Chapter 1: After Years

The road looked oddly beautiful until I realised that I was watching it for like 30 minutes straight. While feeling embarrassed I looked up to the sky waiting for it to rain. It has been gloomy since morning with the melancholy ambience. I couldn't take the dark gaze of that mystic sky so I decided to look down and close my eyes till my waiting was over. Suddenly, a slight breeze made me feel even colder. I got up from the bench embracing my overcoat. I didn't want to go to college today. It was my mother who is kind of overcautious to my studies who forced me to go, so I just grabbed my bag and left home without the slightest wish to go to the college. College is suffocating and so as the weather today. Standing at the bus stand I figured out that it was one of the biggest wrong decisions of my life. That also makes me remember all my shitty decisions that i made in past 18 years. Damn, it was my birthday yesterday. This bus stand made me also remember my always desired 18th birthday which was ruined by my own father. My lovely father. But I am going to stop thinking about this as the long awaited bus finally reached the bus stop. I heard there was a road accident nearby, this is why the bus was late. I grabbed my bag and took the first step on the bus stair.

"Hey !"

My heart stopped.

Why is he here? Why he's calling me? How did he find me? Does he even remember me? What will happen if I look back now? Will my heart break once again?

I heard a familiar sound calling me from my back. I knew very well who the person was even though I didn't hear the voice for 2 years but I could clearly recognise it. The voice I cherished the most is now the one I just want to ignore. My heart won the battle against my brain, so I looked back.

"Can you stop for a minute?", he asked as if he was dying for this moment. I couldn't resist seeing his face. Also I decided, to be late today. I got down from the bus stair and looked at him pretending like I was running late even though the bus left the station right away. Whenever I'm not sure about my own feelings, I pretend not to care just like this. I can't just let that guy know that I was feeling butterflies in my stomach just because he stopped me to talk for a minute. Or does he still remember all of the moments...

" Did you leave early? I looked for you after the classes at college," he asked.

"Uhh yes I left quite early, I was not feeling well," I replied and I was not lying.

"Sorry, you are getting late because of me."

"It's okay, did you come all the way to find me?"

"Hahah no, I actually had to pick up some books from the library over there. I saw you when I was passing through this station. Thought I should call you."

I immediately feel embarrassed for asking that question. Did he got to know that I was low-key expecting him to say yes? Does he realise that I am feeling a bit disappointed right now?

There was an awkward silence for a moment so he broke it and asked, "Did you notice me in the class?"

I gave a startled look at him and immediately tried to hide it and said "Yeah ofc, why wouldn't I?", smilingly.

"So you remember me, right."

"Yes, I never thought I would see you here at Boston, let alone at college. Also I thought you forgot me. So I decided to just stay away and not let you feel uncomfortable anyhow."

"What? Is there anything to feel uncomfortable?"

I got confused thinking that his question had a double meaning. So I quietly replied, "No". I hate how clearly he could understand my confusion and tried to make the conversation chill.

" I am just glad that I got to see a familiar face here."

"I didn't know my face was so familiar to you." I laughed awkwardly as if I was trying to pinch him. Now I hate myself.

I changed the topic immediately and asked, "For how long you've been here at Boston?"

"It's been a month"

"Oh wow, then you're very new here."

"Yea you can say. I'm trying to explore though."

"You definitely should. Did you explore this area already?"

"Uh no, I just explored the library."

"Let's walk, shall we?"


I was feeling out of the world. This is my first time I feel superior to him, and I feel it proudly because a part of me is still inferior, shy and confused. A part of me also wanted to explore this city newly with him while my another part wanted to leave. But most of my parts were wanting to give him the world, though my own world was shattering.

"Parth Davis. If I didn't forget."

"You didn't, Tarish Taylor" he smiled.

I was stunned. But I controlled my emotions then. I can't let him know how this simple act meant to me.

"Why did you leave Riverdale?" I asked him while we were walking beside the lake Fuji.

"I needed a fresh start."

"Wow, I was not the only one then."

"Is this the city Riverdale which makes everyone to start freshly?" he laughed like a child at his own joke. He looked so innocent that I forgot to laugh with him.

"I don't know, we go through shits differently." I felt a sudden urge to leave that place but my favourite lake side with my once a favourite person didn't let me leave. This is a combination every girl craves for.

"So what's your plan now?" I asked.

"I'm just gonna complete my college and do my job carefully, get all my shits together and lead a perfect life- that's all I want, for now," he sighed.

"You'll surely get it like everyone did."

"Was that in a form of sarcasm?"

"Hell no, I'm serious. I would never joke around about something vulnerable like this."

He suddenly jumped off in front of me, I gasped in scare.

"WHAT the -"

He instantly put one of his finger on my lips and said, "Hush, Tarish!"

"Look there, you are gonna scare the swan away!"

The warmth of his finger made me wish for never speaking again. His eyes full of innocence and care, made me ask myself again,"Is this the Parth I knew?"

Maybe this is what made suicide so convenient to me, 2 years ago.