Chapter 0248: Desperation

"General, the *Indian Emperor* has sustained severe damage and lost two main gun turrets," the staff officer reported to Major General Robertson. 

"Damn it!" Major General Robertson's expression was as dark as storm clouds, as if it could rain at any moment. 

The might of the German Navy's *Derfflinger-class* battlecruiser's 380mm main guns was overwhelming; their *Iron Duke-class* battleships simply could not withstand such firepower. 

"I can only hope that General Beatty achieves victory soon. Otherwise, we are doomed," Major General Robertson thought grimly. He realized that defeating three *Derfflinger-class* battlecruisers with just four *Iron Duke-class* battleships was nearly impossible. 


A tremendous explosion reverberated, and Major General Robertson felt as if his body had been hurled into the air. 

"Thud!" He soon crashed to the ground, dazed and disoriented. 

"Damn it, we've been hit. Report the damages!" Major General Robertson scrambled to his feet and demanded loudly. 

Two minutes later, a staff officer approached him with the report: "General, the midship section has been struck, resulting in the loss of two secondary gun mounts. Fortunately, it was above the waterline; otherwise, the consequences would have been catastrophic." 

Major General Robertson exhaled in relief, grateful that the hit occurred on the side, above the waterline. He had no doubt that their weak underwater armor would have crumbled under the terrifying power of the 380mm guns. 

"Damn it! Why hasn't the *Marlborough* landed a hit on the German ships after all this time?" Major General Robertson fumed. Logically, without interference, the *Marlborough* should have found it easier to score a hit. 

"General, the *Marlborough* has completed its targeting and is now commencing concentrated fire. Hitting the German ships is just a matter of time," the staff officer urged. 

"Time? I wish we had the luxury of time. But will the Germans grant us that?" Major General Robertson shouted in fury. 

Indeed, the German Navy would not afford them any respite. 

Five minutes later, the *Hindenburg* once again struck the *Indian Emperor*. A single 380mm shell penetrated the battleship's stern armor, detonating inside the hull. The massive force shattered the drive shaft, rendering the *Indian Emperor* powerless, its speed dwindling rapidly, soon to lie lifeless upon the waves like a dead dog. 

When Major General Robertson received this news, he fell silent, seemingly in disbelief that they were about to lose a battleship so soon. If the *Indian Emperor* sank, they would have no chance left in a three-to-three scenario. 

"Send a telegram to General Beatty. We have done all we can, but the enemy is incredibly powerful; we may not hold out much longer," Major General Robertson commanded. 

"Yes, General." 

"Good, well done, lads. Send a telegram to the *Hindenburg*, instructing them to send that British battleship to the seabed within ten minutes," Admiral Reinhardt Scheer commanded excitedly. He could already envision victory, not just in this naval engagement but in the war itself. 

"Yes, Admiral," the eager communications officer immediately set off to send the message. 

Upon receiving Admiral Scheer's orders, the bombardment from the *Hindenburg* intensified. Heavy shells rained down upon the *Indian Emperor*, as towering columns of water erupted around the stricken vessel. 

The British sailors aboard the *Indian Emperor* seemed to sense their impending fate. Yet, they did not abandon their resistance; they hurriedly fired upon the *Hindenburg* despite the overwhelming odds. 

However, the *Indian Emperor's* actions appeared little more than a desperate struggle for survival. 

Five minutes later, the *Hindenburg* struck the *Indian Emperor* once more. As the latter's speed diminished to near zero, the *Hindenburg* fired nine 380mm shells, successfully hitting three of them in this barrage. 

The *Indian Emperor* split violently in two amid the explosions and rapidly sank beneath the waves. Every sailor aboard perished, swallowed by the depths without a trace. 

"Oh God! The *Indian Emperor* has been sunk!" shocked cries erupted from the *Iron Duke*. 

Major General Robertson's face turned ashen, his silence profound. 

"Excellent. Adjust targeting. The *Lützow* will engage the *Marlborough*, while the *Hindenburg* targets the *Benbow*. Now it's three against three—let's conclude this battle within the hour!" Admiral Reinhardt Scheer commanded with a smile. 

Onboard the *Tiger*, Rear Admiral David Beatty furrowed his brow; the current situation was increasingly unfavorable. He had believed their numerical superiority would suffice to defeat the German fleet, but now it seemed he had underestimated the enemy. 

"General, Major General Robertson reports that the German fleet's 380mm naval guns are formidable; they may not hold out much longer," the communications officer informed him. 

Rear Admiral Beatty frowned: "Tell Major General Robertson to hold out for a bit longer." 

"Yes, sir." 

However, the communications officer returned shortly thereafter. 

"Sir, the *Indian Emperor* has been sunk," the officer reported. 

"What?" Rear Admiral Beatty was taken aback, incredulous. The *Iron Duke-class* battleships were the most powerful in the Royal Navy! Before the deployment of the *Queen Elizabeth-class* and *Revenge-class* battleships, they had been the backbone of the fleet. To have one sunk so quickly indicated that the German Navy was far more formidable than anticipated. The remaining three *Iron Duke-class* battleships would likely not endure much longer either. 

"Let Major General Robertson do his best to hold on; I'll find a solution on my end," Rear Admiral Beatty said anxiously. They seemed to have fallen into an inescapable predicament.