Chapter 104 Mysterious Contact

After days of continuous rain, the clouds finally parted one afternoon, revealing a rainbow that prompted many to stop and take photos. Days later, Wang Xuan returned to his rented place, sitting at his desk as he slowly opened the envelope. He knew he needed to understand this matter—the Mysterious Contact that had been sealed away for thirty years.

Old Chen had provided a specific timeframe, which naturally led Wang Xuan to think of Old Chen's master, who had mysteriously disappeared three decades ago. "Recently, those in the New Technique field have also focused on the Mysterious Contact. During the last Green Ridge battle, Master Mo Hai personally boarded a super battleship from Old Earth," Old Chen had written to emphasize the seriousness of the situation.

To highlight the threat, Old Chen recounted how Mo Hai had sought detailed information on the mysterious events and, shortly after leaving the battleship, was killed by Old Chen himself. The letter continued, revealing that both his teacher and the deputy of the relevant authorities had been ensnared in this incident and had vanished for thirty years. 

"The last look in my master's eyes was filled with despair. His figure faded not far from me, and as he looked at me, he opened his mouth but no sound came out..." The sorrow and regret were palpable in Old Chen's words. Not only had those two powerful elders fallen into this mystery, but many formidable masters of the Old Technique from that era had also disappeared without a trace.

"At that time, a region on Old Earth exhibited strange phenomena, shrouded in a mysterious light that seemed to consume people!" Old Chen's emotional turmoil was evident in the letter. They had approached the light cautiously, unaware of its danger, and at the last moment, his master had thrown him out, sacrificing himself and the others to the light.

This incident had become a wound in Old Chen's heart that remained unresolved for thirty years. The light had appeared serene and sacred, but anyone who approached it vanished without a trace. Furthermore, the Zhong family had been involved and had lost two super battleships to the phenomenon, leaving no ripples behind.

Wang Xuan was stunned as he read this—such a tale felt surreal! "Old Zhong was so frightened that he rushed back to New Star overnight and didn't dare return to Old Earth for many years." 

After several days, the light had vanished, leaving behind mysterious symbols that puzzled countless renowned scholars and experts for three decades without any breakthroughs. "These symbols bear resemblance to the texts found in the silver beast-skin book excavated from the underground palace of Qingcheng Mountain."

Wang Xuan couldn't help but be moved by this revelation; it was no wonder the Ascendant Sages had dedicated their lives to studying the beast-skin book! "After the mysterious light dissipated, a black ancient sword was found at the site." Old Chen revealed that this sword was now in Wang Xuan's possession.

Wang Xuan was astonished; Old Chen's weapon had such a profound origin! Next to the black sword lay a withered skeleton, long decayed. "The sword and the skeleton might not have been left by the mysterious light; I was an eyewitness and examined them closely. It seemed the sword had been there long before, while the symbols were freshly inscribed."

This was the Mysterious Contact event from thirty years ago, which had claimed many Old Technique masters and had even overwhelmed super battleships. "Thirty years later, news from deep space emerged!" 

"Half a year ago, the mysterious light reappeared, this time in New Star, leaving behind another set of mysterious symbols known only to a select few!" 

At the end of the letter, Old Chen detailed the recent developments, expressing his frustration. In New Star, after the light vanished, an ancient knife was found at the site, but upon closer inspection, some believed it had been there for a long time. Not long after, the light appeared again in another area of New Star, leaving behind symbols and an ancient spear!

"I believe its occurrences are becoming more frequent. It will eventually stabilize and appear in one place. You must keep an eye out once you reach New Star!" 

Wang Xuan set down the letter, deep in thought, generating numerous connections in his mind. The black sword might belong to the Immortal Sages, especially since its master was a sworn enemy of the Sword Fairy, reemerging after the Mysterious Contact incident.

Ancient swords, knives, spears—three weapons involved. Did they fall from the light, or were they already embedded in the ground, triggering some kind of ritual? Did this relate to ancient beings or the Immortal Sages? 

"If I had the power of the Crimson-Clothed Demon Fairy, I would smash through that light without hesitation!" Wang Xuan shook his head, overwhelmed by possibilities that resembled horror films or thrilling dramas he had no desire to delve into. 

The key point was that pondering these mysteries wouldn't change anything for him now; he lacked the strength to alter the situation. Clearly, Old Chen hoped he could access the Inner Landscape, being different from ordinary individuals.

"Old Chen, I'm sorry, but I can't assist with this matter. Thank you for sharing this with me; I'll make sure to avoid that light in the future!" 

The weather was splendid after the rain, with a rainbow arching across the sky and fresh air filling his lungs. Wang Xuan decided to go shopping, knowing he would see his parents and friends the next day, and in ten days, he would be leaving Old Earth—a thought that brought him some sadness.

Before stepping out, he wrapped his left hand in a bandage, having "suffered an accident." Luckily, it wasn't his true self that got hit; otherwise, the vehicle would probably have been crushed, frightening passersby. 

Wang Xuan was proactive, completing his shopping in just over an hour with astonishing efficiency. During this time, he caught the attention of some onlookers. 

"Did you see that? That guy is so efficient; he bought a ton of stuff in just a few minutes and is heading straight to check out," one man remarked, carefully explaining to his companion, "Look at us—we've been browsing for ages and still haven't decided. We need to speed things up!" 

The woman shrugged lightly, replying, "Well, he's single, and you have me with you." 

"That's true!" the man nodded in agreement. 

Wang Xuan almost turned to argue with them, feeling somewhat offended by their remarks, but just as he looked back, the woman finally showed some kindness, whispering, "That guy's pretty handsome!" 

Never mind, Master Wang decided to be magnanimous and not engage with them any further, leaving amidst their compliments. Yet he also reflected on how he seemed to have picked up some peculiar traits from the Sword Fairy.

After dinner, Wang Xuan began strolling around Yunque Lake, the most famous attraction in Ancheng, bathed in the glow of the evening sunset. He would be heading home in the morning, and in ten days, he would depart for deep space. Knowing he might not have the chance to enjoy Ancheng's beauty for years to come, he took a moment to appreciate the shimmering lake under the setting sun.

In this moment, he was not Master Wang; he had shed his brilliance and returned to the life of an ordinary person. Even amidst the bustling crowd, no one disturbed his peace. He relished this tranquility, basking in the afterglow while watching birds glide low over the water and the occasional fish leap, shattering the golden surface of the lake with ripples. His mind was unusually calm.

The representatives of wealthy families and major organizations had departed, the super battleships vanished into the depths of the starry sky, and the New Technique field had also left. Ancheng, once filled with rain and noise, had transformed into a serene place. All the bustle and splendor faded away, leaving only natural silence in his ears. In this peaceful setting, Wang Xuan felt a sense of enlightenment.

He caught a glimpse of Old Zhang's mindset when he retreated to Hemei Mountain, experiencing the brilliance of the mortal world, only to seek simplicity and truth amid the green mountains. The Eight-Snake Crane Hand in his heart had evolved, and he also gained a new understanding of the three engraved diagrams he had practiced from the Golden Book. A faint, transcendent aura enveloped him.

Finally, he returned to reality, shaking his head. "There's no such thing as entering or exiting the world; it's merely different experiences based on one's mindset. This vast, colorful mortal world is enchanting, and I won't turn away from it."

As he walked around the lake, he felt his mastery deepen, his consciousness as a master coming into full circle. The Eight-Snake Crane Hand and those three engraved diagrams had ascended, and his power had increased once more!

"Little Zhong, I really don't want to travel with you tomorrow. Which flight are you taking, A or C? Honestly, I think AC is most fitting for you, so let's try to avoid each other," he joked.

"Wu Yin, you've been quite aggressive lately! But I won't stoop to your level; let's just enjoy the scenery. By the way, wasn't this where someone kicked you into the lake last time?" 

Upon hearing this conversation and spotting familiar figures ahead, Wang Xuan turned to leave. However, Wu Yin quickly noticed him and sprinted over, eyeing him suspiciously before her gaze turned cold, accompanied by a snort.

Wang Xuan felt a mix of emotions; Big Wu truly held grudges. She hadn't forgotten how he had kicked her, and her expression seemed to suggest she wanted to take revenge.

He reflected on how encountering the same person at different times and places could lead to entirely different outcomes. Big Wu had always treated Little Wang kindly, smiling every time they met, yet when faced with his true self, she was always breathless and on the verge of wanting to hit him!

Eventually, Wu Yin's fury seemed to wane as she stared at the bandaged left hand, then shifted her gaze to the right hand casually tucked into his pocket. Wang Xuan's heart raced—was her intuition that sharp? Did she suspect something?

When he had assumed the identity of Master Wang, his appearance, hairstyle, and build had changed significantly, yet could she still perceive something off? He had made sure to have Old Chen, Qingmu, and Guan Lin inspect him, and none of them had seen any resemblance between the two identities. Yet now, Big Wu appeared doubtful?

Just then, Zhong Qing approached, her youthful beauty radiating as she asked if he was a friend of Wu Yin, smiling and extending her hand for a handshake. 

Wang Xuan wondered what had gone wrong. Could she also sense something? She likely wanted to see if his right hand was still injured since everyone knew about his mangled hands from the battle in the rain.

Calmly, he extended his right hand, shaking hers gently. He could see a look of relief on Wu Yin's face, but nothing discernible on Zhong Qing's.

"Dude, you should let go; that's my sister!" Zhong Cheng arrived, breaking the tension.

Wang Xuan felt a wave of relief wash over him. If everyone began to suspect him, it would be a real problem! 

He guessed that when he turned in the sunset, his silhouette might resemble Master Wang's, especially with the bandaged left hand, leaving the two women with a strong first impression that triggered their suspicions.

Now, however, his right hand looked elegant and smooth, the nails perfectly intact. Whatever thoughts they had would have to be internalized.

As the sunset cast a golden hue over everything, Wang Xuan waved goodbye, leaving them with his retreating figure.

The next day, he returned home and told his parents about his trip to New Star. To his surprise, they were thrilled and showed no signs of sadness, immediately planning a trip to various places on Old Earth.

Wang Xuan couldn't help but wonder, "Am I really their son? They're so cheerful about it, as if I'm leaving for a vacation!" 

He visited his childhood friends and met a few others, handing out gifts as gatherings filled his days with food and fun. 

During this time, Qingmu contacted him discreetly, informing him that she had wrapped up various matters and sent him a package containing a certificate for an ancient-style weapon among other things.

Ten days later, instead of entering Ancheng, Wang Xuan headed straight to the deep space spacecraft base outside the city, ready to leave Old Earth behind!