Chapter 12 – Testing the Simulation Arena

Tian Ling was immersed in the simulation arena when he suddenly remembered the fight he had with Jiang Zenhai.

"Could I defeat him now?" he murmured as he entered the arena.

Looking at the selection screen, he noticed that Jiang Zenhai's cultivation level had increased. He was now at the seventh level of the Foundation, likely trying to break through to the Spiritual Core.

"He still hasn't broken through? My cultivation speed must be good then…" Tian Ling muttered quietly, reflecting on his progress before selecting Jiang Zenhai as his opponent.

Tian Ling was already familiar with the simulations. He knew that when choosing an opponent, they would come at him with full force, without hesitation, using their most powerful techniques. He then prepared himself for the confrontation.

When Jiang Zenhai appeared before him, his aura was aggressive, and his intentions deadly. However, to Tian Ling, his movements seemed slow, as if he were trapped in an invisible web. Without hesitation, Jiang attacked, but Tian Ling dodged easily, moving like lightning. The gap between their power levels was obvious.

Before Jiang could even comprehend what was happening, Tian Ling counterattacked with a precise palm strike. The force was devastating. Jiang was sent flying back, his body disintegrating like dust in the wind. The battle didn't last more than a single breath.

The difference between realms is truly impressive, Tian Ling thought, satisfied with himself as a light sense of pride filled him. He could hardly believe that, not too long ago, Jiang Zenhai had been one of his most formidable opponents.

Tian Ling remained in the simulation arena for an entire year, constantly challenging the sect master. Although he was always suppressed, with each battle, he gained more resilience and experience. His movements became more refined and precise, and with each fight, he felt closer to surpassing even the sect master.

"I've gained enough combat experience. I think it's time to focus on cultivation again," he murmured to himself, determined.

With a quick thought, he summoned the system: "Status." A familiar screen appeared before his eyes:

[Name: Tian Ling

Age: 43

Race: Mortal

Realm: First Level of the Spiritual Core (Perfect)

Spiritual Root: High Grade

Techniques: Path of the Internal Flow

Skills: Tempestuous Heavenly Sword (Spiritual Grade), Celestial Light Steps

Equipment: Spiritual Glide Boots (Spiritual Grade), Dividing Sword (Earth Grade), Earth Bracelet

Lineage: Mediocre]

The word "perfect" intrigued him. How could he have reached such a state in so little time? Although he knew this was something good, he couldn't help but wonder about the future implications. However, he quickly brushed off those doubts and returned to his cultivation, determined to advance further.

Meanwhile, at the Palace of Elder Mei Lianhua, she was seated on her mat, deeply immersed in thought.

How has this boy evolved so quickly? The pressure of his aura was far greater than someone who had just broken through to the Spiritual Core... Mei Lianhua could hardly believe what her senses had picked up the last time she saw Tian Ling.

Hours passed as she pondered. Should she speak with the sect master? But in the end, she decided to watch in silence. Mei Lianhua had always been a reserved person, keeping her distance from the other elders, and she preferred to handle situations like this on her own.

Two years passed quickly. Tian Ling opened his eyes and frowned, feeling a growing unease. Something was wrong. In all that time, he had only advanced to the second level of the Spiritual Core.

"Have I hit a bottleneck?" he murmured to himself, his voice filled with doubt.

"No... that can't be it…"

He quickly began circulating his spiritual Qi throughout his body, searching for any irregularities. The Qi flowed perfectly until it reached the center of his body. That was when he noticed something unusual: nine cores surrounding his central core.

"Nine cores? And why are they different colors?" he asked himself, a mix of shock and confusion taking over his mind.

Suddenly, he felt one of the cores begin to fill with spiritual Qi. It was a strange, almost surreal sensation. Each of the nine cores radiated a different type of energy, and after a few moments of reflection, Tian Ling concluded that he would need to fill each of these elemental cores in order to break through to the next realm.

He opened his eyes slowly, his gaze focused. As he analyzed the Qi around him, he realized there were no traces of the elements he needed. Each of the nine cores corresponded to an element: Wood, Wind, Fire, Thunder, Water, Ice, Earth, Mist, and Magma. But how would he find the Qi needed to fill them?

Confused and somewhat helpless, Tian Ling decided to seek guidance from his master.

He flew to Mei Lianhua's palace, and upon arriving, he immediately knelt down, clasping his hands in a respectful gesture.

"The disciple greets the master."

"Speak, what has happened?" she asked, her voice calm yet filled with expectation.

"Master, I've hit a bottleneck in my cultivation and need guidance," he replied.

"A bottleneck? I assume it's elemental Qi?" she asked, as if she already knew what he would say.

"The master already knew?" Tian Ling was surprised.

"Everyone who reaches the Spiritual Core experiences this. Tell me, what is your element?" Mei Lianhua asked, curious, expecting a common answer.

"Wood, Wind, Fire, Thunder, Water, Ice, Earth, Mist, and Magma."

"What?!" Mei Lianhua completely lost her composure upon hearing this, her surprise clear in every expression on her face.

Having so many elements was both incredibly rare and complex. While it promised immense power after the breakthrough, the cultivation process would be absurdly difficult. Nine cores meant nine times the challenge.

Regaining her composure, Mei Lianhua looked at Tian Ling with seriousness.

"Our sect has mystical realms specific to each element. You can use them for cultivation. Choose the realm you prefer and begin," said the elder, still surprised by the revelation.

Tian Ling bowed respectfully before taking his leave of his master. As he departed, he pondered to himself: Which element should I cultivate first? Or perhaps I should test the simulation arena again...

Tian Ling decided to enter the simulation arena one more time, but this time his goal was not just to face the sect master. He wanted to see how far he could push his combat abilities, refine his techniques, and maybe, discover something new about his own potential.

As the arena materialized around him, he wasted no time and selected the sect master as his opponent, knowing that this simulation would bring him the necessary challenge. Soon, the imposing figure of the sect master appeared before him, his posture commanding and his aura overwhelming.

Tian Ling took a deep breath. He had faced this figure many times before, but now, after his recent advancements, he felt that something was different. This time will be different... this time, I will hold my ground.

Without a word, the sect master advanced, his sword slicing through the air with lethal precision. Tian Ling dodged just in time, feeling the wind of the blade pass by his face. Every movement of the master was a precise and devastating dance, but Tian Ling, with his enhanced reflexes, began to see the patterns in the attacks.

He quickly counterattacked with the "Tempestuous Heavenly Sword," launching a direct strike. To his surprise, the master blocked it with ease, his sharp gaze revealing no weakness. The difference in power was still apparent, but Tian Ling was now able to stand his ground, unlike in previous fights.

The clash between the two intensified, with spiritual sparks flying at each collision of their swords. Tian Ling began to feel the pressure of the fight, but something inside him seemed to be awakening. He decided to change his approach.

Instead of relying solely on brute force, he started using "Celestial Light Steps," disappearing and reappearing around the master, creating quick illusions and making it harder for him to predict Tian Ling's attacks. Every time he appeared at a new point, he launched a fast and precise attack, attempting to catch the master off guard.

The technique seemed to work, as the master, though powerful, hesitated slightly in his movements. Tian Ling saw a small opening and didn't waste the chance. He concentrated his Qi into a single point and unleashed his sword with full force, aiming at the master's exposed side.

The impact was direct, but the master blocked at the last second, being pushed back a few meters. Although still superior, Tian Ling knew the master had felt the blow. For the first time, he had managed to move him with force.

Panting, Tian Ling smiled. I'm improving, he thought.

However, he knew he couldn't let his guard down. The sect master recovered quickly, and with a fluid motion, unleashed a powerful wave of Qi, forcing Tian Ling to raise a barrier. The impact sent him flying back, making him fall to his knees.

Even so, Tian Ling stood up, more determined than ever. The exhaustion was beginning to weigh on him, but he knew that every second in that simulation was making him stronger. After a few tense moments, he made a bold decision: instead of continuing to fight, he decided to test a technique he had recently refined, combining the use of the sword with his "Celestial Light Steps," creating an unpredictable attack.

He launched himself toward the master, disappearing and reappearing at various points around him, until he finally found another opening. With a fluid motion, he struck, catching the master by surprise.

This time, the master visibly recoiled, and Tian Ling knew he had made significant progress. Although he wasn't at the level to win yet, he was closer than ever.

When the simulation dissolved, a satisfied smile spread across his face. It's not enough yet... but I'm getting closer.

Standing up, he exited the arena, his mind now focused on a single goal: Now I'm ready to begin cultivating magma Qi.