Chapter 60 Old Chen's Guardian

On a sleek, cold metallic super warship, a representative from a wealthy conglomerate, Zhong Yong, spoke up: "Send a portion of the longevity elixir I use to Xiao Chen."

A middle-aged man hesitated, saying, "Is it the longevity elixir… or the health elixir?" He feared the elder had misspoken; the former was extremely valuable, requiring the collection of rare minerals and herbs across star systems, with an arduous refining process that often resulted in waste. It couldn't be mass-produced, typically only available to a handful of super wealthy families, and even if it appeared on the black market, it would fetch astronomical prices.

Despite his frail appearance and sparse white hair, Zhong Yong exuded authority, causing the middle-aged man to sweat as he scanned the room. "I'll arrange it immediately," the man said, bowing his head quickly.

"Do you value Chen Yongjie that much? He probably won't survive," remarked Zhong Yong's second son, Zhong Changming, a white-haired elder.

Zhong Yong replied calmly, "Build good karma; one must understand gratitude."

Zhong Changming was taken aback, wondering if his father had grown soft in his old age. Nonetheless, facing his usually domineering father, he nodded in agreement.

Zhong Yong added, "I mean, after publicly sending the elixir, those practicing the Old Technique should express their gratitude."

Zhong Changming had no retort, eventually asking, "Do you have faith in the Old Technique?"

"I can't say I have faith or not. We dug up some seeds of powerful herbs from the ruins that clearly enhance the Old Technique. Who knows what we might discover in the future?" Zhong Yong responded.

"Should we send something to the New Technique side as well?" Zhong Changming inquired.

Zhong Yong shook his head. "Haven't we already given them funds? There's no need for further gifts. From now on, we'll dig into their latest research internally."

He then stated coldly, "Power must always be in our hands—this is an unbreakable truth in any era. I'll add to my will: aside from everything else, anyone wishing to be the heir must prioritize the extraordinary field. The Zhong family must always be at the forefront!"

Zhong Yong continued earnestly, "It may seem inconsequential now, but what if mythical beings emerge in a hundred years? The descendants of the Zhong family must retain an advantage and dominate that field. My time is short, but you all must prepare for the future to avoid regret and falling from the top of the pyramid."

Zhong Changming became solemn, but deep down, he thought his father was insincere. His father, overly attached to worldly life and deeply afraid of death, had survived numerous close calls over the past twenty years, using immense resources to prolong his life, all while his firstborn heir had died under similar circumstances.

With a sigh, Zhong Changming resigned himself, thinking that he might not outlive his father. He would rather leave the position of heir to the next generation.

A striking young woman entered, clearly favored by Zhong Yong. Her big eyes sparkled as she smiled, saying, "Great-grandfather, don't worry! The exploration team I organized will find that Earth Immortal Herb for you so you can live for five hundred years. I've also identified some exceptional talents who will soon join us."

Zhong Changming silently lamented; if she really managed to procure the Earth Immortal Herb, she and her brothers might as well forget about the position—the old man would hold onto power until they all perished!


This was just a snapshot of the dynamics among the wealthy families and organizations involved.

"What's the update?" Qingmu asked anxiously, rushing over as a small spacecraft landed, eager to hear about his master's condition.

"The situation is dire. After examination, Old Chen's organs are riddled with cracks. If they were to separate, they'd shatter into hundreds of pieces," said Qian Lei from the relevant department, who had previously gone with Qingmu and Wang Xuan to the underground facility in the Greater Khingan Range.

He gravely informed them that all existing treatments were ineffective since mysterious lightning still entwined within Old Chen's organs. Any invasive measures could lead to an explosion.

Qingmu's face went pale, feeling powerless; if even the most advanced medical care was useless, then his master truly had no chance.

"Hmm?" Suddenly, Qian Lei received a call and returned with good news: the Zhong family had sent a dose of longevity elixir. While it wouldn't bring him back to life, it would stabilize Old Chen's condition.

"Isn't that more precious than the medicine on its way?" Wu Yin quietly asked.

Wu Chenglin nodded, replying, "That's typical of Old Zhong's style—emphasizing trade-offs. If Old Chen can't hold on, I suspect Old Zhong will even send a eulogy, and the practitioners of the Old Technique will certainly remember his kindness."

Wu Yin was left speechless.

Wu Chenglin added, "Of course, he would have pacified the New Technique side as well."

Wu Yin murmured, "I just want to see how long he can hold out."

Soon after, Qian Lei informed Qingmu that a team of medical experts had unanimously concluded that after taking the longevity elixir, Old Chen could last another two days.

Wu Chenglin stepped forward at the right moment to tell Qingmu that the Wu family had also sent a major medicine that was nearly as effective as the longevity elixir.

"So, Old Chen could hold on for another two or three days?" Wang Xuan's frown slightly relaxed. He pulled Qingmu aside and whispered, "I have an ancient method we can try. Now's the time to test you; use every connection you have to seek assistance from the relevant departments. Look for ancient artifacts related to ascension, like relics, Daoist bones, and remnants of pre-Qin alchemists. Gather whatever you can! If nothing else, dig up anything related to the legends of the Immortal Celestials—stones, tiles, whatever can be found."

Qingmu was taken aback. "What's the plan?"

"Alchemy!" But then Wang Xuan shook his head, saying, "Don't ask. Just say it's a secret manuscript your master obtained, detailing ancient practices related to offerings. Just remember not to mention me, or it'll be trouble!"

Wang Xuan and Qingmu whispered many reminders, but he sighed, knowing he was making risky moves to save a life. He worried that the major organizations, conglomerates, and relevant departments were sharp enough to notice any traces, even if they were careful.

"Old Chen, ever since I met you, I've found you to be a pitfall!" he lamented.

He quickly reminded Qingmu, "Oh, and the Suihou Pearl. You need to bring that over and place it by your master—it's the most renowned auspicious treasure of ancient times for protection."

Wang Xuan sighed and stepped aside, pacing back and forth, feeling uneasy. "Old Chen, since you appeared, my luck has turned for the worse. You've dragged me into one predicament after another, making me send you female practitioners and divine monks. Now, you're pulling me into this unpredictable vortex!"

Qingmu sought help, using every means and connection to gather various ancient artifacts. He intended to try secret techniques related to blessings and ancient shamanism to prolong Old Chen's life.

Upon returning, he overheard Wang Xuan muttering to himself and was left speechless. Who would want to send a ghostly monk to possess someone?!

"Your master would!" Wang Xuan replied confidently.

Qingmu wanted to argue but realized it might actually be true. While others were terrified, his master seemed… willing to embrace it.

"Is there any way to save Old Chen?" Wu Chenglin approached them.

Wang Xuan immediately chimed in, "Old Qing just consulted a senior who mentioned the need for rare ancient artifacts, like golden bamboo slips from the pre-Qin period, which might be life-saving."

Old Wu ignored him and turned to Qingmu.

Sighing, Qingmu explained, "I called that senior earlier, and he said we need rare items related to the Immortal Celestials."

Wang Xuan moved closer to Old Wu, trying to get on her good side, and asked if the Wu family had any golden bamboo slips.

Wu Yin rolled her eyes at him but eventually whispered, "The Zhong family has some, but they won't lend it out. Those things are closely guarded."

"Does Old Zhong have a granddaughter?" Wang Xuan asked.

"She has a great-granddaughter. What are you planning?" Old Wu asked indifferently.

"I think you two should know each other well—best friends, right? You could try reaching out through her. Saving Old Chen's life is worth more than building seven hundred pagodas. Once he's saved, he'll definitely risk everything to help you and your family!"

"I've always hoped someone would put Xiao Zhong in her place!" Old Wu remarked, sounding as if she had suffered a significant loss.

Wang Xuan was at a loss for words; he couldn't continue the conversation. He simply comforted her, saying it wasn't worth getting upset, and promised to find another opportunity to address it later. He then turned to find Old Wu to ingratiate himself further.

He noticed Old Wu had a lot on her mind but didn't dare bring it up again, fearing he'd slip up. He could only rely on Qingmu to leverage his connections.

With the name of saving Old Chen, Qingmu indeed managed to gather some items, and the relevant parties were quite accommodating.

Wang Xuan moved aside, deep in thought. He contemplated various situations, feeling increasingly heavy-hearted. "Old Chen, you've brought me so much trouble. Sending you ghostly monks, offering you techniques beyond the Great Diamond Fist, and now I'm risking everything to try and save your life. Since we met, I've been your guardian in every sense!"