Chapter 18. Dinner Invitation.

"quoi?! ( what?! )"

Angélique's face showed pale. Her heart was racing so rapidly that it felt like it were going bursting out of her chest. Her hands started shaking as she glanced at the dish she presented. She knew it wasn't done professionally because it was her first time cooking, but the unpleasant words rattled her completely.

Seeing the devastated face of the sweet young woman in front, Jared sighed and stood up. He made a step forward, extended his hand, and eventually placed it over the woman's head.

Angélique lifted her head, her eyes immediately caught the smiling face of Jared. She couldn't open her mouth to speak. Her eyes began to water, pursing her lips.

Yes it was harsh for Jared to say such words, but nevertheless, he wanted Angélique to hear the truth from the start.

Pampering the determined person by saying reassuring lies will only leads them to despair, thinking that the words really meant a thing.

Jared is different. He didn't want to lie so that the other person will feel at ease. He wanted Angélique to hear a sincere words, yes it was harsh, but for him, it's for the better

"C'est compréhensible puisque c'était ta première fois. Ce n'est pas grave, ce n'est que la première étape. Je vais d'abord cuisiner quelque chose, puis demain, je te montrerai comment j'ai préparé le plat pour que tu apprennes. Qu'en penses-tu ? ( It's understandable since it was your first time. It's fine, this is only the first step. I will cook something first, then tomorrow, i will let you see how i prepared the dish for you to learn. How about that? ) "

After comforting Angélique, he went straight to the cooking area to prepare several kinds of dishes for the three of them.

The devastated face of Angélique began to bloom in warm expression after eating Jared's foods.

After eating, Angélique went back to cook to gain more experience.

Time went by when the two stopped at what they were doing. Jared didn't think that Angélique's resolved would really worked him out for hours.

He couldn't help but smile, seeing Angélique's worked up face.

'a filial daughter indeed'

'system. How much time do I have left to complete the mission?'


You only have 16hours left.]

'16hours? I guess i had too much time that i forgot to count'

"Tu as quelque chose à faire ce soir ? ( Do you have anything to do tonight? )"

Angélique shook her head and said, "Aucun. Juste le dîner habituel à l'hôtel où nous étions. Pourquoi ? ( none. Just the usual dinner at the hotel we were in. Why? )"

"Alors, est-ce que je peux t'inviter à dîner ? Vous deux ou ta famille, ça ne me dérange pas. Je n'ai pas beaucoup d'amis et je suis seule, alors... peut-être que tu pourrais entendre ma supplication ? ( Then. Could i invite you to dinner? You two or your family, i don't mind. I don't have that many friends and i'm alone, so...maybe you could hear my plea? )"

The two exchanged glances and laugh. Jared scratches his nape, wondering why they were laughing, but the two continue to laugh.

In their eyes, they've never met someone like Jared asking to take them out for dinner with a more-like pleading expression like his life depends on it.

"Quoi ? J'ai dit quelque chose de bizarre ? ( What? Did i say something weird? )"

The two immediately shake their heads with teary eyes.

"No. It's just weird that you're asking with such weird face" the assistant answered.

Jared couldn't help but think what expression did he make for them to laugh. He tried to asked but they just laughed at him so he sighed in surrender since the two wouldn't say a thing.

"Ok. Alors ? Tu nous invites à dîner ici ? J'adorerais remanger tes plats. ( Okay. So? Are you inviting us for dinner here? I would love to eat your foods again. )"

Jared nodded. "Oui, ça te va ? ( Yes. Is that alright? )"

"Ok, je les inviterai pour toi. ( Okay. I will invite them for you. )"

After exhausting themselves from laughing, the two women went back to their hotel and Jared sat down on the couch, watching the moving water of the pool swaying by the soft wind.

There's nothing better than watching the scenery, with soft winds gradually caressing his skin. It's soothing and comforted his entire body to relaxation.





Angélique entered the hotel and walked straight to her parents' room. Her parents and brother were casually sitting together, talking about various topics while laughing.

"Je suis là. ( I'm here. )"

"Ma chérie, comment va ta promenade ? Tu t'es bien amusée ? ( My dear, how are strolling? Did you have fun? )" Her mother asked with a smiling face.

Angélique glanced at her assistant and smiled, then turned to face them and answered, "Oui, je me suis bien amusée. Et j'ai une faveur à te demander. ( yes. I had so much fun. And i have a favor to ask. )"

"Qu'est-ce qu'il y a, chérie ? ( What is it, dear? )" Her father asked curiously.

"Je me suis fait un ami. ( I made a friend. )"

Their faces lit up with shock and curiosity.

Their cherished youngest girl who was always troubled facing foreigners made a friend? Who wouldn't be shocked.

"Vraiment ? Qui est-ce ? J'aimerais bien les rencontrer ? ( Really? Who is it? I would love to meet them? )" Her mother delightedly asked, knowing her aloof beloved daughter made a friend.

The moment she immediately blushed, answering them with stuttering words, her family's face expression changed into curiosity and seriousness.

They knew.

They knew it was a man.

"Monique. Who was it that you two met?---no. I don't care who that cunning guy was. Is he someone we can trust?"

"Is he decent enough to befriend my daughter?"

"What sort of person was that guy for my lovely daughter to say that they were friends?"

Angélique's face began to worry, hearing the tone of their voices even though she couldn't understand them.

"He is a decent person---"

"What is he after, her face? Body? Or is money?"

Monique, the assistant almost lost her balance hearing Angélique's older brother.

Face? Angélique is sure a beauty. Body? Yes she is sexy. Money? Monique almost laugh.

Of all the reason he had to say, money was the least thing Jared could get from Angélique.

Monique cleared her throat. Passed them the video captured inside the house. When Jared and Angélique were busy from cooking, Monique was busy taking pictures and videos, knowing Angélique's family would asked everything they have to know.

"He lived in a Villa worth half-a-billion. Everything is excessively pricey. Based on my observation, he was not a little bit attracted to little miss. He was respective towards the miss, and me. His manners and words are not flirty, nor it was arrogant. He is a decent person in my eyes" she assured them with a report.

But knowing the report from Monique, the rest of that family was anxious, thinking that Angélique was brainwashed by some wealthy second-rich generation kid because of her face, they are worried.

"I want to meet him"

Angélique and Monique exchanged glances and nod. When their conversation ended, she immediately called Jared to confirm their dinner.

After getting ready. They droved off to where Jared was. Just like Angélique and Monique, the three stand in awe. They never would've thought that the night view was more splendid than it was on day.

Truly spectacular.

"Papa, n'oublie pas, ne sois pas impoli, c'est mon ami. ( Dad. Remember, don't be rude, he is my friend. )" Angélique warning, seeing her dad's serious facial expression.

"Ne t'inquiète pas, je le ferai. ( Don't worry, i will. )"

The door swung open, revealing Jared with his casual look of Light grey shirt with sleeves folded up to his elbow paired with his navy blue pants and brown leather shoes. The shirt and pants fit him perfectly, revealing his fit body structure.

He flaunt his charming smile upon seeing the whole family. "Welcome. Please come in".

He led them to the dining area where palatable dishes plated beautifully. Like an exquisite art, the dishes were placed professionally.

"I hope you don't mind my cooking. Please sit down"

"Wow. Did you personally cooked? How wonderful!" Angélique's mother exclaimed. Her light blonde wavy hair was tied in a messy but fashionable bun, paired with its silver hair ornament with diamond engraved. Her eyes shine with gentleness and awe. Her face was painted with light that suits her delicate feature.

'no wonder Angélique has that kind of face. A trait of beauty indeed' Jared silently commented.

"Jared. Je suis venu avec Monique. Voici mon père, Pierre... ( Jared. I came with Monique. This is my father, Pierre... )" Angélique introduced the man with serious but menacing look. His stares sent shivers to Jared's, wondering why the man in front of him was like measuring him with his icy stares.

Angélique also introduced the two people. "Ma mère, Cosette et mon frère aîné, Victor. J'ai une sœur aînée, Yvette, mais elle n'est pas là. ( My mother, Cosette and my older brother, Victor. I have an older sister, Yvette but she's not here. )"

The mother has a lovely gentle face like Angélique while the brother has a kind but menacing look like the father. Just like Angélique's father, the mother and brother were sizing him with their stares.

He felt somewhat uncomfortable, but it was normal since it was their first time meeting. Jared immediately cleared his throat and introduced himself.

"Thank you for coming. I'm Jared Hale. I was the one who invited you here so i hope i don't make you feel uncomfortable. Please eat to your hearts content"

"Ahem! Thank you for inviting us to your humble home. My daughter said you two are friends"

Upon observation, Jared instantly noticed the indescribable feeling and questionable eyes of the three members of the family towards him.

It's not an obvious statement for the three to sized up to see what kind of person Angélique was friends to.

"Yes. Yes we're friends"

Pierre nodded continuously with his eyes travelled around to everything his eyes landed to.

"You have a beautiful home, but i don't see anyone else here but you. Don't you live with your family?"

Jared stopped cutting the meat from his plate, lifted his head towards the questionable look from the man in front of him. He then travel his eyes to the rest of the family.

It's not even the first time he heard such a question, but seeing the family in front of him, he couldn't help but feel envious.

And so with a faint smile, he answered sincerely.

"I don't have a family"