Chapter 0094: The German Armaments Company

"Congratulations, Your Highness. Your design this time has truly been a resounding success." As the train returned to Berlin, Count Tirpitz entered the private carriage where Qin Tian was seated.

"Your Excellency, you flatter me. This achievement is the result of everyone's support. It is indeed my honor to design powerful warships for the navy!" Qin Tian, however, did not allow pride to cloud his humility. He firmly believed that humility is a fundamental quality of success; without it, true achievement would remain elusive.

"Your Highness, the 'Moltke-class' battlecruiser and the 'Kaiser-class' battleship are both exceptional vessels. Once the German Navy possesses these ships, our strength will surpass that of the British Navy, making future victories all the more attainable," Count Tirpitz declared confidently.

At least for now, the British had yet to commence the construction of warships equipped with 343mm main guns. In contrast, the German Navy was already in the process of building or preparing to build a total of ten battleships of two classes armed with 343mm guns, along with three battlecruisers featuring the same caliber. These assets were vital capital for the German Navy's future triumph over its British counterpart!

"No, Your Excellency, you are being overly optimistic. While we may appear to have surpassed the British Navy at present, we must not let our guard down. As far as I know, the British have completed or are close to completing the design of large battleships equipped with 343mm guns. They are merely facing a bottleneck in their gun development. Once they resolve this issue, they will promptly begin constructing large battleships, possibly even outpacing us in speed. After all, the British shipbuilding tradition is unparalleled," Qin Tian's expression grew grave.

Count Tirpitz's smile faded. He recognized that his enthusiasm for the impending construction of major warships had caused him to lose sight of the broader picture. The British had maintained their status as world leaders for centuries, overcoming numerous challenges, ultimately emerging victorious each time. This history underscored their deep-seated commitment to preserving maritime supremacy.

Qin Tian sighed. Despite the rapid development of the German Navy under his support, the task of toppling the British Empire was daunting indeed! However, now that he had embarked on this path as the heir to the German Empire, there was no turning back; he had no choice but to see it through.

As someone who had been reborn, Qin Tian understood the formidable strength of the British when they sensed a crisis, often resulting in an explosive increase in shipbuilding akin to producing dumplings.

In another timeline familiar to him, the British had commenced an aggressive shipbuilding campaign starting in 1909, launching four 'Orion-class' battleships equipped with five twin-mounted 343mm guns, followed by four 'King George V-class' battleships in 1911, and four 'Iron Duke-class' battleships in 1912, all featuring similar armament. In 1912 and 1913, they had even started construction on battleships armed with 381mm guns. This demonstrated the terrifying potential of British shipbuilding capacity once unleashed.

"Your Highness, we cannot underestimate the British. This is our only chance to challenge their maritime hegemony. If we miss it, another opportunity may never arise!" Count Tirpitz stated solemnly. He understood the grave implications of failure; it could spell the end of Germany itself.

Qin Tian nodded, "Indeed, this is our sole opportunity. We must seize it; otherwise, we will be filled with regret."

"By the way, Your Excellency, I am aware that the British have already begun the development of larger 381mm guns. Meanwhile, we have yet to even start work on such caliber weaponry. We must accelerate our efforts; if the British equip their major ships with 381mm guns, it will become increasingly difficult for us to confront them," Qin Tian remarked.

"Indeed, we need to provide more support to the Krupp Company. However, it is hard to fathom how the caliber of battleship guns could increase so dramatically in such a short span of time. Such advancements were nearly unimaginable before," Count Tirpitz acknowledged.

Qin Tian smiled, choosing not to elaborate. Should he inform Count Tirpitz that in the future, the frenzied Japanese would mount 460mm guns on their battleships?

"Your Highness, your German Industrial Group now encompasses multiple fields. I am personally curious as to which domain you intend to venture into next?" Count Tirpitz inquired with a smile.

In the realms of German and global commerce, Qin Tian was undeniably a marvel. The companies he established had merged to form the German Industrial Group, with the young Karl von Jonas appointed as its president. The group encompassed the highly profitable German Lottery Company, alongside the German Shipyard, German Energy Company, German Engine Manufacturing Company, and German Automobile Manufacturing Company.

"I have already instructed Karl to register the German Armaments Company and commence the construction of facilities, along with recruiting workers and relevant engineers," Qin Tian replied with a smile.

"The German Armaments Company? Are you venturing into the realm of weaponry, Your Highness?" Count Tirpitz asked.

Qin Tian nodded, "Not entirely in design; primarily, I aim to manufacture individual weapons. I have noticed that the infantry weaponry and firepower of the German Army are relatively weak. I hope to address this shortcoming for the Imperial Army."

"Your Highness, your intentions may be noble, but this could encroach upon the interests of certain parties. The Imperial Army's equipment has traditionally been the purview of Mauser, Rheinmetall, and Krupp. Your foray into this sector would undoubtedly compete with their interests," Count Tirpitz sighed.

"Who is to blame if they have not enhanced the combat capabilities of the German Army? To secure victory in future wars, I must pursue this path," Qin Tian replied, shaking his head, a glint of determination in his eyes.

"Your Highness, you might consider seeking advice from His Majesty," Count Tirpitz suggested.

Qin Tian nodded, understanding his meaning.