Chapter 0065: So That's How It Is

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your remarkable generosity! If the army's budget becomes a little more flexible in the future, we may consider procuring more motorcycles," von Moltke said, forcing a smile onto his face. However, it was clear that his smile was merely a façade, devoid of genuine warmth.

Qin Tian nodded, choosing not to elaborate further. He understood that von Moltke was merely exchanging pleasantries. Persuading the army to purchase products from his enterprises would be exceedingly challenging, especially while von Moltke remained in his position as Chief of Staff.

What began as a sales pitch for motorcycles had transformed into a substantial donation of them, leaving Qin Tian somewhat speechless. Nevertheless, he deemed the expenditure of fifty million marks worthwhile, as it had succeeded in altering the perspectives of many key army leaders. Often, even spending such a sum would not yield comparable results.

Once Qin Tian reached an accord with the army, the event came to a close. von Moltke was the first to take his leave. Yet, the moment he turned away, his insincere smile vanished, replaced by a grim expression.

"It appears that Prince Oscar is indeed an ambitious individual. His relentless pursuit of military favor clearly aims to secure support that might destabilize Crown Prince William's position. Is the seemingly unshakeable throne of Crown Prince William truly able to withstand the onslaught from Prince Oscar?" von Moltke mused inwardly.

However, he quickly concluded that while the crown prince's position appeared stable, it was, in fact, teetering on the brink. Wilhelm II's dissatisfaction with Crown Prince William had grown, perceiving him as a hopeless case. In all fairness, Crown Prince William was indeed remarkable, but when compared to the prodigious talent of Qin Tian, the disparity was glaring.

"Your Highness, thank you for your support of the army," said von Falkenhayn, grasping Qin Tian's hand with genuine appreciation. As the Minister of the Army, the pressures of inadequate funding were all too evident. If there were more individuals like Qin Tian willing to generously contribute to the empire's military might, his burdens would surely lighten.

"Your Excellency, you flatter me. This is the least I can do!" Qin Tian responded humbly.

Von Falkenhayn patted Qin Tian on the shoulder before departing, reflecting, "If only Prince Oscar were the emperor's eldest son, how splendid that would be!"

Clearly, von Falkenhayn felt regret for Qin Tian. In his view, Qin Tian was far more suited to inherit the empire than Crown Prince William. Should Qin Tian ascend the throne, the empire would undoubtedly grow stronger. Yet, the prospect of replacing Crown Prince William seemed nearly impossible.

Other army leaders soon bid farewell as well, their faces adorned with smiles as they shook hands with Qin Tian, expressing their gratitude. From their eyes, Qin Tian sensed their sincerity, along with an undercurrent of regret. He was acutely aware of what they mourned, though he felt powerless to change the situation.

Field Marshal Count Tirpitz was the last to leave and extended an invitation for Qin Tian to share a carriage with him. Qin Tian recognized that the field marshal had something to discuss.

Qin Tian's staunch support of the navy had garnered substantial returns; at the very least, Field Marshal Tirpitz, the navy's chief, held him in high regard. Of course, many were displeased with Tirpitz's actions, but he remained unfazed. Others were oblivious to the extent of Qin Tian's support for the navy, and Tirpitz chose not to concern himself with their opinions.

"Your Highness, you performed excellently today. I am particularly grateful for your robust support of the navy. However, many harbor dissent regarding this. The army's personnel are notably envious. Yet, following today's events, they should feel considerably more at ease," Field Marshal Tirpitz said with a smile.

Although Qin Tian donated motorcycles worth fifty million marks to the army, Tirpitz felt no sense of inequity. After all, Qin Tian's support for the navy was immeasurably greater. Not only was there the battleship, but the annual low-interest loans of one hundred million marks constituted significant assistance. Without this, the German navy would struggle to launch advanced warships at such a rapid pace. Moreover, due to Qin Tian's influence, Wilhelm II had agreed to provide an annual loan of one hundred million marks from the royal treasury to the navy.

"Your Excellency, the navy is indeed crucial in future warfare, but the army is equally important. After vanquishing the enemy, the navy ultimately relies on the army to secure enemy territory. Our warships cannot simply sail ashore, can they? Thus, I place considerable emphasis on the army as well. However, our army is already formidable, and the adversaries it faces do not compare to those confronting the navy," Qin Tian asserted, shaking his head. He did not wish for Germany's military to become lopsided like Britain's. The British navy held the title of the world's strongest, yet their meager army left much to be desired. Qin Tian hoped for both the German army and navy to possess unparalleled strength.

Field Marshal Tirpitz nodded in approval, acknowledging Qin Tian's viewpoint. The enemies of the German navy were formidable, and their debts were considerable. To catch up, increased investment was necessary. The army, comparatively, faced less pressure; however, that did not imply it was any less significant.

"Your Highness, have you sensed von Moltke's hostility towards you?" Field Marshal Tirpitz inquired.

Qin Tian nodded, "Indeed, it seems the Chief of Staff was deliberately targeting me today. I cannot recall having offended him in any way."

"Your Highness, sometimes being too brilliant is a burden! You are currently in such a position. Your remarkable abilities have evidently aroused a sense of threat in someone. von Moltke, of course, seeks to prevent the worst-case scenario from unfolding. Hence, he attempts to restrain you. However, it appears he has not succeeded," Tirpitz remarked with a slight smile.

"Are you suggesting that this is the work of Crown Prince William?" Qin Tian's brow furrowed.