Chapter 119 First Arrival in the New World

Wang Xuan was a man of action, eager to book a ticket to New Star immediately. However, knowing that the tycoons and organizations might move swiftly to cover up the truth on the Moon, he had to temper his impulses and wait for the right moment to act.

The organizations were indeed quick; just as tensions were rising, several large ships began landing on the Moon. They mobilized their personnel to deal with the situation. For instance, Qin Cheng was busy assisting Dingwu in managing various surveillance equipment.

"So many people have lost their memories; it's chilling," the operation leader said, visibly shaken. 

They worked efficiently to dismantle the relevant devices. "When the incident occurred, communication between the Moon and New Star was severed, so the fallout isn't as severe," one explained.

"Complete secrecy isn't possible. In this era, even banking systems can be compromised, let alone a large-scale leak," another added. The organizations understood the potential consequences; with most people experiencing memory loss, the mainstream narrative would focus on weapon testing, steering public perception.

"Are you really leaving?" Qin Cheng sighed, feeling a sense of loss after such a brief time together. Although his goal of reaching New Star was close, doubts began to creep in about his choices. His family and girlfriend were still on the Old Soil—would he lose everything by moving forward?

"Don't act like it's a final farewell; we'll meet again on New Star," Wang Xuan reassured him. The next day, he had already booked his ticket and was ready to depart.

As they left the small courtyard of the special accommodation, they ran into a woman. 

"Your girlfriend from the New Moon?" Wang Xuan glanced at him.

"Not at all," Qin Cheng retorted, anger bubbling inside. He decided to share some details about his troubles, including Li Kun's extortion of three million and a distant niece who'd come to stay, demanding expensive gifts.

"She's just as greedy as her uncle, wanting only top-tier brands," Qin Cheng grumbled. 

Wang Xuan suspected these luxury items were likely connected to the family businesses of people he knew. "Did you really buy them for her?" he asked, incredulous that Qin Cheng was being taken advantage of.

"With people in need, what could I do?" Qin Cheng sighed. He quickly explained that the expensive gifts were actually fake replicas sent from the Old Soil, which the niece seemed blissfully unaware of. "For a while, she even got clingy," he added.

Wang Xuan raised an eyebrow; it was surprising how Qin Cheng managed to avoid being entangled despite using fake items. "I've ignored her hints," Qin Cheng insisted, vowing loyalty to his girlfriend.

"During our first dinner, she brought two so-called male friends along, insisted on the priciest restaurant, and made a big deal about it being one of their birthdays," he recounted, frustration evident.

"You put up with that?" Wang Xuan halted, sensing an opportunity to mentor his friend.

"I couldn't stand it! I ordered some of the most expensive dishes, and by the end of the night, the bill was over twenty thousand star coins," Qin Cheng explained, exasperated.

Wang Xuan was flabbergasted. "Did you pay?"

"Of course not! Why would I cover their meal?" Qin Cheng replied, pleased with his reasoning.

Wang Xuan shook his head, realizing that there was no need for him to intervene; Qin Cheng had handled it well enough, though perhaps not ideally.

"Ever since, she's been asking for designer bags!" Qin Cheng lamented.

Wang Xuan didn't want to dwell on those trivial matters. He could see that, under pressure, Qin Cheng had a hard time managing Li Kun but seemed more than capable of dealing with that woman.

He dropped Qin Cheng off at the Moon's spacecraft base and waved goodbye with vigor.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard the Middle Path Deep Space Company, a member of the Star River Alliance…" 

After boarding the ship, Wang Xuan listened to the announcements and suspected that this might be one of the industries controlled by the Zhong family. He realized just how deep the tycoons' influence extended across various sectors.

Wang Xuan ordered a glass of water, then closed his eyes to study the mental scripture he had memorized. It spanned only two pages, but each word was crucial.

The text, titled "Refining the Spirit in the Primordial Furnace," was an obscure spiritual manual detailing how to refine and strengthen one's spirit using the "furnace fire." Ultimately, it aimed to cultivate a spirit as pure and vibrant as the bright moon or the blazing sun.

Having never encountered a specialized method for refining the spirit, Wang Xuan decided to practice it and consider alternatives later if better ones became available.

"Dear passengers…" The flight attendant announced their imminent arrival at New Star.

Wang Xuan was surprised; he had only closed his eyes for a brief moment, lost in thought. He had barely sipped his water and was still contemplating lunch when the ship arrived.

No wonder the tourism industry on the Moon thrived; new technology had effectively broken space limitations.

"I've arrived in the new world!" he cheered inwardly, pushing aside all other thoughts.

In Yuan City, skyscrapers towered into the clouds, and small spacecraft darted through the air. Hover cars cruised at mid-level, following designated paths.

Life in New Star moved at an astonishing pace; people hurried about, often opting for faster modes of transportation. 

Wang Xuan chose not to report to Dingwu's local branch immediately; as a special advisor, he had some leeway and could just drop by to say hello. His primary goal was to explore the Secret Realm without wasting time.

In the heart of Yuan City, the atmosphere resembled a steel jungle. Many organizations had their branches in the towering buildings, while the commercial areas outside buzzed with activity. 

Further out, residential neighborhoods flourished, with greenery adorning even the tallest buildings. Rooftop gardens and spacious balconies flourished with plants, creating a livable environment.

Wang Xuan aimed to settle in before gathering information on the Secret Realm, seeking a way to enter discreetly. However, he felt uncomfortable as both hover cars and airships required biometric identification, which he had not registered.

As Wang Xuan walked, a young woman approached him, strikingly beautiful with a neat bob haircut. Her smile turned her crescent-shaped eyes into charming crescents, and her teeth were white and straight. 

"Do you need help, sir?" she asked brightly.

Wang Xuan quickly realized this was a paid service—she would act as his guide, helping him with work and housing rental for a hundred star coins per hour. Being new to New Star, he certainly needed someone like her. 

"While registering your biometric information allows free access to various short-distance transport, most residents here value privacy, so many use smart communication devices for transactions. It's quite simple; you just need to…"

The girl was enthusiastic and attentive, guiding Wang Xuan in purchasing a smart communicator—essentially a smartphone, but far more advanced than those on the Old Soil, featuring holographic projection and realistic face-to-face interactions.

"Don't worry! As long as you don't break the law or harm society, your device won't be tracked or located," she assured him. 

Wang Xuan found that hard to believe; in the era of big data on the Old Soil, every move was monitored. He figured that the heightened awareness among New Star residents compelled service providers to claim they wouldn't invade privacy. Still, he thought it was better than having his iris scanned and personal data directly recorded.

As they talked, Wang Xuan learned much about New Star, and despite the steep cost, it was certainly worth it. The full name of New Star was "Hope Star," reflecting the boundless aspirations and hopes people had when they first explored this planet.

Soon, the girl helped him secure a rental room, familiarize him with the nearby smart shopping mall, and purchase daily necessities. 

"Little Zhao, what's your full name? Do you have a business card or contact information? I might need your help again," Wang Xuan asked, appreciating her optimistic and attentive nature, knowing he would likely require her services in the future.

"My full name is Zhao Shi 1025. Here's my card. It was a pleasure to assist you," she replied with a bow before politely leaving.

Wang Xuan was left standing there, dumbfounded. In this new environment, confronted by a young woman, he hesitated to use his mental domain for fear of uncovering something unintended, but it seemed he had miscalculated.

As he activated his mental domain, he was shocked to see the girl's internal structure filled with intricate components and chips—she was a smart robot! 

After such an enjoyable conversation, he found it hard to comprehend that she wasn't even a real person. He stood there, lost in thought for quite a while.

The residential area he rented was quite nice, with a greenery rate of about seventy percent, fragrant flower beds brimming with various blooms. 

Along the roads, large trees provided ample shade, and there were pavilions, water features, and small bridges, giving it a park-like feel.

Suddenly, a little girl about four years old pointed upward, calling out, "Huan Huan, come down!" A tiny white cat was perched on the eleventh floor.

To Wang Xuan's astonishment, the little cat dove downwards. He instinctively ran to help, but instead of falling, the fluffy cat unfurled tiny wings and glided down gracefully. 

As it approached the girl, it flapped its wings to slow its descent and landed softly in her arms, making her giggle in delight. 

Wang Xuan was taken aback; it was a new species!

The girl was beautiful, with large eyes that sparkled like rare purple gems and hair that shimmered with a faint violet hue. 

But then, suddenly, she clutched her chest, her face paling, and she had to set the white cat on the grass, doubling over in pain.

"Little sister, what's wrong? Where are your parents? Can I help?" Wang Xuan rushed over, ready to call for emergency services.

Shaking her head, the girl said, "No need, it's just an old ailment—Heavenly Five Decline Disease. I'll be fine after some rest."

Wang Xuan was astonished; that illness sounded frightening!

The girl glanced up at him and quietly said, "I'm a native of New Star."

Wang Xuan was surprised. He realized he knew far too little about this new world and would need to invest time to learn more!