Chapter 0024: The Emperor's Support

This time, it seems I have truly offended those fellows. However, what does it matter? I have money now, and I can afford to be a bit reckless! As Qin Tian stepped out of the Naval Technical Committee building, he found himself at a loss for words. He had not anticipated that things would escalate to this extent. Nonetheless, he had no regrets. Instead of allowing these archaic individuals to hinder the German Navy, it was far better to scold them vehemently—perhaps it would even rouse them from their stupor.

Of course, Qin Tian had no certainty about whether this approach would bear fruit. The Germans were notoriously rigid in their ways.

At that moment, a Mercedes-Benz drove up in front of him.

"Oscar, get in!" Prince Heinrich called from inside.

"Certainly, Your Highness!" Qin Tian nodded and entered the prince's car.

"Oscar, to be honest, I am quite surprised by you. Among the many princes of the royal family, you were not particularly notable. Yet now, you have truly made a name for yourself," Prince Heinrich remarked.

Previously, Qin Tian was taciturn and lacked the favor of Wilhelm II, rendering him nearly invisible within the royal circles. However, he had since founded the German Welfare Lottery Company, transforming it into a highly profitable enterprise that astonished everyone with its monthly profits. Now, he had also designed an advanced battleship. Although it had not been adopted by the Naval Technical Committee, Prince Heinrich believed that if constructed, it would undoubtedly astound the world.

"Your Highness, you flatter me. However, my design has still not been accepted by the Naval Technical Committee," Qin Tian admitted, appearing somewhat dejected. Had it passed, the next generation of capital ships for the German Navy would undergo a revolutionary transformation. Perhaps Germany could indeed achieve a dramatic leap ahead of the British Navy.

"Oscar, even if the Naval Technical Committee has not accepted it, what does it matter? I have always believed that those fellows are far too inflexible. Personally, I hold your battleship design in high regard. Since you are not lacking in funds, you should proceed to construct the warship. Then we can see the expressions on their faces," Prince Heinrich encouraged.

Qin Tian nodded, eagerly anticipating that day.

"However, Your Highness, after being dismissed by the Naval Technical Committee, I fear no shipyard will be willing to build it for me! They are still keen on securing contracts from the Navy," Qin Tian expressed his concerns. Although Germany had many shipyards, only a few possessed the capability to construct battleships. These shipyards maintained close ties with the Naval Technical Committee, and after Qin Tian had so thoroughly offended them, even if he placed orders, they would likely refuse to accept them.

"That is indeed a significant dilemma. However, I believe there will be a solution. Oscar, you are young, and I am confident your future will shine brilliantly; I have great faith in you," Prince Heinrich said, patting Qin Tian on the shoulder.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Qin Tian understood that he could not afford to give up easily. After all, he was only sixteen years old, with plenty of life ahead of him; enduring some setbacks was nothing to be concerned about.

Prince Heinrich returned Qin Tian to the palace before departing, as today was, after all, Christmas—a day for family reunions.

That evening, the Qin family gathered to enjoy a sumptuous Christmas dinner. During the meal, Wilhelm II refrained from mentioning the events that had transpired at the Naval Technical Committee that afternoon. However, Qin Tian detected a glimmer of schadenfreude in the Crown Prince Wilhelm's eyes. He knew that the Crown Prince had likely spoken ill of him in front of Wilhelm II. Yet, there was little he could do about it; the Crown Prince held a position of high esteem and was favored in Wilhelm II's eyes, placing Qin Tian at a distinct disadvantage from the outset.

After dinner, Wilhelm II would typically attend to official matters. Usually, the Empress would engage the children in conversation, fostering familial bonds within the royal household. While the Western royal families were not as embroiled in strife as their Eastern counterparts, the rivalry among the princes was nonetheless evident. As parents, Wilhelm II and the Empress naturally sought to alleviate the tension.

"Oscar, come to my study," Wilhelm II said as he prepared to leave.

"Yes, Father." Qin Tian nodded; he knew he could not evade what was to come. If Wilhelm II intended to reprimand him, there was no escaping it.

"Hmph! After offending those experts at the Naval Technical Committee, he'll surely have his share of discomfort," the Crown Prince remarked, a satisfied grin on his face.

The Empress sighed at this turn of events.

"Go ahead, Oscar." Upon entering Wilhelm II's study, Qin Tian felt like a wayward child awaiting judgment. To his surprise, Wilhelm II was not angry.

"Yes!" Qin Tian quickly took a seat.

"Oscar, your actions this afternoon at the Naval Technical Committee were quite reckless. Even if they dismissed your design, you should not have argued with them or ridiculed them. Such behavior could have a detrimental effect on your reputation," Wilhelm II stated.

"Yes, Father; today I was impulsive," Qin Tian replied, lowering his head in acknowledgment of his mistake. He understood Wilhelm II's temperament; if he attempted to defend himself, it would only infuriate his father further. Instead, he found that accepting responsibility might prevent Wilhelm II from pursuing the matter.

Seeing Qin Tian's attitude, Wilhelm II's anger subsided considerably; after all, this was his son—a son who had demonstrated remarkable talent.

"Forget it; who hasn't been young? It's entirely normal to have a bit of fire at your age," Wilhelm II waved his hand, effectively dismissing the issue.

"Father, I simply cannot tolerate their use of so-called experience as an excuse for depriving our Navy of development opportunities," Qin Tian replied bitterly.

"Oscar, you are quite confident in your design!" 

"Yes, Father. I assure you, once constructed, the battleship I design will be the most formidable. It will surpass the next battleship secretly designed by the British. At that point, we will truly be able to outshine the British," Qin Tian declared with confidence.

Wilhelm II furrowed his brow, remaining silent as if contemplating the matter. After a considerable pause, he finally spoke.

"Oscar, as your father and as the Emperor of the German Empire, I am willing to support you. I hope you will not disappoint me. Since you have boldly proclaimed your intention to construct the battleship at the Naval Technical Committee, then pursue it with determination," Wilhelm II resolved firmly.