Chapter 0074: A Windfall from the Sky

"Your Highness, please awaken!" 

"Oh God! What are we to do? The Crown Prince is unconscious." 

"You fools, immediately take the Crown Prince to the hospital. Then report what has happened here to His Majesty the Emperor!" 

A flurry of activity ensued among the guards at the estate as they rushed the Crown Prince out and toward medical attention, all the while hastily informing Wilhelm II of the situation. In such chaos, maintaining secrecy was nearly impossible. 

The news of the Crown Prince's fall and subsequent unconsciousness spread like wildfire through Germany's upper echelons. Everyone understood the profound implications should the Crown Prince remain comatose or, worse, die. A new heir might soon emerge. 

"If the Crown Prince does not awaken, it may prove advantageous for the German Empire," muttered Marshal Tirpitz upon hearing the news. 

He quickly summoned a carriage and headed to the hospital, realizing he needed to consult with Qin Tian about the next steps in light of this incident. 

Chief of the General Staff von Moltke was equally alarmed by the revelation. He had always maintained a close relationship with the Crown Prince and was even perceived by the public as a confidant of his. After the Crown Prince's house arrest by Wilhelm II, von Moltke's own standing had become precarious, especially with the Army Minister von Falkenhayn eyeing his position. 

"Damn it, how could this happen? Was it an accident, or is someone behind this?" von Moltke seethed, knowing that if anything were to happen to the Crown Prince or he were replaced, it would be a devastating blow to him. 

Meanwhile, Qin Tian lay in his hospital bed, his recovery progressing well after two months. His wounds had mostly healed, though a dull ache remained in his abdomen, preventing his discharge. Remaining in the hospital felt safer, especially since Wilhelm II had fortified its defenses against further assassination attempts. 

"Your Highness, the Crown Prince has fallen from his horse and remains unconscious. They are working desperately to save him; his life may be in jeopardy," Karl von Jonalett burst into the room, a gleam of excitement in his eyes. 

"What? When did this happen? Is the information credible?" Qin Tian exclaimed, rising swiftly from his bed, a mix of emotions crossing his face—excitement, satisfaction at revenge fulfilled, and a hint of suspicion. 

"Your Highness, it just occurred. While the news is unconfirmed, it seems accurate." Karl's enthusiasm was palpable. Despite Qin Tian's relatively low ranking in the line of succession, there remained exceptions. Given his recent accomplishments and potential military backing, he had a real chance of ascending to the position of Crown Prince. 

Yet, rather than elation, Qin Tian felt a surge of doubt. "Let's not rush to conclusions; this is too suspicious. Today is Christmas Eve, and while I remain in the hospital, the Crown Prince has suffered this incident—I suspect he may have orchestrated this to garner the Emperor's sympathy, hoping to be released from the estate." 

"Could the Crown Prince truly stoop so low?" Karl asked incredulously. 

"Karl, we must prepare for all possibilities. For the throne, a prince may resort to anything," Qin Tian replied. 

Karl nodded. "I'll investigate further to obtain concrete details." 

After Karl departed, sleep eluded Qin Tian. The prospect of becoming the Crown Prince exhilarated him. Despite having several elder brothers ahead of him, those individuals had consistently squandered their potential, overshadowed by the Crown Prince's brilliance, showing little but a glamorous façade devoid of substance. 

With Qin Tian's ascension, their worth had diminished, rendering them nearly forgotten. Should the Crown Prince falter, Qin Tian's chances of inheriting the throne would significantly increase. 

"Is this the fortunate reward for a time traveler? Such unexpected fortune dropping from the sky is almost too good to be true," he mused with a smile. 

Initially, he thought the throne was beyond his grasp, yet to safeguard his interests and wealth, he had strived to strengthen Germany's military might. Now, with the prospect of becoming Crown Prince, his faith in the future soared. Should he attain that title, he would bear even greater responsibility to assist the Empire in securing victory in war. 

Additionally, the Crown Prince's fall was unprecedented in another timeline. This realization sparked a cautionary thought in Qin Tian's mind—history was diverging from what he once knew, compelling him to abandon previous assumptions regarding the future. 

As Qin Tian contemplated his promising prospects, Wilhelm II was in a furious rage within the palace. 

"What on earth is happening? How did the Prince fall from his horse? Was it intentional?" Wilhelm II's face darkened, his voice icy enough to chill the air in the hall. 

"Your Majesty, upon learning he could not return to the palace, the Crown Prince fell into despair and began drinking. After becoming inebriated, he insisted on riding despite our attempts to stop him. This is how the accident occurred. While we cannot entirely rule out foul play, the likelihood is minimal," reported the commander of the royal secret forces stationed at the estate, perspiration beading on his forehead. 

"Fools! The Prince brought this upon himself! Are you all utterly incompetent? Could you not have forcibly restrained him?" Wilhelm II roared in fury. 

The commander of the secret forces could only lower his head, allowing the Emperor to unleash his wrath without daring to retort.