Chapter 0021: The Battle of Wits

"Esteemed colleagues, His Majesty is occupied with other affairs this afternoon, and has therefore delegated me to represent him at this symposium. However, I come bearing only my eyes and ears. I shall faithfully relay your insights to His Majesty. You are all esteemed experts in the naval vessels of the German Empire. I am confident you will reach a sound conclusion and chart a correct path for the development of our navy," proclaimed Crown Prince Wilhelm with a beaming smile.

Yet, internally, he harbored a profound hope that the Naval Technical Committee would reject Qin Tian's design proposal. The boy's prowess in generating wealth was already formidable. Should he also display talent in naval ship design, his standing within the royal family would undoubtedly rise significantly, posing a severe threat to Wilhelm's own position as heir apparent. Wilhelm wished for his younger brothers to be nothing but lazy incompetents, ensuring the security of his claim to the throne.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the German Imperial Navy is currently experiencing rapid development, bolstered by the Emperor's support. However, the gap between us and the British Navy remains substantial. Thus, our naval advancement must not deviate from the correct course. If we stray, the disparity with the British Navy will only widen. I urge you all to meticulously evaluate Prince Oscar's design without the slightest negligence," emphasized Admiral Count Tirpitz, who held a favorable view of Qin Tian's design. Despite some advanced technical aspects, he recognized the exceptional capabilities of the battleship Qin Tian envisioned. Should it come to fruition, it would significantly enhance the strength of the German Navy.

With that, the symposium commenced.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Crown Prince and the Admiral have underscored the significance of this symposium. It is now in your hands. I hereby declare the symposium officially open. First, let us welcome His Royal Highness Prince Oscar to introduce his battleship design!" Count von Warren announced.

Rising, Qin Tian nodded to the assembled experts before approaching the podium at the side of the conference room. The blueprints of his battleship had already been affixed to the wall by the staff.

When the design was revealed, many in attendance were left in awe. They could not help but acknowledge the impressive grandeur of the battleship. From a professional perspective, however, the design starkly contrasted with existing battleships and bore numerous differences. Nevertheless, even with their myriad questions, they refrained from speaking up immediately, choosing instead to await Qin Tian's explanation.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Tian finally began, "Esteemed experts, this is the battleship I have designed. It measures 145 meters in length, 24 meters in width, with a draft of 8.6 meters. The standard displacement is 18,500 tons, and the full-load displacement is 20,500 tons. It is powered by 12 heavy oil engines and three steam turbines, generating a total of 25,000 horsepower, with a three-shaft propulsion system. Its maximum speed is 21 knots, with a range of 12,000 nautical miles at 10 knots and 3,000 nautical miles at 20 knots. Armament includes three triple-mounted 305 mm 45-caliber main guns, 12 150 mm 45-caliber secondary guns, and 16 single-mounted 88 mm anti-torpedo boat guns. In terms of armor, the main belt thickness is 305 mm, deck armor is 45 mm, turret front armor is 305 mm, and the command tower armor is also 305 mm."

Upon hearing Qin Tian's presentation, the audience fell silent. They had to concede that the battleship he designed was indeed impressive, at least in terms of its specifications. Its firepower, defensive capabilities, and speed vastly surpassed those of their existing and even under-construction battleships. By comparison, the vessels they had previously designed seemed utterly inferior. However, this did not mean they would capitulate easily. Beautiful numbers on paper needed to translate into practical feasibility.

"Ahem, esteemed colleagues, if anyone has questions, please feel free to voice them," Count von Warren coughed lightly.

"Your Highness, if I may be frank, your design is undoubtedly exceptional. At least, it appears so from the specifications. However, I have a few inquiries I hope you can clarify," Sir Dietrich was the first to step forward. As the finest naval engineer in the German Navy, he, too, was astonished by Qin Tian's design, but he would not concede easily.

"Sir, please go ahead," Qin Tian acknowledged, aware that the true test had begun.

"Your Highness, I noticed that your battleship design lacks secondary main guns and instead employs triple-mounted large-caliber guns. What prompted this choice? The current mainstream designs typically deploy a combination of large-caliber main guns alongside secondary guns," Sir Dietrich queried.

"Sir, I believe that as the power of main guns continues to grow, their range increases as well. Soon, long-range naval battles will become the norm. In engagements at greater distances, the impact of secondary guns is minimal. Rather than that, it is more effective to deploy all heavy guns to enhance the battleship's firepower at extended ranges. Moreover, numerous naval battles have demonstrated that broadsides have become standard practice. Thus, it is essential for all main guns to be capable of firing on one side, concentrating all firepower to bolster the battleship's combat effectiveness," Qin Tian explained.

Sir Dietrich nodded, "Setting aside whether your reasoning is correct, this design is indeed innovative. However, in the absence of concrete evidence to support your assertion, I still advocate for caution."

Qin Tian's expression darkened; the antiquated members of the Naval Technical Committee were proving to be inflexible indeed!

"Your Highness, no nation in the world employs triple-mounted main guns on their battleships. Such heavy armament would adversely affect the stability of the vessel. Additionally, the blast from firing could significantly impact the accuracy of the shells," Brigadier General Gusard, a naval weapons expert, raised his concerns.

"General, the rationale for utilizing triple-mounted guns is to create a more compact hull and further reinforce its defenses. As for the issue of muzzle blast, it can be effectively mitigated. For instance, by employing a delayed firing mechanism. The central gun in the triple mount could fire half a second later than the guns on either side. This adjustment would entirely eliminate the issue," Qin Tian responded confidently.

Upon hearing Qin Tian's explanation, Brigadier General Gusard's expression brightened. With his experience, he could discern the potential efficacy of this solution.