Chapter 33: Mei Rong's Plea

"You know the truth!" Xian Yue said, his voice now carrying a weight of certainty as he handed the Emperor Sword back to Xian Zhan.

Holding the sword, Xian Zhan couldn't help but be amazed. In fact, even the Emperor Weapon itself appeared to vibrate before the Clan Leader, showing reluctance to be out of line. His eyes shifted towards Xian Yue as his interest increased. There was something profoundly mysterious about this man-something that even the more sacred artifacts worshipped by innumerable cultivators seemed to acknowledge.

"Now that you have received the inheritance, it's time for us to go back." Xian Yue said this as if his words carried no weight in the face of what they had discovered.

Xian Zhan took a deep breath as he tried to steady his reeling mind. "Agreed," he said, nodding solemnly to himself. He spun around, walking towards the entrance of the cavern.

On the other side, Mei Rong, who had been watching from the shadows, stood up quickly. At first not observed, she became increasingly noticeable as she shifted nervously. Her foot, severed by the sword's mark, miraculously regenerated, testifying about her extraordinary ability. However, she was still visibly tense as her gaze fluctuated between the two men.

"Aren't you trespassing?" Xian Zhan narrowed his eyes sharply as he spotted a stranger standing just off the entrance.

A wave of caution washed over him. This new development meant that the secret which now bound him to the legacy of the Great Emperor would eventually unravel before the eyes of all, and he could feel his heart racing in anticipation. Word would spread, and from the farthest reaches of the entire Absolute Beginning Star Domain, practitioners would come pouring down on them like locusts, bent on trying to claim the power for themselves.

Mei Rong noticed that he's thoughts were intense, causing her anxiety. She struggled to deepen her breaths into her body. She joined her hands together before her and bowing slightly in submission. "Please, you don't have to be afraid. I swear upon my Dao heart that I will tell no one of what happened here. If I betray this oath, my soul will shatter, and I'll be destroyed." Her words were resolute, yet her gaze flickered warily toward Xian Yue, as if the silent figure standing beside Xian Zhan was the real danger she feared.

Mei Rong had witnessed almost everything that transpired: from the death of the remnant soul of the Feihua Sword Emperor to everything that occurred during the last battle. By Xian Zhan's side stood a young man who did not emit any visible cultivation aura, but one couldn't help but feel, unshakeable in their sense, that he was indeed there. She could not quite tell where he was at strength-wise, but the raw power which emanated from him told her enough-that this was someone who could easily crush her should he so desire.

"And what do you want from us?" Xian Zhan's voice sliced through the atmosphere like a knife, suspicion etched on his face.

Mei Rong hesitated for a moment before saying, "I want to take one of the methods be it attack or defens eleft behind by the Great Emperor. I won't take it without some form of return." She straightened up, trying to be as convincing as possible. "To repay you, I offer my eternal loyalty. To the places where you need me, I will walk through fire and water without the slightest hesitation." She softened her face a bit when she added, "I have other things to offer too—spiritual stones, elixirs, some martial arts techniques. If you don't need them, I'm sure your Xian Clan would be beneficial in acquiring those assets."

Xian Zhan's frown deepened. He knew the burden of a Dao heart oath and that no one would take such a thing to his lips lightly, especially in this era in which the Heavenly Dao itself seemed so vital. Indeed, the penalty for violating an oath ran from Dao heart loss to death.

But he didn't feel shaken.

"No," Xian Zhan answered firmly, his tone offering no room for negotiation.

She looked stunned by his direct refusal. "Why not? I have sworn an oath, pledged my allegiance. Is this not enough?" Her voice wavered with desperation.

Xian Zhan sighed and nodded his head. "This has nothing to do with trust. The thing is that aside from the Emperor Weapon and the Emperor's Scripture, I have nothing left by the Great Emperor. There is no mysterious technique and no secret power here."

Mei Rong's face was like stone. "No? How is that possible?" She turned her head back towards the cavern in disbelief. The last remnants of the Emperor's soul had, after all tried to snatch Xian Yue's body just not so long ago - surely there must have been some left behind.

For a moment, she was shattered out of hope. She had only once chance to rescue her father who was caught in the dangerous forbidden land. That chance depended on the Great Emperor's powers. Now that hope, just like before her eyes, had vanished.

"I'm sorry," Xian Zhan whispered. "There is nothing else I can do to help you."

With that, he and Xian Yue turned around to leave, walking back towards the entrance of the mine. Mei Rong was left standing there alone, the weight of her shattered hopes pressing down on her like a mountain.

As they emerged from the cavern, Xian Yue's voice suddenly broke the silence. "She has a remarkable constitution."

Xian Zhan looked at him, perplexed. "Who?"

"The woman back there," Xian Yue replied, waving his hand. "She has an Immortal Body."

Xian Zhan's eyes widened in amazement. "An Immortal Body? Are you sure?" He turned his head back toward the cavern, but it was gone from view. "Somebody with this kind of physique? I'm stunned," he continued, still astounded. He'd heard about these legendary bodies-mortal, spiritual, royal, holy, and above them all, the immortal. But such things were the stuff of myth.

"Yes," Xian Yue nodded firmly, but just a faint crease to his smile. "Her body is terribly powerful. She's not human; it borders on the divine."

Xian Zhan smiled a little unsteadily. "I'll admit, she's really pretty, but I don't want anything like that. I need to focus on my training."

Xian Yue shot him a sidelong glance. "You think too much like a monk," he told him. "We practice so that we can embrace all of life. If the Xian Clan never allows themselves to have relationships, how would our family line ever continue?"

Xian Zhan smiled sheepishly. "True. But really, not one of the ladies caught my eye. Talking about which, patriarch, why don't you find one for yourself? You look like you've got nothing to do but well."

A far-off rumble of thunder echoed through the mountains, and Xian Zhan's mount—a majestic white tiger—leaped down from the peak to greet them. The beast's golden eyes glanced warily at Xian Yue, clearly sensing the strange, overwhelming presence around him.

With a playful smirk, Xian Yue approached the beast. "This tiger of yours is quite proud, isn't he? Come here, let me see how it feels to ride a tiger."

The tiger growled low but merely chuckled, releasing a sliver of his immense pressure. The creature immediately crumbled onto the ground and could not withstand his presence.

Xian Zhan was sitting there and shook his head with a smile. "Even my tiger knows not to cross you, patriarch."

Xian Yue mounted the beast, laughing as he patted soft fur. "Majestic indeed."

With that, the tiger stood up, taking with it both men back to the Xian Clan. As they came near the city, the crowds gathered in awe, whispering about the horrific power of the beast and the mysterious presence of their clan leader.

Xian Zhan looked sideways at the crowd. "They're right, you know. This mount is far more fearsome than the griffons we had before."

Xian Yue simply smiled, enjoying the ride.