Chapter 56: The Chance for Xiao Ran's Awakening

Holding the spiritual stone in his palm, Xian Tian felt a pulsating energy that seemed to stream through it. And with each second, he could sense the spiritual power that was pouring into his body with such ease that he was expanding his inner sea of energy at an astonishing rate. The once ordinary spiritual energy, which he had grown accustomed to, was now turning into a chaotic, pitch black force that buzzed with unpredictable energy.

"Is this what it is to train like a genius?" he thought with wonder. "If only I could keep up for just a few more years like this, I could conquer the world!" his heart hastened in excitement.

Even though he had already gone through the incredible growth he did after drinking from the fairy pool, the transformation that was going on was at an unimaginable speed. He thought that this pool had boosted his cultivation speed in a major way, but this was something completely different. He wondered if this explosive growth had something to do with having a stronger physique.

Xian Tian felt that he was able to leap over mountains, and he realized that his physical strength increased really strongly. Even without tapping into the spiritual power within him, he could overcome a spiritual weapon really easily. Raw power flowing inside him was an experience which had never thrilled him before.

Xian Lang shared the same feelings of empowerment beside him. He stood among two gigantic black dragons, their scales dark in the moonlight, which complemented his majestic appeal. "My journey to greatness has begun! Hahaha!" he shouted out, with his voice thundering in the air, full of enthusiasm and ambition.


But something came crashing through the elation; this was a message from the system.

[System Sign-in Successful: Congratulations, Host! You have obtained an Emperor Grade Spiritual Vein!].

Xian Yue sucked in the meaning of this message, his pride rising in his breast. "An Emperor Grade spiritual vein? Even the Great Emperors would jump for joy over such a treasure!" he thought about how this might be important for their clan.

"The current situation for our family, this Emperor Grade spiritual vein is more than enough! However…" Xian Yue hesitated. He was not one to integrate the spiritual vein soon. After all, they would be leaving Feihua City soon for a greener pastures to expand the power. In any case, it would be much wiser to wait until they had settled into a new territory before introducing such a valuable resource.

"Currently, our clan members are using flawless spiritual stones for their cultivation. The spiritual vein would not serve much benefit right now," he concluded. "I'll save this for when we find a new place to set up our base. And there's also the 'Jade Spirit Waterfall' that I signed a few days ago, another treasure to help in cultivation. I'll bring these to light when we've set ourselves up in a new place!"

Thinking about it as he sat, Xian Yue's heart surged with excitement and a sense of responsibility. He received so much great reward from the system, but still, the family was rather small in number; he thought to himself: if they didn't have enough members, then hoarding all these things would really be a waste of time.

"It's clear to everyone that we should encourage them to have more. Otherwise, we'll have more treasures than we know what to do with."

Days passed, and Xian Wu arrived at the Lingyun Sect with several elders from the Xian family accompaning him. They were invited by Xian Ran, who had organized a banquet to thank the elders of the Xian family for supporting him.

As they were approaching, they caught a glimpse of the grand view: tens of thousands of disciples lined up both sides of the street, awaiting their appearance nervously. The air was full of excitement and was joyful in every way. To the surprise of everyone, Pengfei, the sect leader, himself greeted them with a smiling face.

"I feared you all might not confer on us of Lingyun Sect the great privilege of your visit!" Pengfei exclaimed jollily, his voice booming warm and hospitable.

"Since Xian Ran extended the invitation, we wouldn't miss the chance to get familiar with others here," Xian Wu replied, surveying the congregation.

"Ah, that kid was so excited when you came. He wanted to greet you himself, but alas, he felt a stirring of his breakthrough at the same time," Pengfei said with a tinge of apology. "You guys know how hard opportunities come by for cultivators like us. So we encouraged him to focus on his breakthrough, promising to entertain you well!"

Xian Wu smiled and softened his face. "How can we be troubled by that? A breakthrough is to praise, not to criticize him. A good thing for our family!"

His words, though warm, revealed a chill within his eyes where intent is shared by the elderly. It all reminded them of what Xian Yue once said: if it went this far, then perhaps the Lingyun Sect would not be needed anymore.

The Lingyun Sect was enormous, sprawled out across an area that was several times larger than Feihua City itself. Even though they had been defeated in their last battle, the number of disciples still tallied in the tens of thousands.

"How long until our Xian family can match their numbers?" the eldest elder commented, envy lacing his voice.

"Our family is different from the sect," Xian Yuanshan explained. "They can recruit thousands of disciples each year, while we can only grow through marriage and childbirth. Naturally, our growth won't be as rapid as theirs."

"But the ties of blood are much stronger than those of a sect," Xian Wu shot back. "Sects often get entangled in plots and rivalries, but we have the same blood. We take care of each other in ways they cannot."

"Once we go back home, we must think of how to encourage our folks to bear more children," Xian Feng thoughtfully said.

Before long, they were ushered into the grand hall where a banquette had been spread for them. There were finer dishes mounted on the table and the kind of merriment that was very conspicuous and palpable through laughter and chattering all over.

"Everyone, sit down, please!" Pengfei invited them all in to share in the feast by making a warm gesture. Everyone sat down after that, and he raised his wine glass high. "To our dear friends of the Xian family! Thank you for your support in our most trying times. Without you, Lingyun Sect would certainly disappear!

Xian Wu stared at the glass of wine in front of him, a wide smile spreading from his face. "Delicious! I have never tasted anything like that before. You must have been so painstaking in preparing this!" His eyes roam between Pengfei and other elders who sit at the table, noticing a shift in the slight expression on their faces.

Han Zhen smiled back, "You are right. This wine indeed was chosen with much care, collected especially by our sect leader. We don't often indulge in such fine wines, but for distinguished guests like yourselves, we make an exception."

"In that case, let us enjoy this treat together!" Xian Wu replied, raising his glass enthusiastically.

"Indeed, it's an occasion worth celebrating!" said Xian Zhennan, Fifth Elder, in applause. With a bright smile, he raised his glass and downed its contents in one swift motion.

"Don't drink it!" In a room adjacent to the throne chamber, tied up and battered Xian Ran screamed silently as he saw his elder bring the poisoned wine into his mouth. Anger seemed to flow through him like an unending river while small veins pushed out on his forehead, but his words stuck in his throat so that he could not speak up and do anything about it.

Xian Ran knew all too well that this wine was poisoned—one that had, to the best of his now wretched knowledge, taken away his cultivation abilities and reduced him into the pitiful state he presently stood in. From that day onward, it was said that Pengfei sealed up his meridian channels, leaving him even unable to speak.

Well, he drank it! Hahaha! Han Pu watched the scene play out, a glint of malignant glee in his eye. The minute the fifth elder imbibed the poisoned wine, they were sound. They'd have no choice but to bow their wills.

Aren't you entertained? Watching your elders drink the sect leader's poisonous wine is entertaining, isn't it? They don't seem to know that it was you who sent them the invitation, "Han Pu sneered, pleased with his own victory. "I have never, in my dreams, seen the whole plan go so smoothly. It's almost too simple!"

There was nothing Xian Ran could do but watch in horror as hopelessness spread through his veins as he watched things which he never could prevent snowballing out of control. To him, despair crept across his face, but deep down, a spark of will and determination flared up. He thought that he would find a way to turn things around and save his family from the treachery that hid behind hospitality.

The banquet continued to advance, with laughter ringing in the air, but for Xian Ran, it was a gathering attached with tragedy. Shadows of betrayal hung around, and the once trusted Lingyun Sect now felt like it sat with a nest of vipers in wait.

He intended, however, to escape at night, and he wanted to let his family know the truth before the fatal end. He must not allow the poisonous wine drive them to their fall. He well knew that, in his heart, family ties could not easily be severed, but the forces acting upon them were sly and cunning.

"Hold on, I will find a way to save you all," he whispered into the void, his spirit unyielded even in chains.

Night still young, and with it, power struggles, deceptions, and fierce loyalties of the Xian family would become many more complicated. But now, they were blissfully unaware of brewing storm basking, instead, in the glow of a banquet which masked full of truth beneath.