Chapter 0162: Air Force

The armored units of the 8th Army Corps are equipped with the first tank developed by the Deutsche Waffen company at Qin Tian's behest, a model designed for actual combat and the first to enter mass production.

This tank has been directly designated by Qin Tian as the Type 1 Tank. It measures 5.12 meters in length, 2.61 meters in width, and 2.41 meters in height, featuring sloped frontal armor that is 30 millimeters thick, while the sides and rear are 15 millimeters thick, weighing in at 12.8 tons. It is powered by a 'Kunlun' Type 5 engine, delivering 100 horsepower. On paved roads, it can achieve a speed of 30 kilometers per hour, while its off-road speed reaches 10 kilometers per hour. Armament consists of a 37-millimeter tank gun and two 7.62-millimeter heavy machine guns; one serves as a coaxial weapon alongside the main gun, while the other is positioned at the front of the tank. The tank carries 100 rounds for the cannon and 2,000 rounds for the machine guns.

"Chief of Staff, procure a batch of these tanks to equip other units. I believe they will prove invaluable in our offensive against the French when the war begins!" Wilhelm II declared.

"Of course, Your Majesty," von Moltke nodded in agreement.

Subsequently, Gustav Krupp and von Moltke signed a procurement agreement, committing the Deutsche Waffen company to supply the German army with one thousand Type 1 Tanks over the next two years.

One thousand tanks may seem substantial, yet when divided among the seven army corps on the Western Front, each would receive barely over a hundred. Should expansion occur, it might even mean that each infantry division would be allotted fewer than ten tanks.

In stark contrast to the 8th Corps, which directly added an armored division to its ranks—comprised of over one hundred and fifty tanks per division.

"Oscar, I am exceedingly pleased with the tanks you have developed. This will significantly enhance the combat effectiveness of the German army and bolster our chances in the forthcoming conflict!" Wilhelm II asserted.

"To contribute to the empire's ambitions is indeed our honor and our goal!" Qin Tian humbly replied.

"However, Father, this secret weapon, the tank, could very well become our trump card in warfare. Therefore, we must maintain utmost confidentiality regarding its existence. Otherwise, should this information leak, the repercussions could be devastating!" Qin Tian cautioned.

Wilhelm II nodded, fully aware of the implications: "Classify the tank as a top-secret weapon of the army. Anyone who divulges information, regardless of rank, will face military discipline!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The assembled officers felt a shiver of apprehension.

"Oscar, are there any other hidden marvels to unveil?" Wilhelm II inquired.

Having now accepted Qin Tian's exceptional talent in weapon development, he awaited the response.

"Indeed, Father, there is one more. But it will have to wait until tomorrow," Qin Tian replied with a smile.

The following morning, Qin Tian led the group to the airbase of the 8th Army Corps, located approximately twenty kilometers east of Königsberg. Here, more than two hundred aircraft of various sizes were stationed.

Upon disembarking, Wilhelm II and his entourage were immediately awestruck by the sight of the planes housed in the hangars. Although they had seen aircraft before, they had never encountered such a multitude. Moreover, these planes appeared markedly superior to their foreign counterparts; if the latter were akin to ugly ducklings, these were undoubtedly beautiful swans.

"Oscar, are these aircraft part of the 8th Army Corps?" Wilhelm II asked.

"Indeed, Your Majesty. The Deutsche Industrial Group has established an aircraft research center and manufacturing facility. These planes are the latest designs, developed for the 8th Army Corps. Upon inspection, their performance has proven quite commendable, likely surpassing that of other nations' aircraft," Qin Tian beamed.

Wilhelm II nodded, offering no further comment.

Shortly thereafter, the 8th Air Corps commenced a demonstration.

Two fighter planes taxied down the runway, then lifted their noses and soared into the sky.

These two fighters were the newly developed F2 models, showcasing significant performance improvements over the earlier F1 fighters. Their maximum speed had increased to 200 kilometers per hour, with a maximum range extended to 500 kilometers, granting them an operational radius of 200 kilometers.

While the German military was also engaged in the development of aircraft, they understood all too well that the planes they produced paled in comparison to the F2 fighters of the 8th Corps.

In addition to the fighters, the 8th Corps also boasted a bomber. In contrast to the F2 fighters, this bomber, designated the H1, appeared considerably bulkier, with its propellers mounted on the wings rather than the nose. Capable of carrying up to 500 kilograms of bombs, it could strike targets over 200 kilometers away, achieving a maximum speed of 150 kilometers per hour. Although it was exceedingly rudimentary compared to the supersonic and stealth bombers of the future, the H1 provided the 8th Corps, and indeed the German army, with a valuable long-range strike capability.

To enhance Wilhelm II and his companions' understanding of the bomber's capabilities, Qin Tian arranged for ten H1 bombers to conduct an attack on a small hill within the target range.

When the ten H1 bombers unleashed a total of five tons of explosives, engulfing the hill in flames, the spectators were left in awe.

"Excellent, Oscar! We must procure both types of aircraft. Whether fighter or bomber, they are essential for our needs!" Wilhelm II decisively stated.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Qin Tian nodded in satisfaction, achieving the outcome he had hoped for.

Under Qin Tian's influence, Germany was poised to lead the world in armored and aerial warfare, significantly enhancing its military prowess and improving its odds in future conflicts.

Wilhelm II declared that the German army would procure additional aircraft and establish more air units, ensuring air superiority in forthcoming wars.

Qin Tian's efforts had a singular purpose: to enhance Germany's prospects in the impending conflicts. Especially since becoming the imperial heir, his fate had become irrevocably intertwined with Germany's. Consequently, he could not abide the thought of Germany facing defeat in future wars.

As long as Germany emerged victorious in the upcoming conflicts, his efforts would not have been in vain! Naturally, Qin Tian believed that, with such advantages at their disposal, there was no reason for Germany to lose the war!