Chapter 151 A Familiar Encounter with the Immortal

Wang Xuan felt elated, overjoyed at the moment! 

However, in this place, he dared not laugh, instead wearing a serious expression, as if worried that he might fail the task. 

He carefully examined these precious treasures, all of which originated from the Immortals! 

This was his first time obtaining items from beyond the Great Veil, stirring his heart with significant revelations. 

The world behind the Great Veil was not merely a spiritual realm; tangible objects from the real world could also enter, and the items in his hands served as proof! 

The Feathering Divine Bamboo was entirely golden, about the length of a thumb, but felt heavy. 

It was engraved with at least several thousand tiny symbols, densely packed and extremely intricate, making Wang Xuan feel dizzy just looking at it. 

To capture him, that妖仙 had indeed put in a lot of thought and effort! 

What would happen if this pointed bamboo were inserted into someone's body? Wang Xuan speculated various scenarios; would he directly open his Inner Landscape and connect with that妖仙? 

"I'll find an opportunity to insert it into that pig's head!" Wang Xuan thought, wanting to infuriate the妖仙. 

But he quickly dismissed that idea; it would be too wasteful. The golden bamboo was inscribed with so many runes; it was definitely not an ordinary extraordinary item. 

He believed that good steel should be put to good use, and this bamboo would surely come in handy in the future. He should save it for when it was truly needed. 

The silver hairpin was delicate and elegant, easily imagined nestled in a woman's hair, highlighting her charm as she looked back with a smile. 

Of course, just the thought of it belonging to a certain妖仙 made him feel amused! 

He never expected he would get hold of that妖仙's hairpin; he gently rubbed it with his fingers. 

Unfortunately, this extraordinary pin could only be used twice, classifying it as a consumable. But he had no complaints; it was a gift from his enemy仙 and deserved to be used well. 

Most importantly was the piece of jade; as soon as he touched it, various pieces of information flowed out. Sure enough, it contained detailed information about him! 

At this moment, it even involved the coordinates of the old land, among other things. 

Of course, the core area of the jade held something priceless: it sealed the medicinal soil! 

The so-called medicinal soil was indeed not real soil but something of medicinal nature, existing between the real and the unreal. 

It was a clump of rich golden light, and it really was just a small amount! Wang Xuan thought to himself that the妖仙 was too stingy. 

However, the ferry man had said that a small amount was enough to change one's destiny, suggesting that this medicinal soil might possess some property of a Heavenly Herb! 

"Are you satisfied with this transaction?" the ferry man asked him. 

"Very satisfied! This transaction is quite fair!" Wang Xuan responded earnestly. 

The ferry man, holding a fishing rod, sat at the bow of the boat and said, "Hmm, I need to mention that the trader behind the Great Veil just made a request to let Mist dissipate so she can meet you." 

"Is it necessary?" Wang Xuan felt nervous; he wanted to get everything and leave quickly, not wishing to face the Immortal behind the Great Veil. 

The ferry man looked surprised and replied, "You can choose to refuse." 

"I refuse!" Wang Xuan immediately decided. He was afraid of provoking the妖仙 behind the Great Veil; for the sake of safety, it was better to keep a low profile. 

"You have ambition," the ferry man nodded, then added, "But the other party insists on seeing you and is willing to pay an astonishing commission for it." 

"Then let her pay the high commission!" Wang Xuan said. 

The ferry man fell silent, silently turning around; his shadowy figure was wrapped in mist, creating a vague face that looked over. 

He quickly realized that there was an issue between the two trading parties. He asked, "Can I ask what your name is?" 

Wang Xuan really did not want to tell him, but this was likely an Immortal of the Feathering level, and the key point was that the other party was not behind the Great Veil but close by. 

So, he honestly told his real name, saying softly, "Wang Xuan." 

The ferry man made a gesture as if to cover his forehead, even though there was nothing there, and he remained silent for a long time. 

Wang Xuan felt uneasy; this man who could cast a fishing hook into the realm behind the Great Veil was extraordinarily powerful. What if he became displeased and gave him a slap? 

Finally, the ferry man spoke: "You don't need to worry. Under the witness of the Old Testament, the transaction has been completed, and everyone must abide by it without exception." 

Wang Xuan let out a sigh of relief; since there was a so-called agreement that bound them, he no longer needed to be tense. 

The ferry man informed him that the other party had not brought any rare treasures and was currently borrowing some, so they would need to wait a while. 

Wang Xuan listened; it seemed that the commission being offered was indeed quite high. He wanted to ask if he could share in the commission since the other party was paying it to see him. 

But in the end, he held his tongue; in such a situation, it was better to remain silent and be prudent. 

The ferry man said, "Someone has taken an interest in your short sword. I told them you would not trade it. Then, someone else fixated on the secret metal you have and inquired if it was for sale." 

Wang Xuan was taken aback. He took out the two spiked steel plates from his arm; even the feathering beings were interested in them? 

No wonder there were rumors that the Immortals infused some sun gold into the weapons they forged; it seemed the rumors were not unfounded! 

"What are they offering in exchange?" Wang Xuan asked. 

The steel plates weren't his; he was just borrowing them, but he thought he could make up for them with something else for Little Zhong. 

In fact, he was genuinely interested in trading more mysterious items with the Immortals. 

In Wang Xuan's view, any object belonging to beings of that level would be a treasure in the real world! 

The ferry man provided him with a list, informing him of what was available. 

Indeed, when the Immortals made their move, it was extraordinary; from secret methods to items, to treasure maps buried in the real world, everything was available. 

Treasure? Wang Xuan felt that was the least reliable option. Years had passed; who knew if they were still around? 

Besides, heaven knows where those treasures might be located on those terrifying planets. Even with coordinates, it was hard to say if one could survive long enough to retrieve them. 

Among the secret methods were some that sounded astonishing, like the妖仙 Bone Forging Technique, the Great Sun Cleansing Divine Technique, the Void Gathering Herb Method… Each name more impressive than the last. 

Although Wang Xuan hadn't delved deeply into them yet, he felt that they were likely techniques of demons, and most likely unsuitable for him to practice.

"What is the Fragment of the Blessed Land?" Wang Xuan inquired about the item on the list, curious about its origin and function. 

The ferry man replied, "The remnants of the Blessed Land were shattered by supreme beings, leaving behind small fragments." 

According to him, these small pieces had internal space capable of storing some daily necessities, making them quite practical. 

Upon hearing this, Wang Xuan's expression changed to one of astonishment. For the people of the current world, this item was undoubtedly a rare treasure among the extraordinary, at least he had never seen one or heard anyone mention it. 

Of course, the wealthy clans might have some; perhaps Old Zhong's treasury contained them, as he collected far too many unusual items! 

"Are the secret methods on the list more suitable for the妖族 to practice?" Wang Xuan asked again. 

The ferry man nodded but didn't elaborate. 

"Then I'll exchange for the Fragment of the Blessed Land!" Wang Xuan decisively concluded. 

Following the fishing line, a small, grayish stone piece flew out from behind the Great Veil. It looked quite unremarkable, only the size of a fingernail, and if it fell to the ground, surely no one would pick it up! 

Fortunately, it was threaded with a chain, allowing it to be worn on the wrist; otherwise, it would be easy to lose. 

The entire gray-brown fragment of the Blessed Land was not even larger than a fingertip, and Wang Xuan had to pay over one and a half steel plates for it. The reason for the leftover half was that the ferry man was collecting a commission. 

For the two transactions, the remaining half steel plate served as the commission, and the ferry man adhered to the Old Testament, strictly following the rules for his share. 

In fact, he also collected from the powerful beings behind the Great Veil. 

Wang Xuan sighed; the rules in ancient and modern times were the same, allowing participants to gain substantial profits. 

When he tried using the Fragment of the Blessed Land, he was very satisfied; the internal space could hold two cubic meters, which wasn't large, but sufficient for his needs. 

This item required the use of the mental realm to open and close. 

He placed his short sword, the jade block containing medicinal soil, the silver hairpin, and the runic Feathering Divine Bamboo into it, making it quite practical and convenient. 

In the current world, this could be considered a celestial treasure! 

The ferry man received some unusual items from the fishing line and said, "She has paid a high commission; I must fulfill my duty." 

Saying this, he dispersed the mist before the Great Veil, allowing the Feathering beings inside to see the people outside. 

Behind the Great Veil were six individuals, both male and female, all with vibrant life force and youthful faces; their actual ages were difficult to ascertain. 

In the world behind the Great Veil, the sun shone brightly, and the mountains and rivers were magnificent; it was currently daytime. 

On Wang Xuan's side, however, it was deep night, with a bright moon reflecting on the blue sea. 

Behind the Great Veil, a woman in white looked quite beautiful; her face had a bit of baby fat, round and plump. The moment she saw Wang Xuan, she felt as if she was about to explode! 

Her tiger-like eyes widened, and then she breathed fire outward. 

It was not an exaggeration; her eyes truly erupted with flames, burning fiercely and spreading onto the Great Veil. 

She was utterly furious, feeling like she was supporting her enemy! 

The most infuriating part was that the conditions proposed by the other party had seemingly perfectly circumvented the risks, ensuring his safety according to the Old Testament! 

Wang Xuan grinned, feeling that this woman was genuinely upset! 

Behind the woman in white, a massive white tiger's phantom appeared, exuding an overwhelming murderous aura, and with her, it glared at Wang Xuan with fiery eyes. 

"Did you know each other before? What kind of detestable things did you do to make her so angry?" the ferry man asked. 

"It's nothing; I just accidentally encountered her, thinking she was a cat, looking quite cute, so I petted her a bit, and now she's holding a grudge," Wang Xuan said, downplaying the situation in a low voice. 

The ferry man was speechless; how could you treat such a large and fierce white tiger妖仙 as a cat? Who are you trying to fool! 


Behind the Great Veil, the plump woman in white and her massive tiger shadow roared in fury, the sound deafening, wishing to rush out immediately. 

Wang Xuan was stunned; not only could she see him, but she could also hear him through the Great Veil? The ferry man hadn't mentioned this; it felt a bit unfair. 

Inside the Great Veil, the other five men and women showed varied expressions; some were surprised, while others wanted to laugh. 

One woman covered her mouth, laughing so hard she almost fell over, her body shaking, saying, "The mighty white tiger demon, an immortal妖仙, has been treated like a cat for petting! She'll never live this down; I heard it with my own ears, haha…" 

Wang Xuan wanted to ask her who she was; why was she stirring up trouble? 

But after thinking it over, he decided to keep quiet, realizing those people were likely妖仙. 

"Shut up! What he said is not true; that was a fragment of my spirit left in my hometown!" the white tiger妖仙 retorted. Some secrets she would never reveal to these people. 

Wang Xuan thought he had already gained the benefits, so it would be better to be considerate and not provoke her further. 

He turned to the ferry man and said, "Look, the transaction is complete; shouldn't you send me to walk the secret path now? It's getting late; I'm waiting to go back." 

"You are currently experiencing the secret path," the ferry man informed him. 

He added, "She paid a high commission, so she now has the right to meet you face to face, and the time should not end yet." 

Wang Xuan could only stare in disbelief, stuck waiting here. 

"Evil thief, return my medicinal soil!" the white tiger妖仙 was so angry that she felt like hitting herself. She never expected to encounter her enemy here. 

"Not returning it! The transaction is complete, no backing out; you've sent me here!" Wang Xuan replied bluntly. 

"That is my master's medicinal soil; you can't take it!" The woman in white's baby fat face was filled with shame and anger; she was really about to explode today. 

"Don't be mad; I know her too. Look, we are destined to meet, even entering the depths of space together," Wang Xuan tried to soothe her, feeling quite touched as he said, "Destiny is unfathomable." 

"Who has a destiny with you? Ahhh… it's driving me crazy!" The woman in white felt she was going insane. She hated herself for experiencing such bizarre operations today; it was hard for her to believe. 

"Don't force me to come to the real world and kill you!" she threatened. 

Wang Xuan didn't appreciate that; he no longer spoke kindly, saying, "Then come on over! It's been a while since I petted a cat; I'm probably out of practice!" 

The white tiger妖仙 felt she was about to be driven mad. 

The several妖仙 nearby, all great demon monsters, had hollow eyes, experienced and knowledgeable, were observing carefully, and forming their own rough guesses in their hearts. 

"White Tiger True Immortal, stop calling; we know you are deliberately angry and roaring to cover up some truth," a male妖仙 spoke up. 

A female妖仙 quietly asked, "Is this young man very extraordinary? You want to conceal the truth and secrets about him." 

"Give it up; this is someone my master has taken a liking to!" Despite her round and plump face, the woman in white spoke coldly. 

"I'll go inform my master; if you don't clear things up with her, you won't have a good outcome!" The white tiger妖仙's figure flashed and disappeared. 

"Can I leave?" Wang Xuan looked at the ferry man. He truly didn't want to stay here, as his impression of the red-clothed妖仙 was too deep; what if she broke through from here? He didn't know if the ferry man could block her. 

"The secret path isn't over yet; you can't leave," the ferry man shook his head. 

What a broken secret path, Wang Xuan thought, he hadn't felt anything at all! 

After considering, he shouted into the depths of the Great Veil, "White Tiger True Immortal, go tell your master that everything is negotiable, provided she offers enough sincerity. Let's see if there are any treasures, secret methods, or unusual items that can make my heart stir."