Chapter 0103: Free Advertising

Qin Tian has always placed significant emphasis on the automotive industry. This sector not only promises substantial profits but also serves to further advance industrial development and enhance the nation's overall strength.

He vividly recalls that since the inception of Ford's Model T on September 27, 1908, a staggering total of fifteen million units were produced. This is undoubtedly an immense figure. If Daimler can achieve such sales—if not surpass the Model T—it would firmly establish Daimler as a true titan in the automotive realm, overshadowing its competitors.

"Let's proceed as planned. We will launch the B-Class on January 1, and the A-Class and C-Class will follow once development is complete. The fate of Daimler as a legendary brand hinges on this endeavor, particularly the C-Class, for which we must accelerate the research and development process. Ideally, it should hit the market by the first half of next year," Qin Tian instructed.

He hopes Daimler can unveil the C-Class before Ford releases the Model T, thereby preemptively countering Ford's market dominance. Even if they cannot eclipse Ford in North America, capturing the European market, which is currently much larger, is essential for industry leadership.

"Yes, Your Highness," William Maybach nodded earnestly. Though uncertain about Qin Tian's urgency, he trusted there was a sound rationale behind it.

"Have we completed the development of our cargo trucks?" Qin Tian inquired.

While passenger cars are crucial, he equally values cargo trucks, aspiring for the German military to be the world's first army entirely reliant on motor vehicles instead of mules.

"Your Highness, we have finalized the design and produced a prototype. Please follow me," Maybach replied.

Accompanying Maybach, Qin Tian arrived at the location housing the cargo trucks. It must be admitted that the Daimler-designed vehicle appears rather rudimentary, yet it possesses most features characteristic of modern cargo trucks. However, its performance cannot yet compete with future counterparts, owing to the technological limitations of the present.

"Your Highness, this is our cargo truck, capable of carrying up to 1.5 tons, with a maximum speed of forty kilometers per hour," Maybach stated.

Qin Tian nodded, recognizing that while he viewed this truck as subpar, its capabilities were commendable for the current context.

"What about its reliability?" Qin Tian asked.

He intends to promote this truck to the military, and if it lacks reliability, the army would certainly reject it. They cannot afford to have vehicles malfunctioning during critical supply missions once war breaks out.

"Your Highness, we have conducted reliability tests. Essentially, there shouldn't be major issues, though minor problems may arise. However, these can be easily resolved with spare parts and trained personnel, ensuring minimal impact on usage," Maybach explained.

"Understood!" Qin Tian acknowledged that such issues are inevitable given the current technological constraints. Yet, they have at least confirmed that the vehicle is operational. In another timeline, German tanks in World War II were similarly unreliable, yet they achieved remarkable success in battle.

"The reliability of our cargo trucks must be improved as much as possible, given that our primary clients will be the military," Qin Tian remarked.

"Yes, Your Highness. The research department will further investigate this matter to enhance reliability," Maybach assured him.

"Have we named this cargo truck yet?" Qin Tian inquired.

"Not yet."

"Then let us name it the Maybach Cargo Truck!" Qin Tian declared.

"Yes, Your Highness," Paul Daimler nodded in agreement.

William Maybach could hardly contain his joy; as one of the founders of Daimler, having his name immortalized in a vehicle is a tremendous honor.

Qin Tian did not linger in Stuttgart for long and departed the next afternoon, accompanied by one hundred Daimler B-Class cars that had been produced in advance. He intended to gift these cars to prominent figures in the empire, effectively serving as a marketing strategy. The recipients would include the emperor, key royal family members, government officials, military leaders, and notable entrepreneurs.

Once these dignitaries transition to the Daimler B-Class, it would create an invaluable free advertisement. When the B-Class officially launches, it is sure to generate overwhelming sales.

"Father, this is the car produced by my automotive company, gifted to you for your transportation. I invite you to experience it and compare its comfort with that of the vehicles produced by Mercedes," Qin Tian smiled as he addressed Wilhelm II.

Wilhelm II gazed in astonishment at the Daimler B-Class before him. In terms of both appearance and performance, it clearly offers superior advantages over his previous vehicle.

After taking a spin around the palace, he found the comfortable seats and excellent shock absorption and soundproofing to provide an exceptional riding experience.

"Oscar, this is an outstanding car. It's hard to believe your company could produce such a remarkable vehicle. Truly impressive," Wilhelm II lauded Qin Tian.

"Thank you, Father. I will strive to do even better," Qin Tian replied.

He was confident that once Wilhelm II and other imperial officials made the switch to the Daimler B-Class, the car would undoubtedly gain immense popularity even before its official launch.

Though the value of one hundred Daimler B-Class cars reached one million marks, the advertising impact far exceeds that investment. Qin Tian essentially secured free promotion from these esteemed individuals for his product.