Chapter 68 Worries of the Inner Landscape

Old Chen stopped abruptly and stared at Wang Xuan, making him uneasy. "Old Chen, don't say that. How could the Celestial Immortals be around us? Do you think I'm one of them?" 

"You definitely aren't. I don't believe in reincarnation or any superstitions," Old Chen replied, observing Wang Xuan's expression. "But I think what we're doing might have far-reaching effects, and I don't know if it's good or bad."

Wang Xuan's heart sank. Old Chen's speculation matched his earlier thoughts. Old Chen continued, "From the female practitioner to the ghost monk, and then to that heavenly beauty, they might be the Celestial Immortals, never far away from us."

Wang Xuan saw someone drifting hazily at the entrance of the inner scene, thinking that the sword fairy was not only cautious but also quite vain, enjoying flattery. 

Old Chen surmised, "Even in ancient times, the inner scene was mysterious. Only great figures could lead others deeply into it. This hints at significant secrets within!"

"Do you think that by opening the inner scene, I might have let something in or out, causing the Celestial Immortals to return?" Wang Xuan finally voiced his worries.

These were surface concerns, but if proven true, it would indicate the ancient ones had even deeper intentions. 

For instance, the cultured man in the inner scene smiled and raised a cup to Wang Xuan and Old Chen before flying away. It was impossible to guess his future actions.

"So, Old Wang, this inner scene is unfathomable. The more I think about it, the more fearful I become. Despite feeling peaceful here for years, I actually feel anxious. I believe we should avoid using the inner scene unless necessary and explore other secret paths, which might be more wondrous."

Wang Xuan glared at him. "Fine, Old Chen, you call me Master Wang when you need me, but downgrade to Old Wang when you don't. Don't come begging next time!"

"Master Wang, please don't be angry!" Old Chen's complex personality showed. During the battle at the Qingling, he had shone like a grandmaster, but here he was so down-to-earth. "Why am I discussing other secret paths with you? Since you found the inner scene, you might discover those mysterious areas too. These paths would be safer!"

Wang Xuan squinted at him. "No wonder you're so eager to teach me about secret paths; you want me to lead you, right?"

"Mutual improvement, each supporting the other." Old Chen even displayed an innocent smile, infuriating Wang Xuan.

"Your explanations are vague and offer no clues. How can I find them?"

Knowing about these mysterious realms stirred Wang Xuan's curiosity. Although he understood Old Chen's intentions, he couldn't help but be drawn in.

"Such things were among the most secretive arts, even in the ancient grand sects. Most people wouldn't know, and even today, despite records in Daoist ancestral halls, no one has found those mysterious realms. In my youth, I accidentally saw notes from ancient masters mentioning the 'Heavenly Medicine.' A certain old practitioner sought it for years but unexpectedly spotted it in the sunset's glow amid a sea of people."

Wang Xuan was dumbfounded, taking a long time to respond, "You want me to go to heaven to gather medicine? Truly deserving of its name!"

"I can't explain it either; I just wanted to share what I saw!" Old Chen admitted, somewhat embarrassed.

Wang Xuan didn't want to discuss this topic further. Old Chen was obviously grasping at straws, merely recalling a vague memory.

"Old Chen, don't you think those who left their true bones after ascension are extraordinary? They seem stronger and are very particular about their true bones." Wang Xuan glanced at the entrance cautiously.

"I think so too. Could it be linked to their potential paths of becoming even stronger?" Old Chen whispered.

"If that's the case, the female practitioner underground in the Greater Khingan Mountains left her complete physical body. After three thousand years, not a hair has been lost; wouldn't she become extraordinary in the future?" 

Mentioning the female practitioner made Wang Xuan ponder what would happen next. She was too special.

The golden ascension bamboo was incredibly precious; only four golden bamboo slips had been excavated throughout history, with only two complete, demonstrating the rarity and value of the material. Yet, the female practitioner boldly carved a bamboo boat, her body resting within. Even after the explosive ascension event, her body remained intact.

Was this her plan all along?

Half a year later, as the inner scene began to fade, Wang Xuan and Old Chen returned to reality, quickly awakening. Throughout their time, the cultured man had not returned after departing.

"The inner scene is unfathomable; it might hide terrifying secrets. This pure white bone is remarkable; perhaps we should avoid disturbing it for now." Old Chen spoke seriously, actually feeling apprehensive.

"Fine, let's put it aside for now." Wang Xuan nodded, feeling uneasy about what ancient beings might emerge if disturbed.

It was still early that night, but Wang Xuan didn't want to linger, standing up to leave. Old Chen, however, looked resentful, lying on the bed, watching Qingmu dance.

Old Chen couldn't leave yet, having to wait for a crowd to come and "pay their respects" to him. Lying there, he remained motionless, full of despair and feeling utterly defeated.

That night was quite restless, as representatives from all sides arrived, estimating that Old Chen could only last until tomorrow night at most, preparing for his funeral.

That evening, around nine o'clock, Wang Xuan found it impossible to think peacefully about the ascension. People came seeking him, bringing gifts, including a remarkable visualization drawing named "Purple Mansion," from a certain organization trying to recruit him. Fresh from the Qingling, he realized others had taken notice of him and sought him out at the secluded estate.

With a smile, he politely declined, stating, "My heart and lungs are in tatters; I need to rest!" By the time the third group arrived, he was feeling overwhelmed.

The visitors remained unfazed, presenting a remedy meant for his heart and lungs, which left Wang Xuan speechless. He had used that excuse in the past, and now it backfired spectacularly.

They also gifted him two more items: a renowned meditation technique called "Bodhi" and a book on a body technique known as "Great Vajra Fist." Clearly, this was a significant investment—such esteemed texts were rare.

Curious about the generous benefactor, Wang Xuan learned that the middle-aged man wasn't the main figure but merely an intermediary. He handed over a letter, a rare gesture of respect in these times, hinting at the importance they placed on him.

The beautifully penned letter praised Wang Xuan and expressed confidence in the old arts, describing a bright future and suggesting potential collaboration. It concluded with a note that the gifts were merely tokens of goodwill and need not be returned even if cooperation was not immediate.

Wang Xuan felt the weight of the gesture but hesitated to accept anything, unsure of the implications. Upon seeing the signature—one that bore the elegant character for "Zhong"—he wondered if it belonged to the wealthy Zhong family, guardians of the golden bamboo slips.

Just then, Big Wu appeared, leaning in to scrutinize the letter. "With handwriting like that, it must be from Little Zhong," he remarked, somewhat grudgingly, though he had to admit the calligraphy was beautiful.

Big Wu, aware of the tensions between his family and the Zhong family, warned Wang Xuan, "Be cautious. Little Zhong's gifts come with strings. If you fail to meet her expectations, it could end badly."

Wang Xuan quickly shifted his demeanor, changing his story. "After the Qingling battle, I was hit hard in the spiritual realm and have a splitting headache. I need to rest." With Big Wu present, he felt safer; any conflict with the Zhong family would now fall on Big Wu.

The next morning, the estate was buzzing with more guests arriving for Old Chen's "conference," eagerly awaiting the main event. Meanwhile, Qingmu discreetly found Chu Feng and whispered, "My master said, with just that one bone left, it stands alone. Should we just open it?"

Wang Xuan knew that despite Old Chen's caution, curiosity would ultimately win out. He had pondered the possibilities all night, eager to discover what might be released and how much stronger he could become.