Chapter Twenty One: A Difficult Choice

After their encounter with the mysterious dark figure, Jasper and his friends were left shaken.

They had barely survived the attack, and it was clear that the dark sorcerers were growing more powerful.

The weight of their mission hung heavy on all of them as they sat around the campfire, resting after the battle.

The night was quiet, but the silence felt unsettling. The darkness around them seemed thicker than before, as if the very air was filled with tension.

Jasper stared into the fire, thinking about the figure's words: "The altars are just the beginning." What could be coming next? And how would they stop it?

Lyra broke the silence. "That sorcerer was different. Stronger. It felt like they weren't just after the Star Crystal, they were trying to warn us."she quoted.

"But why?" Lyra asked the crew

Jasper nodded, still holding the Star Crystal in his hand. "I don't know. But if they're right, and there are more altars, we need to find them fast. The longer we wait, the stronger Malachar and the others will get."

Finn sighed, leaning back against a tree. "But how? We've barely figured out where the first altar was. We can't just wander around hoping the Star Crystal will lead us to the next one."

Flit, who was perched on Jasper's shoulder, spoke up. "Maybe we need more information. What if someone else knows about these altars? Like someone who studies magic, or legends?"

Jasper thought about it. Flit had a point. They couldn't just rely on the Star Crystal to guide them. They needed more knowledge about the dark sorcerers and the altars they were using. But where would they find someone who knew about such things?

"There's one place I can think of," Lyra said quietly. "The Academy of Magic."

Finn looked at her, surprised. "You mean the place you trained? But you left there years ago. Will they even help us?"

Lyra hesitated, her expression troubled. "I don't know. But if anyone knows about ancient altars and dark magic, it's the scholars at the Academy. They have records that go back centuries, and they study all kinds of magical artifacts. It's our best chance."

Jasper glanced at Lyra. He could tell there was more to her hesitation. "Is there a reason you don't want to go back?"

Lyra sighed, her eyes downcast. "When I left the Academy, it wasn't exactly on good terms. I disagreed with some of their teachings, and I made some enemies there. But if going back means we can stop Malachar, I'll do it."

Jasper could see how difficult this decision was for her. But he also knew that time was running out. They needed answers, and the Academy might be the only place they could get them.

"Let's do it," Jasper said firmly. "We'll go to the Academy. Maybe they'll have the information we need to find the next altar."

Finn stretched, shaking off his exhaustion. "Great. A trip to a fancy school of magic. Sounds fun."

Lyra gave him a small smile, though it didn't reach her eyes. "It's not as fun as it sounds. But it's our best option."

The decision made, they put out the campfire and got some rest. The next morning, they would set off for the Academy of Magic, hoping that the scholars there could help them in their fight against the dark sorcerers.

The next day, they packed up their camp and began the long journey to the Academy. It was located in the northern mountains, far from the villages and forests they were used to.

The path was rocky and difficult, with steep cliffs and cold winds that bit at their faces.

As they traveled, Jasper couldn't help but feel uneasy. The further they went, the stronger the sense of urgency became.

He knew they were doing the right thing by seeking out more knowledge, but he also couldn't shake the feeling that they were running out of time.

After several days of travel, they finally reached the base of the mountain where the Academy was located. The grand building loomed ahead, its tall towers and stone walls standing proudly against the backdrop of the snow covered peaks.

It looked ancient and imposing, with an air of mystery and power.

Lyra stopped for a moment, staring up at the Academy with a mix of emotions on her face. Jasper could see the tension in her posture.

"You okay?" he asked gently.

Lyra nodded, though she didn't look at him. "Yeah. I just… never thought I'd come back."

With that, they approached the large gates of the Academy. As they got closer, a pair of guards stopped them, eyeing the group suspiciously.

"What's your business here?" one of the guards asked in a gruff voice.

Lyra stepped forward. "We need to speak to the scholars. It's urgent."

The guard frowned. "The scholars don't just meet with anyone. What makes you think they'll speak to you?"

Lyra pulled back her hood, revealing her face. The guards' eyes widened in recognition.

"You… you're Lyra. You trained here."

Lyra nodded. "Yes. And I need to speak to the scholars about something important. It concerns dark magic and the safety of the entire kingdom."

The guards exchanged a glance, then one of them nodded. "Very well. We'll take you to the head scholar. But don't cause any trouble."

As they were led through the grand halls of the Academy, Jasper marveled at the sights around him. The walls were lined with shelves filled with ancient books and scrolls, and the air buzzed with the energy of magic.

Students in robes hurried past, some carrying books, others practicing spells in small groups.

Eventually, they reached a large room filled with more books than Jasper had ever seen. In the center of the room sat an elderly man with a long white beard and sharp, intelligent eyes. He looked up as they entered.

"Lyra," he said, his voice calm but curious. "It's been a long time."

Lyra bowed her head respectfully. "Master Eroth. I'm sorry to return like this, but we need your help."

The old scholar raised an eyebrow. "Help? With what?"

Jasper stepped forward, holding out the Star Crystal. "We're trying to stop a group of dark sorcerers. They've been using altars of dark magic to increase their power....

We destroyed one altar, but there are more. We need to find them before the sorcerers can use them."

Eroth's eyes narrowed as he studied the crystal. "The Star Crystal. I thought it was lost."

"We found it," Lyra explained. "And it's been helping us so far. But we don't know enough about these altars. We were hoping the Academy might have records or information that could help us."

Eroth stroked his beard thoughtfully. "Dark altars, you say? There have been whispers of such things in ancient texts, but very little is known about them. However, if the Star Crystal is involved, this is more serious than I thought."

He stood up slowly, walking over to a large bookshelf and pulling out an old, dusty tome. "This book contains some of the oldest records we have on dark magic. It's possible there is something in here that can help you."

Jasper, Lyra, and Finn gathered around as Eroth opened the book. The pages were yellowed with age, and the writing was in an ancient script. Eroth flipped through the pages carefully, searching for the right information.

Finally, he stopped at a page covered in strange symbols and drawings of what looked like altars.

"These are the altars of darkness," Eroth said. "They were created long ago by a group of sorcerers who wanted to harness the power of the shadows....

According to legend, there are seven altars in total. Each one is connected to a different element of dark magic."

Jasper's heart sank. "Seven altars? We've only destroyed one…"

Eroth nodded grimly. "If the sorcerers are trying to use these altars, they must be stopped. Each altar they activate will give them more power, and once all seven are activated, the balance between light and darkness will be shattered."

Jasper exchanged a worried glance with Lyra and Finn. Their task had just become even more daunting. But at least now they had a clearer idea of what they were up against.

"Thank you, Master Eroth," Lyra said. "We'll do everything we can to stop them."

Eroth closed the book, his expression serious. "Be careful, Lyra. The path you're on is dangerous, and the darkness you face is unlike anything you've encountered before."

Jasper nodded, feeling the weight of the scholar's words. They had a long journey ahead, but now they knew what they were fighting against.

As they left the Academy, Jasper couldn't help but wonder,

'Would they be able to find and destroy the remaining altars in time? Or was the darkness already too strong?'