Chapter 44: The Clan Leader Is Incredibly Powerful!

Xian Ran let out a deep sigh, his gaze drifting towards the towering peaks of the Feihua Mountains, the most expansive mountain range within the Yunxiao Dynasty. Tales had circulated through the realm about a fearsome Monster King lurking in its depths, a being at the Body integration Realm that could obliterate anyone who crossed its path. At the mere mention of the creature, he could feel his spine shiver. Were they to meet something like that even seasoned warriors at the Soul formation Realm would meet their bitter end without a chance to put up a fight.

"That is the truth, I suppose?" The Great Elder stated in a disturbed tone of voice, with an air of realization spreading upon his weathered face.

Xian Ran nodded slowly. The fact that Feihua City is always left behind in the outside world can explain why news does not come easily and fast. Isolation could easily make one miss the threats one may face ahead.

"It must be exhausting out there. Take some time to rest while you're back," Xian Yun, a supporting figure in the family, offered as he laid a reassuring hand on Xian Ran's shoulder.

But Xian Ran shook his head, determination crossing his weary face. "I'm afraid that's impossible. We are just transiting through Feihua City on our way to another city. Xian Yin and the others said our family would've already received my messages so far, anyway. So why stay here?"

Although Elder Chen had promised to protect the Xian family, Xian Ran knew those promises as empty words. During a crisis she realized that elders would be liable to care little for their safety and skip town without any qualms.

"You mean to leave? Where will we go?" Elder Chen asked, frowning in concern.

"Don't worry about us! The family has its own means of protection. You should focus on your own safety!"

Xian Ran's doubts regarding their safety were somewhat alleviated by the elder's unflappable confidence. Though uncertainty stuck to him like glue, he still chose to trust in the bonds of blood that connected him to the Xian clan, thinking them far more reliable than any outsider.

When night fell on Feihua City, Xian Ran found himself comforted by the familiar faces. He, along with Xian Lang and all the other sect members of Lingyun, reminisced long after dark with laughter and words. Everyone in the group was encouraged to stay at Xian family estate, so warmth and camaraderie flowed freely.

A young man sitting next to Elder Chen, with dark circles under his eyes, complained, "Elder Chen, does this Xian family carry on like this? The clan leader won't even come down from his tower when we arrive at Lingyun Sect. Doesn't that show a lack of respect?"

"This is very usual among practitioners. Much of the time, they spend so much time studying that we shouldn't pay much mind to such minor things," Chen Yuanfeng dismissed with a head shake.

He felt that his young friend, Han Pu, and Xian Ran bore a grudge against each other, influenced by envy over their respective progresses in cultivation. Han Pu was the grandson of the Grand Elder, and even though Chen was conscious of this rivalry, he knew that Xian Ran would become an important figure in the sect in the years to come. So, there is no cause for hostility without reason.

Grimacing, Han Pu continued: "Talking about business, Elder Chen, I'm sure you've heard about today's incidence. Xian Ran wisely made the Xian family aware of our conflict with the Cangwu Sect. What if the Xian family is aligned with them? What if our plans are compromised?"

At this, Chen Yuanfeng's face turned solemn. He looked at Han Pu and squinted, worried. "What do you mean by that?

"As if that weren't enough, is it not odd that so many young members of the Xian family have already reached the Golden core Realm? In our Lingyun Sect, so much by way of resources and time needs to go by before one manages to accomplish something like that, yet they have several who've managed to do so. With only a few thousand people in their clan, how could they possibly have access to the necessary resources to facilitate such rapid progress? It's almost as if they have hidden support—perhaps from the Cangwu Sect itself!"

The words of Han Pu weighed so heavy in the room that the room sat in awkward silence.

Xian Ran, who sat along with Xian Yin and friends, felt a disbelief wash over him. "I had no idea you all made it to the Golden Core Realm!" He set his glass down, surprised by the level of achievement he felt they had all reached.

Xian Yin's face lit up with happiness. "Since Xian Yue assumed clan headship, the family's cultivating resources are quite better than before. We almost have unlimited material for our training!"

"That's so! The Golden Core Realm only marks the beginning of us!" Xian Lang replied, also chiming in. "Honestly believe that I can break through into the Nascent Soul Realm soon!"

Xian Yin agreed immediately. "Xian Ran, why not leave the sect and go back home? The conditions here are much better than those in Lingyun Sect!"

Xian Ruomeng continued speaking with sparkling eyes. "Yes! Come back, Xian Ran! There's no politics within the family; we can practice peacefully together. It's certainly better than practicing alone in Lingyun Sect!"

Rather than being ready, Xian Ran demanded an explanation. "Xian Yue is now the head of our clan? How did this happen?"

Listening to how the three families had attempted to eliminate the Xian clan, opening up the path for Xian Yue to assume his role as leader, shocked Xian Ran. He just could not fathom how the family he was familiar with could change so much.

"Let me whisper a secret to you: the head of the clan is really mighty!" Xian Ruomeng whispered in conspiracy.

"How mighty?" Xian Ran pressed further, his eyes opening wider with curiosity.

"I don't know!" she laughed.

"How can you say he's mighty if you have no idea?" he teased in return.

"No, seriously! I heard that he shattered a Fifth Grade spiritual weapon with just a finger! His cultivation must be at least at the Law Manifestation Realm!" Xian Ruomeng exclaimed, urgency in her voice.

Xian Ran halted mid-giggle. Her expression turned into one of shock. "Fifth Grade spiritual weapon? Do you have any idea what this implies? In Feihua City, weapons of such ranking rarely pop up. Where in the whole Yunxiao Dynasty? How could he destroy one?"

"Believe whatever you want," Xian Ruomeng mumbled under her breath, wavering in her resolve.

The night stretched out, full of laughter and nostalgia, but soon, Xian Ran politely excused himself as there were important matters he had to discuss the following day. As the city succumbed to the stillness of the night, a sliver of silver moonlight illuminated the streets, casting an eerie glow over Feihua City. Just when the world had been jolted awake from its slumber, the eerie silence was broken by the sound of collapsing structures, jarring everyone awake.

Then his heart was thumping wildly. He had the idea that it could be the Cangwu Sect. Xian Ran thought this while his body sprang out of its resting place.

He ran at a swift pace, leaping over low walls with the ease of an alarmed hare, hurrying in the direction of the noise. He was startled at what he found. Han Pu, the young man who had followed him, was pinned to the ground, ruthlessly battered by Xian Ruomeng.

"You rascal! How could you violate my privacy at this hour of the night? I'll be glad to batter you into submission!" she declared, her anger boiling in the air as she stampeded on Han Pu's arm breaking it with a nauseating sound.

Xian Ran gazed at Ruomeng, shocked. "Ruomeng, pardon me!"

"Xian Ran, save me!" shouted Han Pu, desperation in his voice. He had not expected a Xian to be that fierce, and Han Pu felt he was at his wit's end.

"Enough! What have you been doing?" Chen Yuanfeng had caught wind of the commotion and ran towards them, shouting loudly, his voice authoritative. He pushed himself in between Xian Ruomeng and Han Pu, trying to put a stop to the fight there and then.

Xian Ran was watching with an excited heartbeat as that unexpected confrontation took place before him; in that instant, he realized that the actual power of his family didn't just lie in their cultivation but even in their spirit and unity.