Chapter 0173: Heading to the Frontline

"Your Excellency, are our submarine forces and battlecruisers fully prepared?" Qin Tian inquired.

"Indeed, all preparations have been made. We began our wartime readiness as soon as the Austro-Hungarian Empire declared war on Serbia," replied Admiral Tirpitz. As the head of the German Navy, Tirpitz possessed a keen political instinct, sensing that a great war was on the horizon. The outcome of this conflict would determine whether the German Navy could triumph over formidable foes.

Qin Tian nodded. "Let our submarines and battlecruisers set sail tomorrow night! The war is imminent, and the capital we invested in these warships must be put to use."

"Your Highness, do the British have a clear stance on declaring war against us?" Tirpitz asked. While everyone anticipated an inevitable conflict between Britain and Germany, domestic debates within Britain regarding their participation in the war suggested that sending the fleet out now might be premature.

Qin Tian shook his head. "I guarantee that within three days, the British will declare war on us!"

Tirpitz raised an eyebrow, skeptical of Qin Tian's certainty.

"Let us not forget that the crux of the Western Front strategy hinges upon traversing Belgium to assault northern France. Will the Belgians acquiesce to our passage? That is nearly impossible. Once our troops enter Belgium, the British will undoubtedly intervene. The British have always adhered to a strategy of continental balance, and they cannot stand idly by as Belgium falls and France faces peril. Thus, British involvement in the war is inevitable!" Qin Tian elucidated.

"Given this perspective, we must indeed prepare in advance. Tomorrow night, our submarine fleet and battlecruisers will set sail. Once the British declare war, we will immediately target their maritime supply lines and annihilate them!" Tirpitz asserted.

To effectively disrupt British supply routes, the German Navy had commissioned over a hundred submarines. Following the outbreak of war, they had ordered the construction of an additional hundred submarines. Although the Makensen-class battlecruisers had yet to be commissioned, the Blücher, Moltke, and Derfflinger classes were progressively more formidable, granting Germany a decisive advantage over British battleships.

Qin Tian foresaw that the joint assault by Germany's submarines and battlecruisers would deliver a devastating blow to British maritime supply lines. The resultant chaos within Britain would be catastrophic. To safeguard their supply routes, the British Navy would be compelled to dispatch more ships for protection. Yet, neither cruisers nor battleships would match the might of the German fleet, leading to greater losses for the British. This situation would likely force an early confrontation between the British and German navies.

"How is the construction progress of our Bavaria-class battleships and Makensen-class battlecruisers? Will they be ready for service in the first half of next year?" Qin Tian inquired.

"Your Highness, we have expedited construction. They should be operational by early next year without issue," Tirpitz affirmed.

"In that case, let our decisive battle with the British Navy be scheduled for the first half of next year! I am confident that the increasingly desperate British will be eager to engage us in combat by then," Qin Tian remarked with a smile.

Tirpitz returned the smile.

A blow to British maritime supply lines would prove fatal for them. Unless the British wished to be gradually suffocated by Germany, they would have to take a risk. At that time, while the quantity of the German fleet may not surpass the British, the qualitative superiority would be undeniable. The likelihood of a German victory would thus be considerably high, and should they prevail, it would spell doom for Britain.

Early the next day, Qin Tian donned his military uniform. Germany had declared war on Russia, and he needed to rush to the frontlines. Russian forces would soon be advancing into East Prussia.

Although Qin Tian held great confidence in the Eighth Army, they faced foes numbering two to three times their own strength. Caution was essential. Should the Eighth Army falter against the Russian onslaught, it would be a dire blow to Germany, and he would lose any semblance of credibility to remain as the Crown Prince. Therefore, for the sake of the Empire and his own future, Qin Tian had to secure victory in the coming conflict.

He proceeded to Wilhelm II's office to bid farewell.

"Father, I must hurry to the Eighth Army. I assure you, we will hold back the Russian advance and buy the Western Front at least a month, if not longer!" Qin Tian declared with unwavering determination.

Wilhelm II regarded his son in uniform and nodded approvingly. "Oscar, go forth with confidence. Do not worry about matters at home. I understand your concerns regarding the Western Front, but trust in the invincibility of our Imperial Army. The French have been our past adversaries, and we shall defeat them once more!"

With the Emperor exuding confidence, Qin Tian felt compelled not to dampen his spirits. His sole responsibility was to strive for victory in the West.

"Yes, Father!" Qin Tian replied succinctly.

"Go now, Oscar. I have faith that you will triumph," Wilhelm II encouraged.

"Germany will prevail!" Qin Tian exclaimed before departing.

Returning home, he bid farewell to his wife and child. Gundelinde's eyes were red with tears, and their three-year-old son seemed to sense the gravity of the moment, beginning to wail.

"Gundelinde, rest assured, I will return safely," Qin Tian reassured her with a smile.

"Promise me, Oscar, that you will come back!" Gundelinde nodded, a dutiful wife who, despite her fears, would not hinder Qin Tian's duty, knowing it was futile.

Qin Tian kissed Gundelinde and their child before departing, under the protection of his guards, to the train station. He boarded a special train to Königsberg, heading to the frontlines to prepare for battle.