
After the phone call that Bridget received from her dad, she kept staring at Matthew in disbelief for almost five minutes before calming down and walking back inside the kitchen where Matthew was still sitting on the counter, holding his body and smiling shyly.

Tears started to fill her eyes as she gazed at Matthew before engulfing him in a tight bone-crushing hug that startled the latter for a second before he lifted his arms to hug her back with confusion clear on his face "You saved my life again, Matt."

After hearing this Matthew became even more confused, but he just smiled and tightened the hug.

He waited until Bridget could calm down to explain what she was talking about.

After a while, Bridget broke the hug and explained to Matthew what exactly happened and everything the latter said about the Segas being able to break into the police station and kill every single person that stood in their way was completely right,