Chapter 0196: The Ones Sent to Die Have Arrived

"Your Highness, war has erupted. According to intelligence we have obtained from our insiders, the Tsar's army has commenced its mobilization toward East Prussia. They have formed the Northwestern Front, comprising the First and Second Armies, commanded by General Jilinski, with a total strength exceeding five hundred thousand troops. Is Your Highness's army prepared? We can offer Your Highness intelligence support as a return for your assistance to us," Joseph conveyed to Qin Tian.

In Joseph's view, with over five hundred thousand formidable Russian troops advancing, the East Prussian forces, numbering less than two hundred thousand, should be in a state of panic. However, to his disappointment, he discerned not a trace of alarm on Qin Tian's countenance.

"Thank you for your reminder. Rest assured, the East Prussian army is battle-ready. Should the Russian forces dare to approach, we will undoubtedly defeat them," Qin Tian asserted with confidence.

Although Joseph harbored some doubts about Qin Tian's words, he chose not to express them. Presently, Qin Tian had become the most significant supporter of the Bolsheviks overseas, and they certainly did not wish to offend him, nor did they want him to come to harm.

"Sir, I wish to confirm: if the Russian army is defeated on the battlefield, will you seize the opportunity to instigate a revolution in Russia and overthrow the Tsar's dictatorial regime?" Qin Tian inquired. This was the very reason behind his support for the Bolsheviks—leveraging their domestic revolution to incite turmoil within Russia. In doing so, the Russian forces on the Eastern Front would become less of a concern, allowing Germany to achieve victory at minimal cost. Once the Eastern Front was resolved, Germany would no longer have to worry about fighting a two-front war.

In another timeline, Germany's defeat stemmed not only from the British blockade of its maritime trade routes but also from the attrition of fighting on two fronts. Germany's initial objective was to first vanquish France in the West before turning eastward to crush Russia, aiming to exploit a time gap and avoid the strains of a two-front conflict. Unfortunately, the German strategy failed, as the overwhelming costs of dual engagements quickly became unsustainable. Coupled with domestic unrest, Germany lost the war despite its military not being defeated.

In this timeline, Qin Tian was determined to avert such outcomes. Only in doing so could he ensure Germany's triumph in this conflict rather than witnessing a last-minute failure.

"Of course, Your Highness. We are prepared. The Tsar's tyrannical rule has become intolerable for the populace. This time, the Tsar's disregard for the vehement opposition of his people, in joining the war among imperialist powers, has only fueled public outrage. Should the army falter at the front, it will undoubtedly lead to a catastrophic backlash akin to an avalanche. At that moment, we will certainly rally more individuals to rise against the Tsar's government. Overthrowing the Tsar's regime is but a matter of time," Joseph's eyes flickered with fervor.

Qin Tian, Hindenburg, and Ludendorff exchanged glances, bemused; it seemed the German Empire also qualified as one of the imperialist nations Joseph spoke of. However, now they were collaborating with the German Empire, which appeared somewhat contradictory.

"That's excellent news. Mr. Joseph, do you require any further assistance? Feel free to express your needs, and I shall support you wholeheartedly," Qin Tian declared. He was eager for the Bolsheviks to instigate a revolution, as that would significantly reduce the pressure on the German Empire on the Eastern Front.

"Your Highness, we require a sum of funding, as well as a supply of armaments," Joseph replied, turning his gaze toward Qin Tian, awaiting his response. In truth, this was the primary purpose of his visit to East Prussia and his meeting with Qin Tian. In these times, inciting a revolution required financial resources. Without money, nothing could be accomplished. Furthermore, weapons were urgently needed; they couldn't expect their people to engage the Tsar's minions with bare hands.

"No problem. Upon your departure, I will provide you with a check for five million marks. As for the arms, I will find a way to facilitate their transport to you. I empathize with your party's plight and admire your convictions, so please convey to Mr. Ulyanov that I will extend my full support," Qin Tian promised.

"Thank you for Your Highness's support. Our leader has stated that once we overthrow the Tsar's regime, we will certainly repay your kindness," Joseph responded.

Qin Tian nodded but refrained from saying much more. Although he had not imposed any demands on the Bolsheviks, they should understand that there is no such thing as a free lunch. The substantial support he had provided them would need to be repaid manifold once they achieved success. Of course, the Bolsheviks would soon discover that they had underestimated Qin Tian's appetite. When they toppled the Tsar's regime and sought to withdraw from the war, they would realize that Qin Tian had already raised his knife and fork, ready to feast heartily upon the fallen Russia.

Joseph departed with a satisfied smile, while Qin Tian's face mirrored his joy.

"Your Highness, it is hard to fathom that these Bolsheviks would betray their nation's interests for their own gain," Hindenburg remarked, shaking his head in disdain.

"Indeed! Such behavior would be utterly unthinkable in the German Empire," Ludendorff agreed.

"Actually, I can comprehend their position. They have long suffered under the Tsar's oppression. With no means to rise up, their only recourse is to overthrow his regime. In such circumstances, any support offered to them will be welcomed. Even if it comes from foreign adversaries, it matters not. They simply have no other supporters to turn to. Thus, while they are fully aware that collaborating with us may lead to dire consequences, they have no choice. Soon enough, you will see how my investments in them will yield substantial returns for us," Qin Tian smiled.

Hindenburg and Ludendorff shook their heads in exasperation; they were purely military men, unfamiliar with such intrigues.

"Very well, General, let us not dwell on this matter any longer. I will manage our collaboration with the Bolsheviks. Your only concern should be overseeing the army. The Russian Northwestern Front has arrived, or more accurately, they are coming to their deaths. Let us prepare our troops to consume them whole!" Qin Tian declared.

"Yes, Your Highness. Rest assured, we will devour them completely!" Hindenburg and Ludendorff laughed heartily.