"This manual is likely a reproduction from two hundred years ago; it's probably a genuine scripture," he deduced. Professor Lin, having shifted his focus to theoretical research and examining various ancient arts, had a keen eye for authenticity.

Wang Xuan sighed. "This manual has left a significant impact on me. If it's this exaggerated, could other ancient texts also be similar?" This question was the main reason he sought Professor Lin's counsel. The notion that legends of ancient techniques might be vastly inflated troubled him.

Professor Lin shook his head. "It's not as severe as you think; the exaggeration found in texts like the Golden Body technique is an exception. Only a handful of manuscripts are that inflated, largely due to the historical context. For instance, even official battle reports from that time would claim thousands dead when the real number was only a few hundred. If the government could do that, imagine how much worse the unofficial stories might be."

Wang Xuan was left speechless, realizing that understanding ancient techniques might require extensive historical knowledge. "Do I really need to read so much history in addition to studying the Taoist texts?" 

Professor Lin added, "Regarding the abilities of pre-Qin practitioners, conclusive evidence has been gathered by several life research institutes in New Star." These institutes had unearthed a few corpses from pre-Qin sorcerers and conducted analyses, yielding credible results.

"Therefore, don't doubt the brilliance of ancient techniques. Confidence is crucial if you want to progress on this path." 

Wang Xuan became serious. "I've lost my way, distracted. I joined the ancient techniques lab out of interest, but I now wish to explore further." In the realm of ancient arts, he had never been credulous; initially, he wanted to follow the footsteps of predecessors, but ultimately he sought to validate the path through his own experiences.

Professor Lin felt a twinge of emotion. "In this dazzling age of technological civilization, practitioners of ancient techniques face immense pressure." 

Wang Xuan nodded, but his resolve strengthened. If the path of ancient techniques were to end, he hoped to leave his mark.


That night, Wang Xuan delved into body techniques, contemplating the foundational methods. He then stepped outside into the moonlit woods to practice qi gathering and internal cultivation. Clearing his mind, he felt an overwhelming sense of tranquility, with the soft, pure moonlight filling his spirit, enhancing his perception.

Suddenly, he felt a tightness and throbbing in his forehead, as if something sharp was about to pierce it. Alarmed, he instinctively shifted his body, moving with blinding speed. 

A soft sound followed, and he felt a heat at his temple—a terrifying air current brushed past his ear, severing a few strands of hair and leaving a burnt smell in the air.

In an instant, he vanished into the dense trees, blending into the shadows of this aging neighborhood. The tall trees, which had grown for decades, shielded him completely.

Now, with his eyes sharp as swords, he coldly surveyed a particular direction, his heart racing. Just moments ago, he had been shot at! 

Death had brushed so close; if he hadn't moved instinctively, his head would have been pierced, sealing his fate! In that moment, he felt the fearsome air disturbance from the bullet, the rush of wind at his temple, and the loss of several hairs.

Who was it? Who dared to shoot in a residential area, brazenly disregarding the norm? 

Old Earth had strict gun control; ordinary citizens rarely worried about random shootings, and public safety was generally excellent. But now, Wang Xuan faced a life-threatening crisis, experiencing a grave incident—someone wanted him dead without a care in the world, even in a neighborhood setting.

The assailant's firearm had a silencer, not alarming anyone. Wang Xuan stealthily searched for the shooter, refraining from charging out recklessly. He was unsure how many assailants lurked in the shadows, how many guns were aimed at him.

Suddenly, he ripped off his shirt and threw it out of the forest. 

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In that moment, he heard three faint sounds. His discarded shirt was punctured by three bullets. The sniper was impressively skilled, reacting with terrifying speed and accuracy. 

Wang Xuan's expression grew cold; at least three formidable gunmen waited outside the neighborhood fence, poised to strike. He had even deduced their positions.

Yet he refrained from confronting them, instead retreating deeper into the trees. He wanted to avoid becoming a target in this moonlit night until he understood the full extent of the threat.

At that moment, the thought that flashed through his mind was the Golden Body technique. If he could master it, he wouldn't need to worry about the unknown forces lurking in the dark; he would strike back, hunting his enemies under the stars.

Wang Xuan remained calm, avoiding hasty actions. He switched to a special phone card and contacted Qingmu, quickly summarizing the situation.

"You did the right thing. Stay hidden and find cover. Professionals will handle it soon; I'm on my way to bring you some gear," Qingmu replied, his expression cold. Even he felt that those assailants were brazen; such a violent act was unheard of in a major city on Old Earth.

Typically, when exploration organizations or corporate factions clashed in the wild, they might engage in fierce battles over treasures, but one unwritten rule held true: never fire in a city and never involve ordinary citizens. 

Otherwise, the entire society would erupt in chaos. This was an unspoken agreement, a commonly accepted norm that all organizations followed, and few dared to disrupt the peace. The government would swiftly intervene to educate those organizations on how to behave; despite Old Earth's decline, certain bottom lines remained intact.

Wang Xuan climbed a large tree, deep in thought. Who was behind the assassination attempt? 

He had just left campus, yet faced such peril. Reflecting on recent events, he ran through the people and forces related to him, his gaze sharpening with intensity.

First, his joining the exploration organization and his recent expedition to Qingcheng Mountain might have left clues, provoking someone's animosity.

The forces involved included the Zhou family, the Ling family, and the Wu family, with individuals like Jin Chuan from the exploration organization and the newly acquainted Wu Yin among them.

Wang Xuan also recalled his past entanglement with Zhou Kun, whose father, Zhou Mingxuan, was particularly formidable. Furthermore, he remembered the attempts to keep him from leaving Old Earth for New Star, although that issue likely wasn't connected this time.

With a surge of killing intent, he pondered which of these individuals or forces had the audacity to open fire in a residential area. 

Who was so ruthless and bold to want him dead? If he perished, would someone quietly erase the traces, leaving no ripple in the world? It seemed the one behind this had ample confidence!