Chapter 0219: Massacre

"Oh God! What on earth do these Russians intend? They seem to be fighting with reckless abandon!" The German generals were momentarily stunned by the ferocity of the Russian assault.

It is worth noting that, to avoid being inadvertently struck by their own artillery, attacking forces typically wait until their artillery has sufficiently engaged the enemy before launching an offensive. However, now, while the Russian guns continued their preparations, bombarding the German forward positions, their infantry had already commenced their advance. Such audacity was truly astonishing!

To the average observer, General Leiningkamp must appear insane. Yet, only he understood that he had little choice; the Germans were simply too formidable, and the Russians too feeble. Had they adhered to conventional tactics, they would surely have been unable to breach the German defenses. The devastation suffered by the Second Army at the hands of the Germans' overwhelming firepower served as a cautionary tale!

Thus, General Leiningkamp devised this desperate strategy: to disregard the risk of friendly fire by launching an infantry assault concurrently with the artillery barrage. This forced the Germans out of their fortified positions, compelling them to confront the Russian advance directly. Under such circumstances, the Russian artillery might inflict more substantial damage. If fortune favored them, it was not beyond the realm of possibility that they could significantly weaken the Germans. In doing so, the Russians might find a path to survival.

"Damn those Russians! Are they intent on throwing their lives away?" Upon learning this news, General François's face darkened. Clearly, the Russians' tactics placed them in a precarious position. While the German forces were formidable, their manpower was severely limited—a critical weakness. The Russians' suicidal assaults would inevitably result in considerable German casualties.

"General, what shall we do now?"

"Hmph! If the Russians dare to fight to the death, do we not have the same resolve? The soldiers of the German Empire are the bravest in the world!" General François declared.

"Order the infantry to immediately take their positions and prepare for battle. Regardless of the cost, we must halt the Russians and leave none of them standing. Additionally, instruct the artillery to do everything in their power to suppress the Russian fire. Their ability to silence the Russians quickly will determine the extent of our casualties in this engagement!" General François commanded.

With no alternatives available, they could only resort to this course of action.

"Yes, General."

All the German commanders understood that General François was also prepared to fight desperately against the Russians.

Once the orders were issued, the German soldiers, huddled in their artillery shelters, were momentarily bewildered. After all, the explosions overhead continued, signaling that the Russian bombardment was still in effect. Wasn't stepping outside tantamount to seeking death?

Yet, a soldier's duty is to obey orders. Given that their superiors had issued commands, they had no choice but to comply. Moreover, upon realizing that the Russians were employing such reckless tactics, they had no grounds for dissent. After all, if the Russians were willing to gamble with their lives, why should they hesitate?

"Warriors, seize your weapons and prepare for battle! Let the Russians know that the soldiers of the German Empire are not afraid of death!" a company commander bellowed, and with that, he was the first to charge out of the artillery shelter.

The other soldiers followed suit, rushing out to take their positions and prepare for combat.


A 76.2mm shell exploded, sending several soldiers flying. Yet, the others barely had time to feel fear as they pressed onward along the trench, reaching the forward position, steeling themselves for battle. They resolved to avenge their fallen comrades with the lives of the Russians.

The German troops at the front emerged from their hiding places in the artillery shelters and other defensive structures to engage in combat. The Russian bombardment inflicted significant casualties, but no one faltered. They were all fighting with fervor!

On the German artillery positions, numerous gunners stripped to the waist, hurriedly transported shells. Their bodies glistened with sweat, yet they had no time to wipe it away.

To minimize their comrades' sacrifices, they needed to suppress the Russian artillery fire as quickly as possible. Only in doing so could they hope to reduce their own losses.

The fierce battle unfolded, escalating into a climactic confrontation.

"Boom! Boom!"

Russian shells continued to rain down on the German positions, and soldiers fell to the explosions. Nevertheless, the survivors pressed on, determined to fight.

Amid this chaos, the Russian infantry drew closer to the German lines.

"Fire! Annihilate those Russians!" commanded the German front-line officer.


The German machine gunners, pent-up with rage, opened fire first. The sound of universal and squad machine guns filled the air, unleashing a torrent of bullets like a steel storm upon the advancing Russian lines. Those caught in the deluge fell to the ground, many riddled with dozens of bullets, their bodies reduced to grotesque mounds.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Mortars and grenade launchers joined the fray, raining shells and grenades upon the Russian ranks. The explosions scattered deadly shrapnel, harvesting Russian lives indiscriminately.

The Russian soldiers fought valiantly in this engagement, acutely aware that their only chance of survival lay in fighting with all their might. There were no other options left to them.

Meanwhile, the Russian commanders observing from a distance gasped in shock.

"Damn it! The Germans' firepower is indeed formidable. They are extravagantly equipped with such a multitude of machine guns for a single unit—this is utterly insane!" The Russian commanders exclaimed in astonishment.

While the cost of machine guns may not be exorbitant, equipping them necessitated substantial logistical support. The heavy armament would undoubtedly complicate supply lines. From their perspective, the Germans' approach seemed excessively wasteful.

Yet, one could not deny that the presence of numerous machine guns significantly enhanced their firepower—particularly in defense. Despite the Russian troops' fervent assaults, they found themselves utterly ineffective against the overwhelming German firepower; their advances merely amounted to a death sentence.

Indeed, the Russian assault was nothing short of a suicide mission. Under the relentless barrage from the Germans, they could not even breach the defensive lines, let alone hope to break through. The ground was already strewn with a thick carpet of Russian corpses.