Chapter 98 The Unconventional Longing for the Immortals

Zhong Cheng pondered whether Old Wang was serious; the key was which scripture he wanted to see. "Did you comprehend yesterday's secret manual?" he asked softly. "Of course, such a large book has so few 'true scriptures.' I can't believe you called your collection extensive," Wang Xuan replied. Zhong Cheng sensed a hidden meaning in his words but ignored it. "Anyway, you've read some scriptures. Tell me the secrets of practicing The Old Technique; I genuinely want to enter this field. My family possesses the ultimate skills of various sects and even golden bamboo slips related to the Immortals, yet I guard this treasure mountain without being able to cultivate!" 

Ordinary people would naturally be wary of revealing secrets, but the super-rich Zhong family didn't care, especially since the outside world already knew of their extensive collection. In this era, black technology flourished, super battleships wielded immense power, and technological civilization had reached deep space. The Old Technique texts were merely artifacts enriching the shelves of the wealthy. Wang Xuan sighed, feeling that even his pieced-together knowledge of scriptures would soon be insufficient. After reaching that level, Old Chen lamented the rarity of extraordinary scriptures and planned to deepen cooperation with relevant departments to borrow texts for study.

Wang Xuan glanced at him, having realized early on that Zhong Cheng wasn't as simple as he appeared; he was clearly trying to tempt him by showcasing the brilliance of the Zhong family scriptures. He replied calmly, "Practicing The Old Technique requires dedication. You must deeply understand the background of a scripture and grasp its essence from its roots, immersing yourself in the mindset of its creator. Only then will you eventually achieve something." 

Zhong Cheng was taken aback and asked, "Is that all there is to your rapid progress?" Wang Xuan continued, "There's no shortcut to The Old Technique. You must immerse yourself in a scripture, pondering everything about it. Take the Snake-Crane Eight Dispersions, for example; you've practiced it, right?" 

"I have, but after years of training, I'm not even as effective as your few days of practice," Zhong Cheng sighed. "Let's start by analyzing the Snake-Crane Eight Dispersions." Wang Xuan felt it was time to assist him while subtly turning the tables. 

Zhong Cheng became serious; he genuinely wanted to master the secret texts at home. Having seen many of his family's collections, he longed for the legends of the Immortals, hoping to one day soar into the sky with a sword's light and block a battleship with his body. The Zhong family had various mysterious scriptures, some potentially left by the Immortals, yet he couldn't master them, which was quite regrettable. He was somewhat of an outlier among the descendants of the wealthy; while many young people sought the latest battleships, he yearned for ascension to immortality. 

What saddened him most was that after years of studying The Old Technique and practicing the New Technique, he still couldn't defeat his sister! "You must know that at that time, the context was that Old Zhang was famous throughout the world..." Wang Xuan began. Zhong Cheng cautiously interrupted him, earnestly asking, "Who is Old Zhang?" 

"Zhang Daoling!" Wang Xuan shot him a glance, surprised that this kid was so ignorant. Zhong Cheng swallowed hard, realizing it was indeed a matter of perspective; while he casually referred to the person before him as Old Wang, the other referred to the founder of the sect as Old Zhang—this made him a bit more respectful. 

"Old Zhang comprehended the laws of nature. After retiring to the He Ming Mountain, he witnessed the fierce battle between the Flood Dragon and the Divine Crane amidst the clouds. This was the backdrop of the era. Therefore, when we practice this scripture, we must first embody Old Zhang's inherent sense of invincibility and his mindset of transcendence after retirement. Second, the Flood Dragon and Divine Crane fought to the bitter end; it was a situation where neither could survive. The intense murderous aura soared to the heavens, and even if one perished, they would still take down their opponent. Thus, when we practice this physical technique, we must have a brave heart, an unyielding spirit, and cultivate boundless killing intent. This sketches out the atmosphere of that time, and by immersing ourselves in this mindset while practicing the scripture, we will naturally achieve success."

Zhong Cheng listened in a daze, feeling it made a lot of sense, yet he couldn't quite grasp his thoughts. "Wang Ge, be more specific," he said eagerly. "People like Old Zhang are naturally above the mundane world. Therefore, when practicing the Snake-Crane Eight Dispersions, one must adopt a clear and empty demeanor, with confidence ingrained in the bones—subtle yet undeniable. The invincible mindset should be instinctive yet restrained. The body holds tremendous power, appearing ethereal, yet within it, boundless secret power is already surging, waiting to explode! One must have the demeanor and aura of a powerful recluse. Only when the moment of attack arrives do all parts of the body resonate violently, unleashing that fierce murderous intent to swiftly eliminate the enemy. Finally, when withdrawing, all returns to tranquility and naturalness." 

Wang Xuan spoke with a calm expression, demonstrating the Eight Dispersions with an empty master's awareness. It was only when he unleashed a fierce attack on a several-ton ornamental stone in the mortuary that the intense killing intent erupted, and then he calmly withdrew. 

Zhong Cheng was stunned, feeling that Old Wang was truly profound and spoke with great insight—he was indeed the youngest master of this era! "Wang Ge, what you've said has opened my eyes. In the realm of The Old Technique, you've opened a window for me. It's not just about practicing according to the scriptures; it's also about considering the era's context and the mindset of various parties—what a profound insight!" 

His eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, and a brilliant light of understanding appeared on his face. "Wang Ge, today you've earned my deep admiration. It seems there's reason for your success as a master at such a young age." Wang Xuan privately scoffed, thinking, "This young man wants to fish for Master Wang? He's too naive; I've only shared some insights, and he's already been reeled in." 

"Wang Ge, do you still want to see that scripture from yesterday?" Zhong Cheng asked softly. "Yes, I think that scripture is quite good; it suits my taste," Wang Xuan nodded, genuinely wanting to see Chen Tuan's complete texts. Zhong Cheng agreed, "Did you bring your phone? Let's exchange deep-space signals, and I'll send it to you later." 

Wang Xuan took out his phone, and they added each other as friends. Zhong Cheng added, "I only remember part of that scripture; I'll figure out a way to send it to you once I organize it back at Xinxing." He then promptly sent five photos, all of his sister's beautiful casual shots. 

Wang Xuan's expression immediately changed; he wanted to say, "I didn't expect you to be this kind of person, Zhong Cheng! I wanted Chen Tuan's scriptures; why are you sending me pictures of Xiao Zhong?" But in the end, he remained indifferent, thinking, "Is Master Wang someone who enjoys nitpicking? Forget explaining; let him send whatever he wants!" 

Zhong Cheng lowered his voice, saying, "Wang Ge, to be honest, I used to think you were a bit of a scam, but now I see you're genuinely exceptional. It's not impossible for you to step into the mythical realm in the future. Now that we have a good relationship, if you achieve anything later, don't forget to bring me along." He added in a barely audible voice, "Once I can access my family's ultimate secret texts and the golden bamboo slips of the Pre-Qin alchemists, I'll definitely consult you!" 

Wang Xuan was moved, but upon seeing his radiant smile, he immediately filtered out half of what he said! Young people among the wealthy aren't easily underestimated. When Zhong Cheng expressed such sincerity, it felt genuine, signaling his maturity compared to before. Of course, if he wasn't being insincere, Wang Xuan would inevitably reward him in the future.

Zhong Qing silently approached and saw her brother's deep-space signal page, which surprisingly featured several of her lazy home photos. Fury surged within her. This stupid, unrepentant brother was selling her out to practice The Old Technique!