Chapter 0080: It Belongs to Me; No One Can Take It Away

William II's decision left Qin Tian feeling profoundly stifled. He never anticipated that William II would prefix his title as "Crown Prince" with the word "acting."

Qin Tian understood that, in William II's eyes, he remained inferior to Crown Prince Wilhelm, despite his own superior qualities. Crown Prince Wilhelm had committed numerous indiscretions, yet in William II's heart, he remained irreplaceable. This appointment as the empire's Crown Prince was merely a concession, driven by the empire's need for a capable successor. Should Crown Prince Wilhelm awaken swiftly, Qin Tian was certain that William II would promptly revoke his position and reinstate Wilhelm as the rightful heir.

Many things in the world are inherently unjust, and this was certainly true for Qin Tian.

Even though he felt deeply aggrieved, Qin Tian dared not express his feelings, nor could he refuse. To do so would not only alienate William II but also irrevocably sever his ties to the title of Crown Prince.

For Qin Tian, the best course of action was to accept William II's arrangement. As for the future, he would devise a plan then. He was determined not to be passive; once he assumed the role of Crown Prince, he would undoubtedly seize further opportunities for advancement. At that point, it would not be so easy for William II to displace him.

"Very well, Father; I have no objections. After all, the position of Crown Prince rightfully belongs to my brother, and I am merely acting in his stead," Qin Tian replied calmly.

William II nodded with satisfaction, recognizing that Qin Tian would likely feel resentment. However, Qin Tian's decision to submit was pleasing to William II; it affirmed his belief that his will prevailed in the empire, and that his authority dictated the fates of all.

"Oscar, I am very pleased with your performance. I hope you will make significant contributions to the empire as Crown Prince. If I believe you are more suitable than Wilhelm to inherit the throne, you may very well have the opportunity to become the true Crown Prince," William II stated. He understood that incentivizing Qin Tian was necessary to ensure his full commitment.

"Yes, Father!" Qin Tian thought disdainfully. He recognized this as a sweetener to accompany a reprimand—he was no child to fall for such tactics.

"Father, how do we circumvent the law of succession? If I were to become the Crown Prince, many would undoubtedly oppose it, potentially causing significant turmoil," Qin Tian expressed his concerns.

"I will manage the matter of the succession law. With me at the helm, those old fogies won't cause any trouble," William II declared with authority.

Though Western monarchs wielded less power than their Eastern counterparts, in the rapidly ascending German Empire, the Emperor's influence remained formidable. While there were those who dared to oppose royal authority, their numbers were few. William II had ample means to deal with dissenters, especially after securing the support of his ministers.

Qin Tian nodded, acknowledging that if William II could not handle this matter, it would reflect poorly on his capabilities as emperor.

"Father, what of my second, third, and fourth brothers? They rank ahead of me," Qin Tian added. He was acutely aware that his three brothers were likely eyeing the position of Crown Prince with keen interest. Previously, Wilhelm's position had been secure, and he had relentlessly suppressed their ambitions. But now that Wilhelm lay incapacitated, their ambitions would surely burgeon.

Though William II's sons might be deemed mediocre in ability, that did not hinder their pursuit of the throne.

"Hmph! Those uneducated buffoons have no right to aspire to the Crown Prince title. If they dare entertain such thoughts, I will make sure they realize their lack of self-awareness," William II's expression turned icy. Though these princes were his sons, he had long since abandoned any hope for them. In his eyes, they were nothing more than idlers.

Qin Tian nodded, choosing not to speak further. He understood that William II had already made his decisions. His words were futile. It was better to leave matters in William II's capable hands and focus on preparing for his role as acting Crown Prince.

Subsequently, William II imparted valuable insights from his own experience as a former Crown Prince before ascending to the German throne at the age of 29, following Friedrich III's brief reign of just over three months.

Qin Tian listened attentively, knowing that this wisdom would prove useful in the future. However, that did not mean he would wholeheartedly accept William II's arrangement. For now, he had no choice but to accept the appointment as acting Crown Prince. When the opportunity arose, he would retaliate, even if it meant staging a coup. Moreover, he felt little familial loyalty toward William II.

The current history had begun to diverge from the one Qin Tian was familiar with. In this timeline, Crown Prince Wilhelm's accident had not occurred. Additionally, Qin Tian questioned whether William II would even live as long in this reality.

After spending two hours in the palace, Qin Tian finally took his leave at midnight. Although William II had offered him accommodations, Qin Tian politely declined. The events of the day had been overwhelming, and he needed solitude to reflect and plan for the future.

As Qin Tian exited the palace, he could not help but clench his fists tightly.

"Since fate has granted me rebirth in this era and the opportunity to become Germany's Crown Prince, even if only as acting Crown Prince, it ultimately positions me to inherit this nation's throne. This time, I shall not compromise or retreat. No one shall take what is rightfully mine!" Qin Tian resolved with unwavering determination.