Third Attack

"Hey, snap out of it, Bridget." Spoke to Matthew who was holding his book, reading it using his sense of touch.

He said that because he noticed how Bridget hadn't said a word for a while, instead she was only focusing on the tablet in her hands.

Bridget shook her head and looked at Matthew, "I don't understand. They have been awfully quiet for the past twenty-one days. Why haven't they attacked again?"

That's true, it has been twenty-one days since the last attack of the Segas.

Herself and Matthew have spent two weeks in that new house.

Hudson had brought a doctor who checked Matthew's eyes, and as expected he was almost completely blind.

Hudson even insisted on bringing Matthew to the hospital to get checked up by many different doctors and all of them said the same.

Matthew is 90% blind, which is exactly what the latter had said, which also means he can not be a suspect.