Chapter 0246: A Shattering Blast

"Boom! Boom!"

On the surface of the sea, both fleets were relentlessly exchanging fire, hurling heavy shells at one another with ferocity. Although both sides fielded battlecruisers ill-suited for decisive naval engagements, the intensity of the conflict only escalated.

"God save the British Empire!" exclaimed Vice Admiral David Beatty, fervently praying for divine intervention. Despite the numerical superiority of the British battlecruisers, he felt no confidence in their victory.

Perhaps heaven had heeded his supplications. In this round of test firings, the HMS *Queen Mary* achieved a successful crossfire.

"Splendid work!" Vice Admiral Beatty could not suppress his jubilant cheer upon receiving the news.

However, merely two minutes later, the *Goeben* managed to execute a crossfire against the *Queen Mary*. Both sides were truly evenly matched, locked in a fierce struggle.

As time passed, more ships succeeded in establishing crossfire and commenced concentrated bombardments. This signaled that striking the target was merely a matter of time.

Lady Luck appeared to favor the British, as the first successful hit was scored by the *Invincible* class battlecruiser. A 305 mm shell struck the rear deck of the *Von der Tann*, blasting a sizable hole and igniting a ferocious fire. Fortunately, no further damage was inflicted. Such a minor injury was insignificant for a massive battlecruiser displacing 26,000 tons.

Yet, soon after, the German fleet retaliated. The *Leopold* struck the *Indomitable*. A 305 mm shell slammed into the bow, penetrating the already weak deck armor, causing an explosion within. Several compartments were obliterated, and flames began to spread.

The sailors aboard the *Indomitable* sprang into action, donning gas masks and rushing toward the flames with fire hoses, desperate to extinguish the inferno before it spiraled out of control.

Two minutes later, the *Leopold* scored another hit. A 305 mm shell impacted near the waterline at the stern of the *Indomitable*, shredding through the thin armor as if it were mere paper. The explosion tore a gaping hole in the side of the battlecruiser, and water surged in from the breach.

"Oh God! The *Indomitable* has been hit," one officer exclaimed.

"What is the situation? Are the injuries severe?" Vice Admiral Beatty grew anxious. The battle had only just begun, and the loss of a ship would be catastrophic.

"Admiral, the outlook is grim. The *Indomitable* has sustained a significant breach at the waterline. Damage control is currently underway," reported the staff officer.

"Damn it! How could this happen? Those naval designers should be executed!" Beatty cursed.

He seemed to forget that the British Navy had adopted a design philosophy emphasizing firepower and speed over defense under Sir John Fisher's tenure as First Sea Lord. At that time, the British sought to enhance their naval dominance and safeguard their far-flung colonies, necessitating fast ships with extended range. This rationale had guided their designs for years, and now they were reaping the bitter consequences.

Minutes later, the *Indomitable* reported to the flagship that severe flooding had caused a list in the hull; if they continued fighting and suffered another hit, they would likely sink. The captain requested to withdraw from the battle.

After a moment of contemplation, Vice Admiral Beatty nodded in reluctant agreement. The British Navy was already at a disadvantage, and losing another ship would only exacerbate their plight.

Yet, it was unacceptable to allow the *Indomitable* to fight on while damaged. If it were to sink, the British would forever be short one capital ship.

The heavily damaged *Indomitable* withdrew from the fray, escorted by a destroyer, while the German Navy chose not to pursue. For them, defeating the British fleet remained the primary objective.

"Well, though we could not sink it, forcing it off the battlefield is still a victory. With one less British ship, our pressure diminishes, and our chances of winning increase," smiled Vice Admiral Hipper.

Vice Admiral Scheer nodded in agreement. "Order the *Leopold* to engage the British *Invincible* and neutralize it swiftly."

The German Navy, possessing three fewer capital ships than the British, aimed to sink or severely damage those three British battlecruisers to further secure their advantage.

Despite the British battlecruisers achieving several hits in the ensuing combat, the robust defenses of the German ships meant that the British shells caused only minor damage. In contrast, any successful hit by the German battlecruisers inflicted severe damage on the British vessels, demonstrating the advantages of superior armor.

Though it was now midday, none of the crew could spare a moment for food, all remained intensely focused on the battle, indifferent to their gnawing hunger.

At 12:14 PM, the German *Blücher* battlecruiser successfully struck the British *Dreadnought* during this round of concentrated fire, landing two hits in one go. 

A 305 mm shell pierced the *Dreadnought*'s side armor, carving a large gash in its right flank. Another shell penetrated the number two turret. The turret's meager 180 mm armor proved utterly incapable of withstanding a 305 mm shell. The projectile ruptured the turret's armor and directly compromised the ammunition storage, resulting in a catastrophic explosion.

"Boom!" The thunderous roar of the explosion echoed like a clap of thunder. As the flames and smoke cleared, the *Dreadnought* lay in ruins.