Chapter 31 The Immortal Seed Plan

There are countless legends about immortals, but when one tries to trace them back, it becomes clear that they are merely about ascension rather than actual immortality. Especially in this brilliant age of technological civilization, many life research institutions and conglomerates from the New Star have excavated the Old Earth in pursuit of immortality. They have found individuals mentioned in texts like *The Chronicles of the Immortals* more than once. Initially, they would encounter these figures in lifelike forms, only to feel a profound sense of loss as they quickly turned to ashes, proving that they had not achieved true immortality.

For example, there was Chi Xu Zi, a true immortal mentioned in *The Chronicles of the Immortals*, whose grave was discovered in the old era, revealing nothing but a pile of ash. Another was Guan Lingyun, whose coffin was also excavated and has been displayed in a museum for many years.

Wang Xuan was indifferent to whether these immortals had been disproven. What he learned today about the lifespan limits of the immortals was already significant enough for him. The woman lying in the bamboo boat, as a top-tier immortal, could live at least to seven hundred years, with an upper limit of nine hundred and fifty years—a remarkably long life.

To validate this against historically renowned immortals, one could consider the legendary Peng Zu, who was said to have lived for eight hundred years, fitting well within this range. This filled Wang Xuan with confidence; if he ever stepped into that realm, he would have ample time to ponder the questions that lie beyond the path of the old arts.

However, once he calmed down, he began to ponder certain issues. For instance, why was this woman, who still had plenty of lifespan left, so eager to ascend? Had something happened in her past? Was it related to her personally or was it a broader environmental issue? He thought about many possibilities.

"She failed in her ascension, and the fact that she retained her body and life force is closely tied to this large golden bamboo," Zhou Yu explained. The research institute had named this bamboo the "Bamboo of Ascension," as it contained a rich supernatural essence and abundant life force.

Qian Lei asked, "Do you have any other research plans or experimental directions?" 

"Indeed, we have another plan, which we have named the 'Immortal Seed.'"

"Let's hear about it." Qian Lei understood that the researchers from New Star would be somewhat reserved, but he also knew they would have time to delve deeper later.

"The female immortal, aside from her dissipated consciousness, still has a very strong life force, as if she has been in a deep sleep all this time. Her physiological age is quite young, right at the stage suitable for marriage and childbirth."

Upon hearing this, even the two military experts present were stunned, their mouths agape at the audacity of the New Star researchers.

Qian Lei was also in shock, hastily adjusting his black-framed glasses, as if fearing they would fall off. "You mean to say, after three thousand years, you want her to give birth?!"

"Exactly. She is the first true embodiment of someone approaching immortality, breaking the ceiling of human lifespan. The genetic material she leaves behind will undoubtedly be extraordinary and worth experimenting with." Zhou Yu was filled with excitement, waving her arms animatedly.

Qingmu, the head of an exploration organization, usually calm and composed, was now taken aback. He suddenly realized that this seemingly gentle researcher, when stirred up, could be more terrifying than he had imagined.

Wang Xuan felt dumbfounded. Was this really possible? Even after death for three thousand years, they still intended to induce pregnancy.

He made up his mind: if he couldn't traverse the path of the old arts, and his time came, he would undoubtedly burn himself to ashes.

He now suspected that the top immortals, who ended up self-immolating, might have sensed such an outcome long ago.

Qian Lei's expression turned serious. "At this stage, that experiment cannot proceed."

Though Zhou Yu was one of the project leaders and held considerable sway, she did not insist. She nodded, "We had no plans to initiate it soon anyway. While the maternal body is strong enough, we lack a suitable paternal body. Perhaps ten years later, if someone fitting emerges on the path of the new arts, we can reconsider. As for the old arts, let's set it aside; we're unlikely to see another figure like the immortals of the Pre-Qin era. The path is becoming increasingly difficult in this day and age, yielding slow results and lacking universality."

Wang Xuan sighed inwardly, relieved that the female immortal had temporarily avoided a crisis in her afterlife. Yet he shook his head; she was already dead, and her honor and disgrace were meaningless to her.

Qian Lei engaged in lengthy discussions with Zhou Yu and other New Star leaders. Eventually, when leaving, he requested to take a piece of the Bamboo of Ascension back for research.

Zhou Yu and her team seemed to have anticipated this and generously offered him a cut of the bamboo they had severed.

Qingmu was flustered and attempted to articulate a request for a piece of the bamboo on behalf of the exploration organization, but before he could speak, the New Star team preemptively mentioned:

"We can't cut any more branches from the Bamboo of Ascension. We are concerned it may severely affect the bamboo's vitality and possibly jeopardize the stability of the female immortal's body. If that happens, all experiments will be compromised and could no longer be conducted."

Qingmu was left speechless. The other side had effectively blocked all avenues. If he pressed for the bamboo, it would only jeopardize their collective efforts and hinder the research.

Zhou Yu displayed a look of regret and handed him a single golden leaf, indicating that was all they could offer.

Qingmu felt dissatisfied as he glanced at the piece of bamboo in Qian Lei's hand and then at the leaf in his palm. Without comparison, there would be no shame.

"Forget it," he thought, trying to console himself.

Wang Xuan spoke up, "I apologize, but may I take a few stones from this cave?"

Everyone present was taken aback, and the New Star researchers looked on with confusion.

Wang Xuan quickly explained, "I'm a practitioner of the old arts and revere the ancients. To witness such relics of ascension is incredibly fulfilling, but I'd still like to take a few fragments as keepsakes, to motivate myself, proving that the path of the old arts is viable and can lead to the realm of ascension, perhaps even nearing immortality!"

Qingmu was surprised. He knew Wang Xuan didn't hold much reverence for immortals. Why was he suddenly so eager to take stones for display?

The middle-aged man from the military smiled, recognizing Wang Xuan's enthusiasm. "Good lad! You're quite passionate. You remind me of myself when I was young. We should stay in touch. Although I'm transitioning to the new arts now, I haven't entirely abandoned the old. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. We can have a good chat."

Wang Xuan immediately wore a sincere smile, expressing gratitude and exchanging contact information, of course providing the number that connected him with the exploration organization.

Seeing his amiable demeanor, the New Star project leaders and researchers nodded in agreement, showing a nonchalant attitude.

In reality, they had thoroughly scoured the area. The female immortal had indeed left behind some artifacts, but most had been incinerated long ago, leaving nothing of value.

Moreover, they had utilized the most advanced instruments to scan the cave dozens of times, finding no hidden layers or other special materials and energies.

Wang Xuan, unconcerned, casually removed several stones from the cracked cave wall. His strength surprised the New Star personnel.

Despite being cleaned, the cave still bore traces of char, which looked less like the aftermath of ascension and more like the effects of a lightning strike.

Wang Xuan's expression remained emotionless as he took a total of six stones. Then he stepped back quietly, appearing calm, while inwardly he was extremely excited.

Qingmu sighed, "I too am a practitioner of the old arts. Unfortunately, I am not talented enough. Though I revere the ancients, my own strength is lacking, and I must now pursue the new arts. I'll take a couple of stones as mementos."

What could the New Star team say? They merely offered him a leaf, knowing they couldn't show favoritism with stones.

"Alas, our old paths have come to an end. We can only hope for the new arts now," the military man said, stepping forward, filled with sentiment, as he took two stones.

"Tragic!" Jin Chuan sighed, quietly pocketing two fist-sized stones.

Wang Xuan was in a daze, convinced that these three men knew nothing of value, yet they all followed his lead in this endeavor. Was it cleverness or merely following the trend?

The New Star personnel laughed at their expense. Did they really think they could gain something? It was laughable. They had thoroughly examined the cave; if there were anything of value, it wouldn't have been left behind.

"You lot!" Qian Lei sighed, shaking his head.

Qingmu, Jin Chuan, and the military man felt somewhat embarrassed, knowing the truth.

Qian Lei led the way, turning to leave. Soon, they took the elevator back to the surface, where a small aircraft transported them out of the canyon.

"Little brother, I see you've brought back quite a few stones. I just remembered that if my comrades ask me for some, I only have two to spare. Could you give me one or two more?" The middle-aged military man looked at Wang Xuan with sincere eyes.

Wang Xuan sighed. This man, who had been so polite before, had been acting like a martial arts enthusiast, only to turn out to be just another opportunist.

Qian Lei adjusted his glasses and said, "Little brother, could you spare me a piece as well? After all, it's rock from the site of the ascension explosion, and I need to take it back for analysis."

Wang Xuan was at a loss for words. It seemed they were all good at playing their roles! 

However, he didn't mind; he had anticipated this possibility and had taken extra stones, caring only for two of them. So he silently tossed one each to the middle-aged man and Qian Lei. Seeing Qingmu also hesitating to speak, he tossed him one too.

Jin Chuan immediately piped up, "Brother, we belong to the same exploration organization—"

Before he could finish, Wang Xuan cut him off, "Nope!" He added, "You tried to ambush me last time!"

Jin Chuan was momentarily stunned. He wanted to clarify that he was merely intercepting a claim, but he ultimately decided to keep quiet and walk away rather than provoke trouble.

Wang Xuan looked at the group of middle-aged men and said, "Are you all overthinking this? I genuinely want to take these back for display as a reminder that the old methods can be powerful. What are you all thinking?!"

"Haha, life experiences at play!" the military man said, surprisingly candid this time, without any pretense.

"Alright, let's go home!" Qingmu patted Wang Xuan on the shoulder.

Before long, they boarded the spacecraft and smoothly returned. Although this mission was uneventful, Wang Xuan had begun to reconsider placing his fate in the hands of others.

At this moment, he felt anything but downcast. In fact, he was extremely excited, clutching the stones and eager to return to his place. His usually calm demeanor was barely holding back as he realized the potential value of those stones.

Once back in the city, he wasted no time and headed straight to his residence, unable to contain his anticipation!