Chapter 0051: Unreasonable Disturbance

"Your Highness, the Crown Prince, Prince Oscar and Count Tirpitz have just departed from His Majesty's office," a servant informed Wilhelm, the Crown Prince. 

"Hmph!" Wilhelm scoffed, striding quickly out of his office.

In the palace gardens, Qin Tian and Count Tirpitz strolled along a path, discussing their imminent return to Berlin.

"Your Highness, our Nassau-class battleships, Helgoland-class battleships, and the Blücher-class battlecruisers are all superior to the British vessels. This undeniably narrows the gap between us and the British in terms of dreadnought capabilities," Count Tirpitz proclaimed, brimming with confidence about the navy's future.

"Indeed, Your Excellency. However, we must not become overconfident. While our capital ships outperform the British, we cannot overlook their substantial advantages in shipbuilding and naval design, particularly their wealth and numerous large shipyards. Should they perceive their maritime supremacy threatened, they will undoubtedly ramp up their warship production. Soon, we might face a relentless onslaught of British capital ships, while our High Seas Fleet will have to contend with their formidable numbers," Qin Tian lamented.

The British shipbuilding prowess is unparalleled. Their immense resources, accumulated over centuries, are not to be trifled with. Once their war machine is fully operational, the Royal Navy's dreadnoughts will flood the waters, placing immense pressure on the German Navy.

Count Tirpitz's smile faded; he recognized the truth in Qin Tian's words. The British war potential was indeed terrifying. Despite their limited army and lackluster combat capability, their naval dominance remains unassailable. Defeating the British Navy will be a formidable challenge.

"Your Highness, though the path ahead is fraught with difficulty, retreat is no longer an option. We must persevere until we either vanquish the British or meet our own destruction," Count Tirpitz declared, his eyes gleaming with resolve.

Qin Tian nodded. "That is indeed the case, Your Excellency. Our foes are formidable, and overcoming them will be arduous. Yet, we shall strive with all our might. Even if we ultimately fail, we will have no regrets for our efforts."

Count Tirpitz nodded in agreement, regarding Qin Tian with newfound respect. In his mind, he mused that compared to Wilhelm, Qin Tian excelled in both talent and character. Had Qin Tian been the heir to the German Empire, it would surely have been more beneficial for the nation. However, this was merely a fanciful thought, for Qin Tian's claim to the throne was far behind. The first in line was undoubtedly Wilhelm, a fact that left Count Tirpitz sighing inwardly.

"Your Excellency, our capital ships now rely entirely on oil-fired boilers and steam turbines. Yet Germany is desperately lacking in oil. We must import all the oil we consume. This is manageable in peacetime, as we can procure sufficient supplies from the United States. However, should war erupt, even if the Americans are willing to sell, the British will undoubtedly blockade our maritime trade routes. If we exhaust our oil reserves, our warships will languish at the docks," Qin Tian cautioned.

"Your Highness, that is indeed a possibility. However, oil-fired boilers offer significant advantages over coal-fired ones, providing not only greater power but also enhanced range for our vessels. Regarding oil, we must strive to stockpile as much as possible before war breaks out," Count Tirpitz sighed, lamenting Germany's scarcity of resources beyond coal.

"Indeed, that is our only recourse. Let us hope our navy can defeat the British on the battlefield, alleviating concerns about them severing our maritime trade routes," Qin Tian agreed, contemplating plans to begin stockpiling oil for future conflict.

Just then, an irate voice broke the conversation. 


Startled, both Count Tirpitz and Qin Tian turned to see the furious Crown Prince Wilhelm advancing toward them.

"Your Highness!" Qin Tian and Count Tirpitz greeted him respectfully. Despite Wilhelm's lesser abilities, he remained the Crown Prince of the German Empire, his status undeniable.

"Hmph! Oscar, do you still recognize my authority as the Crown Prince?" Wilhelm thundered, his expression fierce, as though Qin Tian were a bitter enemy. 

"What do you mean, Your Highness?" Qin Tian furrowed his brow, perplexed by the sudden hostility. Had he wronged Wilhelm in some way?

"Your Highness, could this be a misunderstanding?" Count Tirpitz inquired, equally puzzled.

"Hmph! Count, what are you implying? Are you suggesting the navy is choosing sides? Do not forget, I am the Crown Prince of the German Empire! I am the future Emperor!" Wilhelm roared, his anger escalating. He perceived Count Tirpitz's recent comments as a shift in the navy's allegiance toward Qin Tian, an intolerable affront.

"Your Highness, you are speaking nonsense! When has the navy ever expressed such intentions?" Count Tirpitz's demeanor darkened. The military traditionally refrains from intervening in royal succession matters; this is a well-established convention. He believed he had acted accordingly. Yet Wilhelm's accusations were a profound insult to both him and the navy, an affront that the esteemed admiral could not accept.