Chapter 0244: Braving the Challenge

"General, Admiral Beatty has requested that we delay the three German warships, buying time for them to defeat the German fleet of destroyers. Once they achieve victory, they will return to our aid," a communications officer reported to Major General Robertson. 

Major General Robertson's expression shifted repeatedly; the sight of the German Navy's three battleships, armed with 380mm guns, weighed heavily upon him. 

"Damn it, we have no other option now but to confront the Germans head-on. Order all ships to prepare for battle!" Major General Robertson commanded, fully aware that the *Iron Duke*-class battleships were at a disadvantage due to their speed. Their sluggish pace rendered any escape from the pursuit of the German battlecruisers impossible. Thus, apart from fighting valiantly, there seemed to be no other alternative.

"May God protect us and bless the Royal Navy! I hope Admiral Beatty can swiftly defeat the German destroyers," Major General Robertson murmured a silent prayer after issuing his orders. Despite having four *Iron Duke*-class battleships at their disposal, he lacked confidence against the three German *Derfflinger*-class battlecruisers. He had no idea how long they could withstand the onslaught. Had he commanded faster battlecruisers instead of these sluggish battleships, Major General Robertson might have even opted to retreat rather than engage in combat.

Following Major General Robertson's orders, the four *Iron Duke*-class battleships of the British fleet formed a battle line, their 343mm gun turrets rotating to aim at the three approaching *Derfflinger*-class battlecruisers of the German Navy.

Onboard the *Derfflinger*, Vice Admiral Reinhard Scheer wore a slight smile. Although it appeared that the British fleet was preparing for a fierce battle, he felt no trepidation. He possessed unwavering confidence in his ships.

"The British seem to have realized their predicament. With no other choices but to engage us, let us defeat them decisively!" Vice Admiral Scheer declared.

"Order all ships to commence firing once the distance narrows to 15,000 meters. Seaplanes are to provide artillery corrections. Within the hour, we shall send the British battleships to the depths of the sea."

"Yes, Admiral." 

The three German *Derfflinger*-class battlecruisers were likewise poised for battle.

The two battle lines began to converge, the 380mm and 343mm guns trained on their respective targets.

"*Iron Duke* and *Marlborough*, target German Ship One; *Benbow*, engage German Ship Two; *Emperor of India*, focus on German Ship Three." Major General Robertson swiftly assigned strike targets. Naturally, the flagship *Derfflinger* became his primary focus, and he concentrated the firepower of two *Iron Duke*-class battleships on it, hoping to severely damage or sink the German flagship. By doing so, he might find an opportunity to reverse the tide of battle.

Both Vice Admiral Scheer and Major General Robertson were on the same wavelength. With one less ship in the German fleet, it meant that one of their vessels would inevitably be outnumbered by two British warships. Being targeted was expected for the *Derfflinger* as the flagship. However, Vice Admiral Scheer had full faith in its defenses, believing it could withstand an assault from two enemy battleships. Nonetheless, he ordered the *Lützow* and *Hindenburg* to seize the opportunity and sink their opponents. Such a victory would secure their dominance.

The German destroyer fleet and the British battlecruiser formation were now at a standstill. The six German battlecruisers faced off against nine British battlecruisers.

In terms of numbers, the British Navy held a distinct advantage. However, the sinking of the *Lion* had left a profound impression on Admiral Beatty and other British naval officers. They were acutely aware that the German warships were not to be trifled with. Even with their numerical superiority, achieving victory would prove exceedingly challenging.

"*Tiger* will engage the German *Moltke*; *Mary Rose* will face the *Goeben*; *Royal Princess* will combat the *Seydlitz*. *Invincible* and *New Zealand* will tackle the *Blücher*, while *Australia* and *Indefatigable* will confront the *Von der Tann*. We shall emerge victorious this time!" Admiral Beatty declared with unwavering determination.

Admiral Beatty was keenly aware of his fleet's vulnerabilities. The *Lion*-class battleships could hold their own against the German *Moltke-class*, but the *Indefatigable* and *Invincible* were comparatively weaker. Therefore, his strategy of employing two ships against one was the only viable option given their numerical advantage.

Yet, could the *Indefatigable* and *Invincible* truly secure a victory? Even a two-on-one encounter would be exceedingly difficult.

The *Indefatigable*-class battleships displaced only 22,000 tons, equipped with four twin 305mm gun turrets and a maximum speed of 25 knots. The *Invincible*-class, displacing 20,000 tons, similarly boasted four twin 305mm gun turrets and a maximum speed of 25.5 knots. While these classes of battleships possessed commendable firepower and speed, their defenses were woefully inadequate. The thickest side armor of these battleships measured merely 152mm, with turret armor at 177.8mm, command tower armor at 280mm, and deck armor at only a few tens of millimeters. Such defenses would not withstand the devastating fire of the German battleships' main guns, let alone the firepower from cruisers, which posed a lethal threat.