Chapter 98: Suppress The Zu long In A Single Thought

A cold voice echoed, "How dare you defile the Dragon Transformation Pond!" A figure stood with green dragon horns protruding from his forehead—clearly a member of the Green Dragon Clan. His anger was palpable, as a deformed dragon had dared to enter the sacred Dragon Transformation Pond. To him, it was a grave insult, sullying the purity of the revered pond.

Xian Yue glanced at the group before him, discerning that over a dozen Immortal Venerable Dragons were present, including several Eternal Immortal Venerables. Their strength was formidable, as Eternal Immortal Venerables were second only to the Immortal Emperor. The presence of such a powerful assembly demonstrated just how much importance the Dragon Clan placed on protecting the Dragon Transformation Pond.

Xian Yue remained unfazed, turning his attention to the group. "Go inform your ancestral dragon that I require his dragon bones. Of course, I won't take them for free. In exchange, I can spare his life. It's a generous deal, and I believe Zulong will see reason and agree."

His calm gaze shifted to Xian Li, who was currently immersed in the waters of the Hualong Pond. Xian Li's deformed, jagged horns were undergoing a remarkable transformation as the pond's golden dragon blood surged and boiled. Countless dragon shadows swirled within the waters, cleansing Xian Li's blood of its impurities, steadily purifying it. Her stunted horns began to grow as the power of the Dragon Transformation Pond worked its magic.

"Speak the truth," the Green Dragon demanded, his voice hard and suspicious. "How did you manage to break into the Dragon Transformation Pond?"

The pond was heavily guarded, making it incomprehensible that a human could appear so openly in such a sacred place. The dragons had clearly overlooked some flaw in their defenses.

Xian Yue chuckled, his voice tinged with amusement. "How did I break in? I simply walked in. Now, will you take my message to Zu Long, or should I proceed without your cooperation? If Zu Long refuses, he may really lose his life."

The Green Dragon snorted with disdain. "What nonsense! Do you truly believe Zu Long or even the Immortal Emperor are in any danger? You should worry about your own safety first!"

In a swift motion, the Green Dragon attacked, his hand transforming into a deadly dragon claw, covered in green scales, reaching for Xian Yue's head. But Xian Yue responded with a cold glare, and the dragon's claw exploded into a mist of blood before it could make contact.

"I'm here to ask for Zu Long's dragon bones out of courtesy," Xian Yue remarked coldly, "but don't mistake my patience for weakness. If you force my hand, it will cost you your life."

At that moment, the Immortal Venerables and Eternal Immortal Venerables stood frozen in shock. This was no ordinary figure—he possessed the power of an Immortal Emperor, a force far beyond their understanding. But who was he? They couldn't recall any Immortal Emperor in the Immortal World with such overwhelming strength.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, the Green Dragon vanished, presumably to report to Zu Long.

Turning his attention back to Xian Li, Xian Yue asked with a smile, "How do you feel?"

Xian Li, still soaking in the Dragon Transformation Pond, nodded in response. "It feels... comfortable, Master."

Having traveled with Xian Yue for some time, she had finally learned to address him as "Master," but she still avoided eye contact with the intimidating dragons and the other powerful beings around her. Her fear was evident.

Xian Yue noticed her discomfort and casually waved a hand. "Leave. You're scaring my disciple."

A burst of energy sent the surrounding dragons flying backward, expelling them from the vicinity of the Dragon Transformation Pond. Xian Li, watching in astonishment, bit her lip. Tears welled up in her eyes as she gazed at Xian Yue. This was the first time she had ever experienced someone standing up for her, and the feeling of being cared for touched her deeply.

Just then, a tremendous pressure filled the air—a mighty dragon's power descended upon them, pouring down like the waters of the Nine Heavens. It was aimed directly at Xian Yue, covering him in a forceful aura.

Xian Yue narrowed his eyes, his voice filled with authority. "Is this how Zu Long greets his savior? Why don't you kneel?"

With a single shout, a figure materialized in the void and was forced to kneel. The dragons accompanying him froze in shock. This was their ancestral dragon—Zu Long, one of the strongest Immortal Emperors in the Immortal World, revered as an invincible being. Yet, he had been brought to his knees by mere words!

Fear gripped the onlookers as they turned their wide-eyed gazes to Xian Yue. When had such a powerful entity emerged in the Immortal World?

Zu Long, veins bulging from his forehead, emitted a low growl, his golden horns glowing brightly with Immortal Dao energy. His very dignity as an Immortal Emperor was on the line. If word of this incident spread, he would become a laughingstock.

He unleashed all of his strength, determined to break free from the invisible force keeping him bound to the ground. Yet no matter how much energy he expended, the force suppressing him didn't waver.

After what seemed like an eternity, Zu Long collapsed, his body drenched in sweat, still unable to rise.

Xian Li, watching from within the pond, was stunned. Though young, she knew of Zu Long's reputation. He was the strongest dragon of them all, yet he knelt helplessly before her master.

"Is this the mighty Zu Long I've heard so much about?" Xian Yue said mockingly. "You tried to intimidate me with your power, but it seems it had no effect."

Zu Long, now an old man with golden hair, a golden beard, and golden pupils, looked disheveled as he knelt. His once majestic aura was utterly shattered.

"Who are you?" Zu Long asked, his voice trembling with fear and disbelief. He had no recollection of anyone in the Immortal World possessing such formidable power.

"You are not worthy of knowing who I am," Xian Yue replied. "You need only understand that I can save your life."

The pressure that had been weighing down on Zu Long dissipated, and he staggered to his feet, stealing a glance at Xian Li, still in the Dragon Transformation Pond. His fury simmered beneath the surface, but he kept his mouth shut. The situation was precarious, and saying too much might only make things worse.

"Save my life?" Zu Long scoffed, though his voice lacked the confidence it once held. "What danger could there be to my life?"

Zu Long racked his brain. Only two individuals in history could have suppressed an Immortal Emperor with such ease: the Heavenly Emperor and the ruler of the Underworld. But both had long since vanished, and the young man before him was neither of them. Who, then, was this mysterious figure?

"Do you think I need to jest with you?" Xian Yue asked, his gaze unwavering.

Zu Long hesitated for a moment before responding, "Then please, enlighten me, Senior."

Xian Yue's lips curled into a faint smile. "Before we get into the specifics, let's talk about compensation. The Dragon Transformation Pond is part of it, but I also need something else... your dragon bones."

"Dragon bones?" Zu Long's voice deepened as suspicion crept into his tone. "What use do you have for my dragon bones?"

"That's not for you to know," Xian Yue replied curtly. "If I told you, it would only make you angrier, so it's best you stop asking."

Zu Long's eyes narrowed in suspicion, though he refrained from pressing further. He couldn't help but wonder what Xian Yue planned to do with his dragon bones. But if the truth involved something as mundane as making dragon bone soup, Zu Long knew his rage would know no bounds.

However, in the face of such overwhelming power, he had no choice but to comply.