Chapter 0181: The Brutality of War

The Atlantic was calm, the weather clear and sunny, with only a slight increase in waves disturbing the serenity.

The *Black Pearl* was a merchant vessel specializing in the transport of iron ore, traveling back and forth between Canada and the British Isles. As the situation grew ever more tense, Britain's demand for iron ore skyrocketed in preparation for war. This meant that many ships like the *Black Pearl* were making a fortune.

Old Jack, the ship's owner and captain, stepped onto the deck with a cigar clenched between his teeth.

"Boys, don't slack off! Clean the deck thoroughly. This ship's only been in the water for three years, I won't have it looking like one of those old hulks that've been sailing for decades!" Jack bellowed.

"Captain, we're hauling iron ore. How can we possibly keep it clean?" one sailor grumbled.

"If you stop being lazy, it'll get clean enough!" Jack retorted.

"Captain, come listen to the radio! It says the Empire has gone to war with the Germans!" a sailor came rushing out.

"What? War? The British Empire is involved now?" The sailors began chattering amongst themselves. As citizens of the world's foremost power, the British people took great pride in their nation. They felt a strong sense of self-respect and pride in being British.

Jack's eyes gleamed with anticipation. War meant a massive increase in demand for steel, which in turn meant even more profit for him.

"I wonder if the Royal Navy's still recruiting? Maybe I'll inquire when we dock," one sailor mused.

"Yeah, right. As if the Royal Navy would take someone like you," another mocked.

"How could the Germans ever stand up to the Empire? Their army might be strong, but at sea, the Royal Navy reigns supreme!"

As the captain and crew of the *Black Pearl* engaged in their lively discussions, they had no idea that danger was creeping ever closer.

The battlecruiser *Moltke* had already spotted the *Black Pearl* and was rapidly closing in. A merchant ship loaded with iron ore could manage a top speed of ten knots at best, whereas the *Moltke*-class battlecruiser could reach speeds of up to 27 knots. There was no chance of escape for the *Black Pearl*.

By the time the *Moltke* had drawn within ten kilometers, the crew of the *Black Pearl* finally realized they were in danger. But by then, it was far too late.

"My God! What is that? Is it one of the Royal Navy's ships?" a sailor cried out in shock.

"Damn it, that's not a Royal Navy ship! Look at the flag! That's no Saint George's Cross—it's a German ship!" Old Jack, well-versed in such matters, immediately recognized the threat.

"A German warship? The Empire just declared war on Germany, and now their navy's already here? Where the hell is the Royal Navy? Those useless bastards, how could they not have seen this coming?" In their panic, some of the sailors began cursing the Royal Navy, despite their earlier admiration and desire to enlist. Now, with their lives at stake, everything had changed.

"Calm down! Stay calm, all of you! We're a merchant ship, not a warship. The Germans shouldn't harm us!" Jack said, trying to reassure the crew.

"Captain, the Germans are ordering us to stop. If we don't comply, they'll open fire!" the lookout reported.

"Stop? We can't stop! If we stop, we're done for!"

"Are you kidding? We're a merchant ship, they're a warship! We can't outrun them. Stop the ship, Captain! If we don't, they might really start shooting!"

The sailors erupted into a heated argument.

On the *Moltke*, Vice Admiral Spee issued a new command.

"Fire a warning shot with the secondary batteries."

"Boom! Boom!" The *Moltke's* 150mm secondary guns roared to life, sending two shells crashing into the sea just 200 meters from the *Black Pearl*, sending towering columns of water into the air. The sight sent the crew into a panic.

"My God! Those damn Germans really will shoot! They'll kill us! I don't want to die out here!" one sailor cried.

"Stop the ship! Stop it right now!" Old Jack shouted, his own fear evident in his voice.

The *Moltke* swiftly closed in, stopping just over 100 meters from the *Black Pearl*. The battlecruiser's guns were all trained on the merchant ship, the massive cannons looming over it like death itself.

Two small boats were launched from the *Moltke*, carrying German marines who quickly boarded the *Black Pearl*. The British sailors stood frozen in fear, hands raised high above their heads.

"What cargo are you carrying?" one German officer demanded in English.

"Sir, we're transporting iron ore. We're just merchants!" Old Jack replied quickly.

"Iron ore, huh? Very well. You should get into the lifeboats." The officer's tone was icy.

"What? What do you mean, sir?" Jack stammered.

"The Empire is at war with Britain now, and iron ore is a vital strategic resource. You understand what I'm saying, don't you?"

"Sir, you're going to take my ship, aren't you? No! Please, I beg you—have mercy! This ship is everything I own. Without it, my family will starve!" Old Jack burst into tears, pleading desperately with the German officer.

"No, I'm not taking your ship. I'm sending it to the bottom of the sea. If you disagree, you're welcome to go down with it." The German officer's cold words chilled Jack to the bone, silencing him completely.

Losing the ship would bankrupt him, but it was better than losing his life.

Under the watchful eyes of the German soldiers, Jack and his crew were herded into a lifeboat. The Germans, meanwhile, opened the *Black Pearl's* seacocks, letting seawater flood into the hold. The ship's hull sank deeper and deeper into the water until, at last, the entire vessel slipped beneath the waves.

From the lifeboat, Old Jack watched with tears in his eyes as his ship disappeared into the ocean.

Meanwhile, the *Moltke* had already moved on, hunting for its next target. The shipping lanes between Britain and North America were busy, and they would have no trouble finding more British merchant ships to destroy. Though these were innocent civilians, war was inherently brutal. In the quest for victory, both sides would stop at nothing.