Chapter 22 – Evolution in the Simulation Arena

Tian Ling returned to the Misty Serene Sect, gazing down at the vast island where the Mythical Realm vortexes were located. A gentle breeze caressed his face as he admired the place that now seemed small compared to his growth.

"Seventh level of the Spiritual Core Realm," he murmured, feeling the energy coursing through his body. "What an amazing sensation. But, as I thought, I don't feel like I'm about to break through... Maybe, once I complete all my cores, I'll reach the ninth level." His expression brightened with restrained excitement.

Determined to test his newfound abilities, Tian Ling quickly returned to his cave dwelling, crossing his legs in a lotus position to enter the simulation arena. He felt the familiar energy envelop him, and without hesitation, selected the sect master as his opponent.

"This time, things will be different..." he muttered with determination.

As the arena formed, the sect master appeared before him, as imposing as ever. Tian Ling wasted no time. Using the Celestial Light Movements, he launched himself toward his opponent, closing the distance in the blink of an eye. The sword in his hand gleamed with power as he executed a devastating strike.

"Stormy Heavens Sword!" he roared, channeling all his strength into the attack.

The sect master defended the blow skillfully, but the impact pushed him back a few steps. Tian Ling noticed a small crack in the energy shield surrounding the master.

"Tsk, it's still not enough..." he thought, but, satisfied, he realized that this time, he had caused some damage. "At least he was pushed back... he even looks slightly hurt."

Without giving the sect master time to react, Tian Ling activated the Celestial Light Movements again, disappearing like a shadow and reappearing next to his opponent. With lightning speed, he prepared his next attack, determined to keep the pressure on.

However, before he could strike, the sect master finally moved, and the pressure in the arena shifted. The atmosphere around the master distorted, and an oppressive energy began to gather around him. Tian Ling immediately felt the difficulty rise. He tried to use the Celestial Light Movements once more but was interrupted by an invisible wall of energy.

"Looks like I underestimated the master again..." he thought, his mind racing for a solution.

Tian Ling took a step back, breathing deeply to regain his focus. The arena, though a simulation, felt increasingly real with the intense pressure building around the sect master. He knew he needed to be more strategic if he wanted to win.

He stepped back a few more paces, feeling the pressure mount as the sect master closed in, surrounding him with overwhelming energy. His earlier attacks had made an impact, but they were still not enough to defeat the master. He realized he needed to rethink his approach.

"I can't rely on brute force alone... I have to use everything I've learned so far," he thought, feeling the flow of Qi within his body.

He took a deep breath, stabilizing his posture and activating the Celestial Light Movements once again. His body became as agile as a shadow, moving with impressive speed. Tian Ling knew he couldn't allow the master any room to counter. In a swift motion, he closed in, and this time, instead of attacking directly, he prepared the Celestial Palm.

Concentrating his Qi into his hand, he launched the palm strike with precision, targeting a vulnerable point in the master's defense. The technique relied not just on power, but control, and Tian Ling focused all his energy on breaking through the opponent's guard.

The palm struck the sect master with a resounding impact, forcing him to retreat. The energy shield around him flared up brightly, but Tian Ling noticed a small crack in the barrier. He didn't hesitate.

"Stormy Heavens Sword!" he shouted, channeling the remainder of his Qi into the blade. The sword gleamed intensely as he unleashed the attack with all his remaining strength.

The strike pierced through the master's defense, shattering the protective shield. The impact pushed the master backward, his figure trembling under the force of the attack. Tian Ling knew this was his chance.

Without giving the master time to recover, he used the Celestial Light Movements to attack once more, landing the Celestial Palm directly on the sect master's chest.

The simulation reacted. The master's body wavered and finally dissolved, disintegrating into pure energy. The pressure around Tian Ling vanished, signaling his victory.

Tian Ling dropped to his knees, panting. His body was exhausted, sweat dripping down his face. But despite the fatigue, a smile formed on his lips.

The system echoed in his mind suddenly:

[Simulation complete: Victory. Time elapsed: 23 minutes]

"It's still too long, but this is the best I can do against a True Soul Realm at the eighth level. Who would have thought a Spiritual Core could defeat a True Soul..."

After catching his breath and calming his mind, Tian Ling stood up. He still felt the weight of his victory over the sect master in the simulation, but he knew he couldn't get complacent. The next step in his cultivation was clear: he needed to advance to the Mythical Realm of Earth and fill his spiritual core with Earth Qi.

Wasting no time, Tian Ling left his cave dwelling and headed to the top of the island, where the Mythical Realm vortexes were located. A cold breeze wrapped around him as he watched the vortexes spin slowly, each leading to a mystical domain where the elements of nature could be cultivated in their purest form.

"It's time to fill the Earth Spiritual Core," he murmured to himself, feeling the energy in his body align with the next challenge.

Tian Ling took a step forward and, with a graceful leap, crossed into the vortex that would take him to the Mythical Realm of Earth. The sensation of transition was instantaneous, as if time and space warped around him. When he opened his eyes, he found himself standing before a vast, imposing desert of mountains and deep valleys.

Suddenly, a familiar message sounded in his mind:

[You have entered the Mythical Realm of Earth. Monitoring Earth Qi absorption: 0%]

Tian Ling felt a small smile form on his lips as he heard the system's voice.

"The Mythical Realm of Earth..." he murmured, taking in the surroundings. The ground beneath his feet pulsed with dense and stable energy, connecting him directly to the essence of the earth.

"Earth Qi is unlike any I've cultivated before... strong, but calm." Tian Ling closed his eyes for a moment, absorbing the sensation of the energy surrounding him.

He knew the process would be long, but he was ready. Sitting on a large, flat rock, Tian Ling crossed his legs in a lotus position and began to channel his Qi. The earth's energy around him began to move slowly, converging towards his body as if responding to his call.

"Reaching 100% of the Earth Spiritual Core won't be easy, but I'm ready..." he thought, as he entered deep meditation.

As the Earth Qi flowed into his body, he felt its dense and heavy energy merging with his spiritual core, bringing a sense of unwavering strength. With each breath, he became more connected to the element, slowly filling his core with a solidity that was unique to Earth Qi.


Author's Note:

Hey everyone! I'm curious to know your opinion on a possible future chapter. Would you prefer a fully detailed +18 scene, or would you rather have a more subtle and ambiguous approach to any intimate moments? Let me know what you'd like to see!