Chapter 0084: Preparations for War in Full Force

"Your Highness, to doubt our allies based solely on personal conjecture seems rather hasty, does it not? At least for now, the Kingdom of Italy remains an ally of the Empire and has shown no signs of breaching our pact. Thus, such suspicions towards our allies are unfounded. If word of this spreads, who would dare to ally with the Empire in the future?" von Moltke's voice rang out.

Following the recent appointment incident, the open conflict between von Moltke and QinTian had become evident. Although both displayed restraint, each imperial meeting often witnessed pointed exchanges. Most of the time, von Moltke was the instigator, yet he frequently found himself in a compromising position. Had it not been for Wilhelm II's continued trust in him, the position of Chief of Staff might have already changed hands.

Of course, Wilhelm II might have wished to provide QinTian with an adversary to curb his rapid rise in the political landscape of the Empire. Now that QinTian had gained the full support of the navy, the absence of von Moltke would likely lead the army to fall entirely under QinTian's influence. Such a scenario could pose a significant threat to Wilhelm II. Naturally, Wilhelm II was unwilling to see this outcome.

"Whether the Italians will betray us is uncertain, and no one can state it with confidence. However, I believe the likelihood is substantial. If we do not prepare in advance, such an event would pose a grave threat to the Empire. Should we be ready early, we would not find ourselves flustered if the Italians did indeed turn against us. Moreover, if our suspicions prove erroneous, the Empire would not suffer significantly," QinTian explained calmly, seemingly unfazed by von Moltke's challenge.

The other ministers, including Wilhelm II, nodded in agreement after hearing QinTian's words. Taking preventive measures was undoubtedly essential.

Von Moltke wished to continue his rebuttal, but was interrupted by Wilhelm II.

"Very well, let us proceed according to Oscar's suggestion. We must strive to engage the Kingdom of Italy. After all, Italy is a first-rate power, and if it honors our alliance, it would be a tremendous boon for the Empire. Simultaneously, we must remain vigilant. Should the Italians betray us, we cannot afford to be caught off guard," Wilhelm II decisively concluded. Being prepared was imperative for Germany; even if they misjudged Italy, it would not have dire consequences for the Empire.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" all the ministers replied in unison.

"Your Majesty, if the worst-case scenario articulated by the Crown Prince comes to pass, the Empire's situation will become dire. With only our forces and those of Austria-Hungary, it would be challenging to withstand the assault from Britain, France, Russia, and Italy. While Austria-Hungary is considered a major power, its resources are limited, and its military strength is feeble. Thus, its contribution in wartime would be minimal. This would place enormous pressure on the Empire," Prime Minister Bernhardt von Bülow stated solemnly.

Wilhelm II's expression grew grave. If that were the case, would it not mean Germany alone would confront all the European powers? Even Wilhelm II, in his arrogance, would not dare to make such a bold claim.

"What recommendations does everyone have?" Wilhelm II inquired.

"Your Majesty, given the unfavorable situation we face, might we consider ways to avert the outbreak of war?" suggested von Kidren-Wasicht. If the prospects of victory were dim, perhaps refraining from conflict was the wisest course, thereby conserving the nation's strength.

Wilhelm II shook his head: "The current circumstances are no longer dictated by the Empire. War is imminent; it cannot be avoided. Even if the Empire desires peace, Britain, France, Russia, and the others will not acquiesce. Unless we agree to their humiliating terms, relinquishing our struggle for hegemony, acceptance of such conditions is utterly impossible for the Empire. The German people would rather perish in battle than live in subjugation."

Instantly, the atmosphere in the office became tenser. A palpable pressure loomed, as all understood that the German Empire had no retreat. They could either fight to the death, however slim their chances of success, or submit, a choice they clearly would not make. Thus, only two paths remained.

"Oscar, what are your thoughts on this?" Wilhelm II asked.

"Father, the current situation indeed poses significant challenges for us. However, if we can prepare as thoroughly as possible for this war, we might still seize the opportunity for victory. No single nation can stand against the military might of the Empire; only by uniting can they hope to challenge us. Therefore, if we commit ourselves to complete military readiness from this point forward, our chances of success remain viable," QinTian articulated.

"Indeed, the Crown Prince is correct; we have not yet reached the most dire moment. Though our adversaries are formidable, our strength is equally significant. If our army and navy are adequately prepared, and we can defeat our enemies on the battlefield, victory is within our grasp!" Wilhelm II declared.

As the Emperor of the Empire, he could not afford to succumb to despair. If he, the emperor, lost hope, the war might end before it even began.

"The Imperial Navy has always been fully prepared for war. Our 'Nassau-class' battleships are nearing completion, and the outfitting of the 'Blücher-class' battlecruisers has commenced, expected to be finished by mid-next year. Furthermore, our 'Helgoland-class' battleships are already under construction. These vessels are superior to the British battleships. If we can continuously equip more new capital ships, we will not lag behind the British Navy. In the decisive battle to come, defeating the British Navy will ensure the Empire's resilience!" Admiral Tirpitz expressed his unwavering confidence in the upcoming conflict.

"The fighting prowess of the Imperial Army has always been unmatched; even a united front of Britain, France, and Russia could not hope to defeat us!" Minister of the Army von Falkenhayn declared proudly.