Chapter 0239: The Furious Beatty

Amidst the fierce battle, the German naval seaplanes scoured the periphery of the battlefield, enabling them to detect the imminent arrival of the British reinforcements. However, the four 'Iron Duke-class' battleships, which were approaching from the north, lagged behind due to their sluggish speed, thus evading timely detection by the seaplanes.

"The British reinforcements have indeed arrived. They have mobilized nine battlecruisers, approaching from three directions. Clearly, they intend to ensnare us completely!" lamented Vice Admiral Hipper.

"It was only a matter of time before they showed up; had they delayed any longer, the bait would have been devoured entirely. But do the British truly believe that dispatching these nine battlecruisers will suffice to defeat us? Such underestimation is laughable," retorted Vice Admiral Scheer with a scoff.

Indeed, the formidable strength of the German naval fleet rendered a mere nine battlecruisers insufficient to vanquish them. Previous naval encounters had already demonstrated this fact, especially considering the comparatively lackluster combat capability of the British 'Invincible-class' and 'Indefatigable-class' battlecruisers.

"Hasten! We must sink the British 'King George V' and 'Ajax' before we engage their battlecruisers. Let them grasp the vast chasm between our fleets," declared Vice Admiral Hipper, brimming with confidence. Although the British had three more battlecruisers, they still had three powerful 'Derfflinger-class' battlecruisers ready for battle.

The 'Derfflinger-class' battlecruisers, armed with 380mm main guns, boasted formidable firepower and remarkable defenses, enabling them to easily dominate the British vessels.

Vice Admiral Scheer chuckled, envisioning the destruction of the British battlecruisers by their 'Derfflinger-class' counterparts.

"Order all ships to continue firing. Also, report the arrival of British reinforcements to General Scheer," commanded Vice Admiral Scheer.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" 

The six German battlecruisers relentlessly unleashed their firepower. The concentrated barrage rained down upon the two British battleships, subjecting their crews to relentless suffering as they prayed fervently for divine intervention to spare them from destruction.

"Sir, Admiral Beatty has instructed us to hold for another half hour; they will arrive at the battlefield within that time," reported a communications officer to Rear Admiral Carroll.

"Half an hour? Men, if we can endure for just thirty more minutes, victory will be ours. We shall surely eliminate these arrogant Germans," Rear Admiral Carroll breathed a sigh of relief. If the reinforcements arrived on time, their safety would be considerably enhanced. Although the situation was dire, holding out for half an hour seemed feasible.

"Long live the Royal Navy!" The officers and men of the British fleet cheered, feeling a sense of joyous reprieve.

Yet, it seemed that Fate relished in mocking the unwary. Just as the British sailors basked in their moment of elation, tragedy struck.

The 'Ajax' battlecruiser found itself in dire straits, besieged by three 'Blücher-class' battlecruisers. The hull had sustained multiple hits. Although the 'Blücher-class' was equipped with 305mm main guns, their high-velocity shells possessed formidable armor-piercing capabilities, rendering the 'Ajax' battlecruiser's armor ineffective against such potent ordnance.

The 'Ajax' was still afloat purely by luck; otherwise, it might have already sunk.

However, good fortune cannot last forever. Divine protection cannot be relied upon indefinitely.

"Boom! Boom!" 

The 'Von der Tann' battlecruiser had not distinguished itself in this engagement, displaying a lackluster performance that left her crew frustrated.

Yet, as if fortune had suddenly smiled upon them, the 'Von der Tann' achieved a critical hit in this round of fire.

A 305mm shell struck the midsection of the 'Ajax,' penetrating its armor and striking the boiler room. The explosion wrought havoc upon the compartment, unleashing scalding steam that instantly claimed the lives of the British sailors within. Simultaneously, the ship's propulsion suffered greatly, and its speed began to diminish.

"Well done!" Vice Admiral Hipper clapped in delight at the sight.

In the midst of fierce naval combat, a ship deprived of power was as good as dead, especially when besieged by enemies.

Seizing the opportunity, the three 'Blücher-class' battlecruisers intensified their assault on the 'Ajax.' Shells fell like rain around the beleaguered vessel.

Meanwhile, on the 'King George V,' Rear Admiral Carroll shut his eyes in anguish. He knew that the 'Ajax' was doomed.

"Oh God! Is the British Empire truly on the verge of defeat?" Rear Admiral Carroll questioned, grappling with despair. As the maritime hegemon, the British Empire's navy had always held the title of the world's strongest. Yet, since the outbreak of this conflict, the Royal Navy had been continuously suppressed by the German fleet. Although the climactic battle had yet to commence, the Royal Navy had already suffered the loss of three capital ships and now faced the imminent loss of a fourth. In stark contrast, the German navy had yet to lose a single vessel. The disparity was utterly overwhelming.


The 'Ajax' was struck once more; flames engulfed the superstructure as the crew began to abandon ship, resigned to the loss of their vessel.

The 'Ajax' had become a magnet for incoming shells, drawing fire from all directions.

In mere minutes, the 'Ajax' was hit over a dozen times. The weakened hull could withstand no more, shattering under the relentless assault. Within a mere five minutes, this once-mighty battleship slipped beneath the waves.

"Sir, we have just received word that the 'Ajax' has sunk," a staff officer reported to Admiral Beatty aboard the 'Tiger' battlecruiser.

"Damn it! Those accursed Germans have now sunk four of our capital ships. They shall pay in blood for this atrocity!" Admiral Beatty roared in fury.