chapter 34: Miracle Swan

At Dun Airport, Richard went to the reception area to handle some documentation with the authorities. It was indeed winter in Dun; the wind was still, and snowflakes gently fell on the ground. I put out my hands as some snow fell on them.

People from Dun were really tall. I saw that even the women were tall and beautiful; some could even drive motorcycles, which I didn't think I had seen before back in Huner.

"Let's go; you are going to freeze. It's not good for you to stay in the cold," Richard said as he approached me from the reception area.

I slowly followed behind him, although I had some slight body ache; it was a bit bearable.

"Your name will be Miracle Swan from now on," Richard rigidly said.

I was slightly startled and surprised at the name. "Did you choose it?" I asked.

Richard slightly coughed; I could tell that he was embarrassed, and I was suddenly amused.

"What inspired it?" I asked.

"Well, you are a miracle to have floated like a swan as a human and stayed alive," Richard replied as we reached the checkpoint. The authorities quickly did their part, and we proceeded to the exit gate; however, we took a detour and headed towards the VIP exit.

"It's easier going through this gate; too much traffic and congestion on the other side," Richard said.

I nodded in understanding. I had briefly studied Richard's ways; it seemed that he was very rich but not extravagant; he used his wealth for convenience and nothing else.

"You guys took way too long!" Fred said from a distance, standing beside a car.

"Let's go; a swan can't walk for too long," Richard said as he personally opened the door for me. I smiled at him as I thanked him.

Richard closed the car door behind him after I sat down, then went to the left side of the car, opened the door, and also sat down.

Fred sat in the front seat beside the driver, who I learned was called Jimmy.

"Damn, Timmy, did you only go to the gym when we were away? You've added more muscle!" Dr. Fred said enviously.

Timmy helplessly laughed at his words as he concentrated on driving.

"I have an older sister named Michelle; she is a fashion designer. She is launching her latest collection all over the world, so she is busy. I wanted you to stay with her for the time being, but it seems that will be impossible, so you will stay at my house for now," Richard explained to me.

I nodded in understanding; I could go along with whatever Richard had planned for me. Richard seemed to relax at my understanding as he switched on his laptop and started typing. It seemed he was still working.

"I am so tired!" Fred said as he leaned against the chair's headrest and closed his eyes.

I simply looked outside the car window; I was not sleepy. Dun was really advanced; everything was in order.

I saw women in different fashionable clothes as they hurriedly walked around the streets, possibly avoiding the snow.

The car finally arrived at a gated community, and security immediately lifted the bars after seeing Jimmy's face.

"Drop me off here, Jimmy," Fred suddenly said after the car had driven for some distance.

"Fred stays at that house on the east side; he often comes to my house to eat," Richard explained.

Fred snorted in dissatisfaction. "What do you mean I come to eat? I normally come to check up on your health!" Fred said as he moved out of the car, holding the car door.

I was suddenly surprised. Was Richard sick? He seemed healthy and normal. "Close the door; the wind isn't good for Swan," Richard glared at Fred as he commanded. Fred snorted as he closed the door, and Jimmy proceeded to drive off. Fred's figure was left to be seen in the distance.

I didn't want to ask about Richard's condition; it was rude to do so.

"I am not sick; it is something psychological from my childhood. I am, however, fine now; it's Fred who is always worried," Richard explained.

I nodded in understanding. Jimmy suddenly drove straight towards the villa's garage. This house was beautiful; that's what came to mind after seeing it.

Richard then led me inside the house. I quietly observed the environment; there was a fireplace in one of the rooms, which made the house warm.

"There is a heater in the house; you don't have to be scared of the cold," Richard said as he led me to a room that was still on the first floor before opening its door.

"I figured that walking might be difficult on your part, so I reserved this room. I also ordered clothes for you; you can check in the wardrobe. If there is anything you need, just tell me or call my phone. I bought you a new phone; everything is in there," Richard explained.

I was overwhelmed by Richard's provision. I vowed to be grateful and return the favor.

"Okay, thank you. I don't think there is anything I want. Just, can I cook?" I asked. I wouldn't be comfortable just sitting around the house without doing anything.

"You are here to nurse your health. There is an aunt who comes to cook; don't bother yourself with this kind of work," Richard said.

"I just want to," I said in a low voice.

I heard Richard sigh. "Okay, just tell the aunt what you want to cook; she knows how and where to purchase ingredients," he said. I happily shook my head in understanding; I couldn't be a freeloader!

Richard was always busy, waking up early and arriving late. Every morning, Fred would come to check on my condition. He said I was getting better; I was also starting to feel energetic.

I finally mastered Richard's schedule. I would wake up very early, prepare his breakfast, and pack some leftovers for him. He always told me not to bother, as his secretary ordered everything for him, but he still always ate the breakfast I made him.

I also asked the aunt to get me crocheting wool and a needle; I wasn't bored in this big villa at all.

I made Richard different woolen sweaters that he surprisingly liked a lot, as he would wear them even under his suit! He said that they were very effective in winter, and he now rarely got cold outside.

On this very day, I was crocheting some stockings for Richard, Fred, Jimmy, and the aunt when I heard the door of the villa open. I thought it was Richard returning early, so I went to welcome him.

However, I saw a tall, beautiful lady on the opposite side who looked at me with surprise.

"Are you Swan?" the lady asked. I nodded at her in puzzlement; how did she know me?

"I am Michelle. Richard told me about you! How come he didn't tell me you are this cute? You will definitely fit my Elle collection muse image!" Michelle excitedly said as she held my hand and led me inside the villa before closing the door.

I was startled by her energetic demeanor, but I wasn't disturbed by it. I smiled as I told her to sit down.

"Would you like anything to drink?" I asked.

"No, come sit. Let's just chat. Hm? What were you doing? Crocheting! You know how to!" Michelle exclaimed as she studied my crocheting. I helplessly shook my head.

"I really found myself a treasure!" Michelle said.

Time passed by, and Richard returned. He came back early today, possibly because of Michelle's return.

He removed his coat and hung it up on the suit hanger. He was putting on the sweater I had previously made for him inside; he then walked towards us.

"Where did you get that sweater? How come my little brother is also turning cute now? What to do!" Michelle exclaimed.Richard immediately glared at her.

"I told you to pass by my office; why did you rush directly here?" Richard asked as he sat on the sofa opposite the one we were sitting on.

Michelle rolled her eyes as she closed her legs. "Why would I put myself in the misery of going to your building? The offices are filled with a workaholic atmosphere; I simply can't put myself through that," she said.

"She didn't do anything weird, did she?" Richard suddenly asked me.

Michelle bore an offended expression. "What do you mean? What could I possibly do to this cute doll?" she exclaimed.

I suddenly blushed in embarrassment at her words. "She didn't do anything; I will go and prepare dinner," I said as I hurriedly left.

Michelle came to help out in the kitchen, but she almost cut herself with a knife, so I told her to patiently wait for the food.

When dinner was ready, Richard and Michelle helped arrange the table, and the food was then set out. The door suddenly opened at the same time; it was Fred.

When he saw Richard's look, he awkwardly laughed as he greeted me and made himself comfortable at the dinner table.

"Richard, where did you get that sweater? Tell me so I can place an order. It seems comfy; I also want one!" Michelle said.

"Swan made it; it is indeed comfy," Richard replied. I saw Michelle's jaw drop.

"You made this! By hand!" she exclaimed.

"Yes, it takes a long time, but it's not hard to make. If you want one, I can make it for you," I said as everyone began serving themselves food.

"Don't stress yourself over her; she has enough clothes," Richard commented.

Michelle looked at Richard speechlessly, who ignored her gaze. Fred looked at her with some pity.

Dinner ended in harmony. Michelle was a jubilant person who liked talking about different topics; one wouldn't get tired of her.

"Swan's cooking is really exceptional!" Fred commented as he lay on a nearby sofa, rubbing his stomach.

"Go back home; the snow will increase soon," Richard said, kicking his legs as he spoke.

"Don't think I don't know that you are chasing me away!" Fred accused.

"Now that you know, will you go?" Richard asked.

"Why should I leave? You are not the one who brought me here!" Fred replied.

The two bickered on. "Those two have been like this since high school; they are now fully grown but haven't changed, tsk," Michelle suddenly spoke beside me. She was holding a glass of wine; I didn't know where she even got it from.

I also helplessly smiled at the two's actions; I could tell that there was no malice in either of their words.

"Swan, what do you think about working with me?" Michelle suddenly asked. I was surprised at her suggestion; I knew that she was a fashion designer, and Richard had previously said so. However, I knew nothing about fashion!

"So suddenly?" I asked.

"It's not sudden; I have seen what your hands can do. I am sure your fashion designs will also be great," Michelle said.

"Give me a few days to think about it," I said. Although I didn't know anything about fashion, I would try to learn. This would help me show gratitude towards Richard and his sister.